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Possibilites for Wind Power in NEOSubmitted by More Better on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 10:47.
Post thoughts and comments regarding Wind power as alternative energy resource for NEO
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$500 personal wind turbine
requires 7mph winds but generates 400W at 28mph. comes with a 3 year warranty to boot!
wonder how a bank of these would function on top of the Caxton building??
Even better - let's take the Media Arts Center off grid
I can suggest an even easier and more dramatic demonstration site - we're planning to put the Media Arts Center in the Gillota Building on the Central Viaduct. This 6 story building has good height on a ridge without any real obstruction coming off the Cuyahoga River Valley. While I'm sure the wind is not as strong as on the lake but it's got to be some of the most direct wind exposure in town. Across the viaduct we also have the fire station and Fire Museum... they'd be interested in advanced energy concepts. Imagine getting as much of that off the grid as possible... the whole viaduct is already isolated by major roadways so it is like an island.
Since Bernadette Gillita is driving the development of the media arts center, and her family owns this optimal building for that, we are proceeding putting the center there. KSU CUDC is helping - lots of cool partnerships developing - let's get working on the green piece. Why not start with as much off the grid as possible - the NEOMAC won't need much power to start so a few of those $500 wind turbines could probably cover all power needs for the first phases of the development... and it would be easy to isolate the NEOMAC from the rest of the power grid within the building, so it would truly be off grid. We can plan further green excellence in to all stages thenafter, but let's start right from the beginning (also - high visibility site to show off a wind turbine!!!).
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wind power texas
To meet the fast-growing demand for clean wind power in North America, Siemens has opened a new 30,000-square-meter turbine blade manufacturing facility in Fort Madison.
Gillota is a Good Driver
Glad that Bernadette is driving the Media Center. Her film fest is one of the true champions of indie filmmakers here in the city and has provided a great outlet for a lot of movies (I've shown stuff there a few times). We need as many positive things going on in the city as possible related to the film industry. I'm putting the final touches on my studio right now and if you need anything, let me know. She's a Great Driver and with the Ohio Independent Film Festival being really suppportive of indie filmmakers, I am sure the Media Center will be just as supportive.
Alex P. Michaels
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