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2006.03.21 Excellence Roundtable: Steven Fong, Dean, KSU College of ArchitectureSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 03/16/2006 - 22:16.
03/21/2006 - 11:30 03/21/2006 - 13:30 Etc/GMT-4
Join Steven Fong, the charter Dean of the Kent State College of Architecture and Environmental Design, for a March 21, 2006 Excellence Roundtable at their Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (CUDC - Steven will share his vision on his college, CUDC, Cleveland, NEO, and urban and regional planning here - we shall discuss the future of planning NEO's future. Steven just moved here from Toronto, starting at Kent December 1, 2005, so this will be the first chance for most of us to explore with him issues in this region. We will certainly discuss specific planning initiatives now in progress at CUDC, and you'll have the opportunity to tour the facility and see many projects in design and presentation. The Kent State University Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (CUDC) is located at 820 Prospect. There should be ample meter parking in the area, and this is just a short walk from Tower City and much mass transit... great historic restoration setting and space - we'll have lunch catered by Alesci's so there'll be pizza, salad, etc - we'll make sure vegetarians are covered well, too - plan to throw $5-10 into the kitty to help pay the cost of lunch, if you may... feel free to bring a brownbag, beverage, etc. Very limited space available so let us know ASAP if you plan to join us for this exciting discussion... email Ed Hauser at ed [at] realinks [dot] us Steven Fong is the charter dean of Kent State University’s College of Architecture and Environmental Design. Fong, a former chair of the Programme in Architecture at the University of Toronto, has taught in the graduate-level urban design program and currently is coordinator for the integrated building technology studio.
“Steven Fong is a widely respected and innovative educator, researcher, architect and urban designer,” Gaston says. “He is an outstanding choice to lead the new college in its challenging mission of enriching the physical environment and quality of life in northeast Ohio.” “Particularly impressive is Mr. Fong’s mix of academic and professional accomplishments,” says Kent State President Carol A. Cartwright . “His background will be essential as our architecture faculty, students and graduates continue to help communities and organizations re-invent themselves for the new century.”
Fong has received wide recognition during his more than 25 years of academic and professional experience. At the University of Toronto, his research has included investigating new digital modes of communicating urban design densities and exploring architectural fabrication. He also serves on the university’s Planning and Academic Board. Since establishing his professional practice in Toronto in 1989, Fong has consulted on prominent urban design projects in Toronto and throughout the world. He is a graduate of the School of Architecture at Cornell University.
Kent State’s College of Architecture and Environmental Design, the only architectural program in Northeast Ohio, provides students with a comprehensive education for practice in the field and also serves as a major center for research. The university’s Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative combines the outreach efforts of the Urban Design Center of Northeast Ohio with the college’s graduate studies program in urban design.
For more information on the program, visit the College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s Web site. ABOUT THE NEO EXCELLENCE ROUNDTABLE:
We're nurturing face to face visioning and so have revived a tradition of roundtable lunches (usually at the City Club on select Tuesdays between 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM) where non-hierarchical area innovation champions break bread and brainstorm. The Roundtable format is casual and conversational - to join us, please contact coordinator Ed Hauser at norm [at] realinks [dot] us.
Each attendee is expected to pay for your own meal - for the CUDC Roundtable we expect the cost to be less less than $10 - if that is a barrier to you attending, please join us regardless and we'll cover the difference... (if you can contribute more, please do). Location
Kent State University Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative
820 Prospect Ave. 2nd floor - buzzer by door - above winking lizard
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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This will be amazing!!!!!
Without even knowing Steven Fong, I can tell you this will be an amazing Roundtable. In addition to offering a good look at the CUDC, and time brainstorming with their folks, you can be sure everyone here will be very focused on optimizing the urban planning process in NEO, and there are several big projects that will receive ample attention. Expect to leave engaged to act on specific outcomes... you can discover the rest in real NEO.
Like to attend the CUDC Roundtable
This sounds exciting and something I can learn a lot from. I'd like to attend.
Alex P. Michaels
Expanding the Knight Movie Studio Incubator
Will be discussing Media Arts Center
No doubt you should attend, William, as Kent is very supportive of a Media Arts Center in NEO, and developing the Film Industry here - CUDC's David Reed was at the Film Roundtable and has taken the ideas we discussed to higer levels throughout the community... that's the advantage of knowing the urban planners who plan NEO... now you're on the plan. See you Tuesday.
Sorry I missed it
I have been juggling way too much lately. I hate to have missed this. So much to do and so little time.
Alex P. Michaels
Creating the Digital Media Technology Industry
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