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Susan Miller's bloga holiday tale for the realneo communitySubmitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 12/22/2008 - 18:50.
Take a journey out of the realneo and into the quite unreal Gloucester with Beatrix Potter's The Tailor of Gloucesterone of our favorite stories at Christmastime ( categories: )
things Ed was thinking aboutSubmitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 12/19/2008 - 21:44.
Attached are minutes from an October 2007 meeting of City of Cleveland Planning, Cleveland Cuyahoga County Port Authority, URS and US Army Corps of Engineers. Ed had these issues in mind (among numerous others) when he left us. Let's catch up a bit. Can anoyone give an update as to how these questions have been addressed more than a year later? Highlights include: ( categories: )
Highway Infrastructure questions for NEOSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 12/13/2008 - 11:31.
Steve Litt writes about transportation issues and Obama's infrastructure funding in NEO in today's PD: ( categories: )
Hannah Arendt, 1:9:90 rule and greening the citySubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 10:37.
"Revolutionaries do not make revolutions. The revolutionaries are those who know when power is lying in the street and then they can pick it up." - Hannah Arendt
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dance video of the day - igniteSubmitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 11:44.
If you're feeling cold, here's a little video from Irven Lewis to start your blood flowing: click here to Ignite ( categories: )
the real opportunity corridorSubmitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 12/01/2008 - 14:20.
shiba inu loveSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 11/23/2008 - 14:32.
these pups are about as cute as they can get... except for my sleepy pup who just lifted her head with a look that says "what did you just type over there?!?"
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“I speak in a gentle voice, with facts.”Submitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 10:54.
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learning from BuffaloSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 16:12.
Saving Buffalo’s Untold Beauty by Nicolai Ourousoff
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Rest in Peace Citizen HauserSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 15:36.
Ed Hauser died suddenly November 14, 2008. Northeast Ohio has lost its most ardent, studied and tenacious citizen activist. Information regarding funeral arrangements will be in the Plain Dealer tomorrow.
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Fast FriendsSubmitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 07:11.
While in New Hampshire I visited a dog racetrack in Hinsdale - Southern New Hampshire right on the border of the state that just outlawed greyhound racing. Inside the closed-for-the season track a handful of people gathered around poker and craps tables in dingy surroundings. But my sister and I were not looking for a game, we were looking for Fast Friends. ( categories: )
sprawlitis and shopocalypseSubmitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 08:56.
"At this point, with this economy, it doesn't make sense," she said of more shopping centers. ( categories: )
checking the pulse of the architecture industrySubmitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 10:30.
If any architects are reading this blog, here's a survey for you: Checking the Pulse of the Architecture Industry from Archinect. I'll be interested to read the results in a future Archinect newsletter. ( categories: )
student art - VOTESubmitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 11:27.
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if you build it will they come?Submitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 19:52.
"Ticket booths closed and cobwebs covering the doors, the Pyramid sits ghostly quiet." Photo: Ángel Franco/The New York Times ( categories: )
Change your middle name to HusseinSubmitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 08:43.
Got this message from a neighbor/longtime colleague, David Budin: "Last week I sent a message jokingly suggesting that we all change our middle names to Hussein until November 4. I mean, I thought I was joking. Then a lot of people e-mailed back and said they were actually doing that -- and they were forwarding my message to their friends, etc. ( categories: )
peel me a grapeSubmitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 16:03.
Imagine our new juvenile justice center surrounded by vineyard. In winter these little gnarly crosses in matrix gracing the portage escarpment where the eastern plateau rolls downhill sometimes gently, sometimes precipitously toward the river valley. Imagine the summer while the hillside would be green with grape leaves...
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real estate planning for Cleveland in 2008 - or what are they thinking?Submitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 12:42.
This news from NYC: Failed Deals Replace Boom in New York Real Estate
and there's this news: Under Strain, Cities Are Cutting Back Projects
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dance video of the day - social dancing and the economySubmitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 11:30.
Vernon and Irene Castle popularized ballroom dancing in the early 20th Century - those were high times. From the definitive text on the subject of the Dance Marthons of the 1920 and 30s, Carol Martin ( categories: )
dance video of the day - on buildingsSubmitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 06:59.
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dance video of the day - learning about the processSubmitted by Susan Miller on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 07:56.
YESTERDAY Photo by Alastair Muir Dancer: Mafalda Deville see more ( categories: )
Palin pollSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 09:14.
Please take a minute to take this poll There's one question: Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as Vice President of the United States?
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the critic who dared to criticizeSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 08:27.
Cleveland Orchestra 2008-09 season a feast of musical riches by Donald Rosenberg / Plain Dealer Music Critic Sunday September 21, 2008, 12:00 AM
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Lose your house, lose your voteSubmitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 09/18/2008 - 12:32.
An interesting story from Michigan: Lose your house, lose your vote I wonder if that will be the same for Ohio voters who are in foreclosure. Does anyone know?
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where will we find the energy?Submitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 09/15/2008 - 10:28.
This morning two news stories approached an intersection in my mind - the energy intersection. ( categories: )
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