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Susan Miller's bloglast night in front of the Hanna BuildingSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 07/21/2007 - 13:37.
dance video of the day - all playSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 07/21/2007 - 08:49.
All Play are a dance theatre company who perform in any setting, teach workshops to a large range of participants and choreograph original work on any group.
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more waterSubmitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 16:28.
Submitted by Susan Miller on July 20, 2007 - 2:56pm.
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Love letters for the Breuer TowerSubmitted by Susan Miller on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 04:09.
Here in Cuyahoga County we do have some arts leaders who are not holding their cards. Al Albano like others sent a letter when the news of this Breuer business came out. Didn't see it? It wasn't published -- here it is. Thanks Al! Attached are letters from the Museum of Modern Art and The National Building Museum as well.
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Hunt in ClevelandSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 12:29.
Hunt Construction of Indiana builds in Cleveland: They built Jacobs Field (Cleveland Indians) and Cleveland Browns Stadium -- the one with the leak at the Chesney Concert this weekend. They built at Case, too.
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA - Hunt Construction Group construction management and general contracting firm has named Mike Fratianni as their new Executive Vice President/Division Manager of Midwest operations. Mr. Fratianni will reside in Hunt's Indianapolis office. His primary responsibilities include profit/loss, client satisfaction, ensuring that all projects controlled by the Indianapolis division are properly staffed and managed through the executive management personnel reporting directly to him, as well as business development systems and marketing advancement for the Midwest Region. He was promoted to Project Manager in 1995 on the Van Andel Arena (Grand Rapids, Michigan), and then Construction Manager in 1997 on the Cleveland Browns Stadium. Peter B. Lewis Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH (Completed Project)
A new 150,000 SF graduate level facility which features classrooms, computer rooms, and offices. ( categories: )
questions about the medmart/convention centerSubmitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 19:56.
I found this old article Construction Trades Muscle Pols On Convention Center by Roldo Bartimole while searching for the history of the convention center biznas in CC.
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Solar Conference in ClevelandSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 19:09.
photo by U NO HU Today Jeff Buster and I attended the free public day of the American Solar Energy Society Conference at the Cleveland Convention Center. It was a fascinating array of gadgets and applications of solar and wind, batteries, generators, inverters, batteries, reflectors and pumps -- even the County energy efficiency guy was there and a representative of the electrician's union who said Cleveland area electricians are keen on seeing incentives drive solar and wind installations in the region. The best news though was heard as we left at the end of the day; Green Energy Ohio's indefatigable Fletcher Miller (on right hand in photo above) was speaking with a (the big) guy from Palo Alto California who had asked why the conference was in Cleveland. Fletcher replied that it was the excitement on the ground and noted that Ohio has more members of ASES than any other state and that the on-the-ground excitement caused the choice of our fair city. It paid off. Fletcher said that the conference had already doubled the number of attendees over last year's conference in Denver--Denver 1,600/Cleveland 3,200. Fletcher also applauded John Funk's coverage in the PD such as Ohio needs an advanced energy policy, Forecast: sun, wind at downtown events and Energy answers in the wind, sun "These two trends, climate destabilization and oil depletion, are matters of science, not conjecture."Bradley Collins,the executive director of the American Solar Energy Society. So here's a shout out to Cleveland and Cuyahoga County and the rest of the state -- let's get busy and get wind and solar going -- the problem was pointed up by a lawyer from the London office of Squire Sanders who specializes in wind turbine installation -- the hold up in Ohio -- no Renewable Portfolio Standard.
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golf inquirySubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 06/24/2007 - 11:03.
This is an interesting perspective on golf courses in todays NYTimes: A Fairway View, but the Window Is Often BrokenI wonder if golf courses are still using gallons of herbicide, pesticide and fertilizers (the stuff that encourages the algal blooms in our Doan Brook for example). I wonder if this would be so for the proposed golf course slated for the lakefront in the City of Cleveland's Lakefront plan. I also wonder if golf courses have become connected to the green movement as far as conservation easements. Could for example, Shaker or Canterbury Golf Clubs have conservation easements, so that we could be assured that if the owners sold the property, these greenspaces would not be developed with town houses and new urbanist developments. Here's an instructive article:
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preservationSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 14:54.
Why are we so behind in Northeast Ohio when it comes to preservation? Two articles converged onto my conciousness this week in the midst of an attempt to save the Breuer from destruction. Brooklyn Waterfront Called Endangered Sitehere's a quote: “The buildings really represent an important part of Brooklyn’s heritage, and it would be a tragedy to lose it,” Richard Moe, president of the trust, said in an interview. “We’re very concerned that there’s such a rush on to demolish everything.” and Great Architecture Finds a Home in Indianahere's a quote: "Columbus (Indiana) is a small town (population 39,000) that just happens to have the most incredible collection of modern architecture in the Midwest (outside Chicago, of course). Everyone from Eliel Saarinen and his son, Eero, to Deborah Berke and Richard Meier has worked there, designing so many schools, churches and libraries that, at least in theory, you can’t walk a single block without stumbling on an elegant glass-and-concrete building or a house of worship soaring like a Euclidean fantasy. “You actually have to see it to believe it,” wrote Christopher Porter, a reader." Ways to celebrate preserve protect Breuer TowerSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 09:47.
Marcel Breuer World Monument Fund launches Modernism at Risk ( categories: )
GOVERNMENT WATCHDOG GROUP GETS $1000 FROM ANONYMOUS DONORSubmitted by Susan Miller on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 23:32.
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dance video of the day Kathy RoseSubmitted by Susan Miller on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 08:27.
You can find lots of video of Kathy Rose on You Tube ( categories: )
audio tutus return 15 years laterSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 06/10/2007 - 10:18.
I encourage everyone to see the return of Maubrey's audio clothing to Cleveland. Back in the day, the Performance Art Fest and Rep Project were hot topics. Now long in the past, it is good to see Ingenuity hauling out some art and technology collaborations that are still interesting 15 years later. By the way, these were the only tutus Rep Project ever wore. The toe shoes, you might be wondering? We torched them in 1989, like so many bras burned in the 1960s, we had no use for them. The event took place on what is now a parking area just west of SPACES Gallery. Yep, we were a scrappy lot dedicated to new horizons for dance in Northeast Ohio. I still see glimpses of hope for the postmoderns here in NEO, but only glimpses. The majority of the audience seems mired in Taylorism, insipid as it is. Ingenuity offers a chance to revisit, check out and get tuned into what has been going on in dance for the last uh... 40 years. Get with it NEO, the dance world has passed by here skipping over Cleveland like so many bits of detritus between NYC, Oberlin, Cincinnati, Columbus and Chicago. Here's more: Sound Junctions Also see Troika Ranch -- who despite rumor made their Northeast Ohio debut at Oberlin College (go figure) years ago. Thank you, Carter McAdams.
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Breuer Building on World Monuments Watch ListSubmitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 06/06/2007 - 15:53.
The Central Library in Grosse Point Michigan designed by Marcel Breuer made it onto the World's Most Endangered Monuments list for 2008. Here's an except: "Main Street Modern: Buildings of the recent past that lack a consensus on preservation but are considered worth saving by the monuments fund include Paul Rudolph's Riverview High School, built in 1957 in Sarasota, Fla., and Marcel Breuer's Grosse Pointe Public Library, built in 1953 in Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich." from the AP today titled, "Warming threatens cultural gems". Yeah, here in Cleveland it is not warming that threatens our Main Street Moderns; it's lack of foresight.
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dance video of the day - motionhouseSubmitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 06/04/2007 - 07:34.
Here's a spot of dance to get your week in motion. Motionhouse The work is called "Driven". If you enjoyed Wired Aerial, you will be interested to stay with this one for a bit till they get hooked up. It reminds me of a story my husband told about parasailing in the Bahamas. Once in the harness attached to the chute he asked what happened next and the guy beside him on the platform said, "Take two steps and fly, mon!" ( categories: )
A Bottle Bill for Ohio -- Catching up with the progressiveSubmitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 05/28/2007 - 08:34.
In Sunday's NYTimes ran this article about Bottle Bills:
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city ethics commissionSubmitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 05/25/2007 - 19:34.
Wow! Check this out! Los Angeles has a City Ethics Commission! Do we have one and the link is not posted? I don't see it in our city website... we need one for the county government, too!
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shrinking city shrinking port?Submitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 05/25/2007 - 12:21.
Check this port related news! Here's a wild idea... let someone else take that cargo. If we were to have Great Lakes only shipping, how much activity will that be - that is my question. ( categories: )
keep your eye on the RTASubmitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 08:49.
The RTA has awarded a commision to local artist Murphy Ajayi. Board approves Park-N-Ride expansion, Puritas Station public artCLEVELAND –At today’s Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Board of Trustees meeting, members of the Board authorized a contract to expand the North Olmsted Park-N-Ride lot, and approved a $176,000 public art project for the new Puritas Rapid Station. ( categories: )
art of the daySubmitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 06:49.
![]() Who is the artist and where is this public art located?
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asphalt gardeningSubmitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 06:28.
Two sisters who recently returned from Portland, Oregon and Brooklyn, New York, have begun an asphalt garden in a lot on Stanard, one block south of St. Clair Avenue behind the Goodrich Gannet Center. Map Here’s their plan:
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water vs petrol/ corn here vs corn thereSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 13:52.
I stopped into the very end of David Morgenthaler's talk at CSU a few weeks ago. When I arrived I heard Phil Lane step to the mic to ask Morgenthaler if he was investing his venture capital in second tier carbon trading markets. Lane went onto describe sustainable businesses and innovations like his own innovation which he said is being built somewhere (not Cleveland) currently -- a car that gets 100 mpg. While Morgenthaler indicated that he did not have an interest in investing in carbon trading, he did say that he was interested in knowing more about Lane's auto invention.
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wind turbine dance videoSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 04/07/2007 - 00:11.
It is easy to see why this might be difficult from onboard a barge. It must have been an amazing dance out there in the southwest where there are the massive farms Jeff pictured here on realneo.
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water waterSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 04/01/2007 - 13:53.
How did we miss this important event when we live right next to a huge body of fresh water? There is nothing I can find in the local media, no proclamations from our water department, no speeches from our local leaders…
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dance video of the day Neil on a rollSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 13:41.
Neil Nisbet is masterful with this camera and getting the video up on the site for all to see. What a great service he does for dance company's in the UK and Europe! Thanks Neil! The latest installment is Verve. (not Verb) ( categories: )
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