2011 St. Patrick's Day Memory
Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sat, 03/19/2011 - 10:57.
The St. Patrick's Day Parade was delightful this year... one of the most awesome "FREE" events that our citizens enjoy....
My favorite moment was seeing this Flag wave above the crowds and taking a moment to really appreciate being an American... taking a pause to remember those who've gave all along the way.... As this flag waved high and mighty, citizens walked about hastily seeking their next destination. Spectators were all over the Soldier's Monument near the flag. Police were frenzying around the area reacting to countless little disturbances and the firemen where busy hoisting the flag. Meanwhile...my little Angel played her mini plastic trumpet endlessly while the chaos around us seemed to fade. For a moment, I told her to stop playing that thing; but soon I realized that her enamored play was but the beauty of it all...
May God Bless.
Angel, Most posters here
Most posters here don't seem to have much heart so I don't pay them much mind. You, however, actually aren't afraid to use your heart. I don't think sentimentality is anything to be embarrassed about, especially when it tries to communicate true, loving, heartfelt human moments. This year I had to settle for watching the parade on 5th Ave. in front of St. Pat's. It turned out to be the first real Spring day of the year. Still, my thoughts kept going back home and thinking about the real parade. Does it still come down Euclid Ave. from up around E. 17th or so and wrap around the Square? You never know about the weather there for the parade. Some of the best parades take place on a brutal, wintry, weekend day. There's just a fraction of the crowd, but it's the best slice of the pie.
You seem to have some real respect for Officer Simone. Good for you. Think about that and what that says about you. Aspirations to be better men and women say a lot about us.
Belated Happy St. Pat's
Thank you Angel, aka County Executive Diana Hill--your spirit rises above the common--to elevate us, all.
You still believe in the GOOD inherent in all of US. I can't thank you enough for caring to reach out to the mom who came to me with the information that her daughter was missing. I posted the information here at REALNEO. In the neighborhood, the kids hit their facebook pages to warn their friends. Second District officers did help this mom and one of our residents, who patrols the streets in her wheelchair--posted the photo flyer and hit every business establishment within blocks of the disappearance.
With the immediate outpouring of love and concern a daughter is back home now.
A story with a happy ending.
Thanks for your simple
Thanks for your simple defense of conscience and free speech. Criticism is a funny thing. Maybe we don't mean to give offense as a primary motive. But, that is hard to avoid when you do mean to ridicule the ridiculous and indefensible. And, yes, I do mean to ridicule cold, blind, inhumanity. Whether it is the slaughter of chidren in wombs, or the slaughter of the beloved ones of those I am proud to call friends on 9/11/01.
What does anyone there in my beloved old hometown suggest that I should tell my friends here in NYC-- that 9/11 was a set-up? I've had "truthers" tell me that those people didn't die at the Trade Center, or, that it was only a few. They shut up quickly when I tell them of the people I know of. And, now, to see that someone calls for me to be "denounced"!!! That's a new one for me. And, posters respond "whacko", "teabagger", "industrial troll".
At least a very few of you are trying to make concrete changes in your neighborhood. A broken water main that remains unfixed for weeks is a joke and says way too much negatively about Cleveland. I remember when those streets in that area were a great place to live--Mapledale, Riverside, Archwood, Forestdale--is that little coffee shop still there in the little shopping strip on 25th?.......er, on Pearl? (It was almost across from the firehouse.)
Keep screaming about the nuts and bolts in town that aren't being tended to. Form block watches. Beware endless and repetive community organizers and developers living on the public dole. Some do a good job. But expect results from the programs. Otherwise, slash their budgets cause you're scaring away the productive taxpayer. Geez, hope I don't sound like too much of a whacko, here.
Best regards.
Thank you all....
Laura, you invited me to REALNEO and I am truly appreciative. I learned early on to "agree to disagree" when a subject matter became too controversial. While we are all met with others who challenge our positions on matters; I try to learn through it all. I admire the fire and passion of our posters. I am excited by the fact that so many of our grassroots posters stand up for what is right and that they truly try to fight the social injustices on behalf of the public at large. While I recognize that we are all faced with variable positions, I also enjoy knowing that I am "NOT ALONE" in this battle we have all chosen to ensue against abusive issues at countless levels on the public at large. Each of us are a different ingredient in the "STONE STEW" that brews here daily....Collectively we are full of spices of many flavors.
God doesn't promise us tomorrows.... When my mother died, I lost my best friend. I left Cleveland to care for my family. When I returned to Cleveland a year and a half later; the economy had tanked and life was tremendously different. Yet, once again the challenges of family needs derailed "my" life.
While I have volunteered uncountable hours to countless things and worked tirelessly to make a positive difference; realizing that "this was my life" became an amazing part of the equation. St. Patrick's Day was something I never "appreciated" during my mother's lifetime....or shared with her by attending the parades, despite the fact that it's a huge part of our heritage. So, I made sure to share it with my own daughter...
Life is speeding by us all....while I wish I could eradicate corruption, stop social injustice, or protect the public from abusive practices; I am but one human being. I find solace in knowing that other proactive community advocates share this passion. So many precious citizens have been made to feel inferior and treated unfairly by our "system" that watching the "status quo" change for the better is finally helping all of us "breath fresher air"....and none of these positive changes "just happened"... These changes happened because of awesome, dedicated, passionate, and downright courageous folks that took a leap of faith and fought the "REGIME" for the common good of ALL! People like everyone here on REALNEO. That FLAG above also flies for those who died in the heat of our scandals of corruption and who "gave their all" to fight the evil.
I love, admire, and appreciate your efforts to energize folks, to share, to care, and to speak up when others are too afraid to speak up. I thank you for attending countless events that represent the public interest and for challenging the "status quo". Your fervor invigorates countless folks while inspiring folks to appreciate the arts and a world of information. I thank you for teaching me "not to take it personally" when others did not respect or appreciate my efforts. It's been an amazing journey through all of the challenges and has made "my life" more meaningful along the way.
But at the end of the day, amidst the hussle & bustle; I am trying to appreciate the moments in front of me and not put them off for later....
I love this City and our people... I am just so frustrated with the abusive practices at all levels and perhaps that is why countless folks have already left the arena. Cleveland will always be a hometown with great history, change, and controversial issues that need attention. Prayerfully, more and more citizens will feel confident to come to the forums, speak up about issues that are immediate and pressing, and the community will unite to react effectively and reasonably in all matters at hand. I am personally amazed by the completely disrespectful issues I have seen lately. It's one thing to disagree on issues or facts; but it is another to be abusive to those we disagree with. Perhaps I have learned that the hard way. It makes others afraid to post and makes readers lose interest in the original content. I understand feeling passionate and discussing the issues; but fighting at defensive and offensive levels is not conducive to progress in this forum. (Unless we are fighting the public servants who are being abusive at least!) I just realize that when we fight eachother; we are losing our own position in the big picture.
When I was attending political forums; the audience got to submit questions that were "filtered" by a "moderator" in most cases. It was almost comical. When I have attended various public meetings; I have seen a variety of "AUDIENCE STEERING" and "avoidance" by the speakers to answer citizen questions.
On REALNEO, to date, I felt safe and receptive to learning. I accepted other people's opinions, appreciated getting outside facts, had an opportunity to work through my own misconceptions, and was excited about having civilized exchanges with other local citizens. I didn't have to worry about getting snubbed, treated as less than acceptable because I wasn't wearing a "suit" or fear being thrown out because of my opinions (whether right or wrong). I have learned so much from being a part of REALNEO. I have cared more than my share and given my heart to our community. Yes, I have been met with frustration, hurt, fear, and retaliation because of my choices to write my opinions. Yes, I have gotten frustrated by interactions and even considered my options to quit partaking in blogging. Yet, from my learned experiences; I have also realized that most of this is simply "not about me" and that sometimes our individual passions and reception of other people's interests can detract from the objectives of the writers.
The writers on the survey are not "TIM RUSSO's". They are all passionate people who make a difference in "their" worlds. Respecting our differences, appreciating the points, and moving forward is imperative. Life is too short to hurt eachother because we share differences of opinion.
I have appreciated all the good and bad about "REALNEO" because it has sincerely impacted my life. Once in awhile, we all must take a step back, breath deep, and recognize the things in front of us. Today, I recognize that REALNEO is making a "WORLD" of difference (despite the challenges) and that our bloggers care about the world around themselves or they wouldn't be visiting here regularly to see what we all have to share and to share with others.
All the best to everyone...Have a blessed day! Hugs to those who need a hug... Prayers for those who need a prayer....and Blessings to All!
GBW...Thank you. As my one great friend would say, "words need not be spoken." God Bless Infinitely.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
very well said...my friend.