Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 00:00.

It is safe to say the #1 financial and empowering supporter of realNEO is and has always been my wife, Evelyn Kiefer Roulet. A founding member of realNEO (member #7), who has consistently posted some of the most interesting and globally appreciated content, she administers the Putnam Sculpture Colledction at Case (beautifully presented in Drupal), conducts art appraisals, consults in art history - maintains the brightest greenest home and garden in town - all to significantly support our large family so I may focus on realNEO and other regional and global initiatives. She has allowed this flower to grow.

Evelyn's b-day seems the right time to use realNEO to thank her for this gift to this community.

Thank you Evelyn for being realNEO, your love, and all you do.

Happy B-Day!

Happy Birthday Evelyn
Beautiful flowers for a beautiful wife, mother and person.
Happy Birthday Evelyn!
The pics are beautiful.
Behind every good man - is a
Behind every good man - is a great woman.
Happy Birthday Evelyn!
I was wondering if anyone can tell me the name of the curved white multi-bloom spike in the photo with the yellow flower. We have lots of them in our garden and - I call them the "goose neck" flowers.
another lovely year
as beautiful as you are!
xo - dbra
Gooseneck--loosestrife :)
Lysimachia sp.
Thanks Jerleen for all of the homespun wisdom you bring to REALNEO.
Happy birthday Evelyn :) Beautiful flowers are appropriate here!
Thank you Laura. I just
Thank you Laura. I just don't believe it. They really are called "gooseneck" loosestrife.
My mom ask me what they were and I didn't know - so I just called them gooseneck. I guess somebody else saw what I did - they looked like a goose neck.
happy birthday, Evelyn
Happy belated birthday (sorry, I am always behind these days). Having met you, I can say ditto to all those wishes prior to mine, and add that Norm is one lucky guy. I think that he knows that.