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Viewing Party- Citizen Hauser at A.J. Rocco'sSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Wed, 01/18/2006 - 17:34.
01/19/2006 - 19:00 01/19/2006 - 21:00 Etc/GMT-4 A.J. Rocco's Bar will be hosting a viewing party from 7-9 pm for the Citizen Hauser video that will air at 8 pm on WVIZ (PBS). A.J. Rocco's is located at 812 Huron Road in the Caxton Building (across from the Winking Lizard near E.9th). Feel free to come early and and stay late. If you cannot make it to the viewing party, please consider setting your television to WVIZ (PBS) on Thursday, January 19th at 8 pm, to watch Citizen Hauser. WVIZ will air this profile piece on Ed Hauser's efforts to preserve Whiskey Island as a parkland and a public recreational marina, on its Ideas program. The program will be aired again on Sunday morning, January 22nd, at 11 am. Both, the city of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County, eventually agreed that the Cleveland Metroparks should own and manage the Whiskey Island property and that the historic Coast Guard Station should be the terminus of the Ohio & Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor. The video was produced by local independent film makers Jonathan Shick and Ryan Rodriguez, with Blue Hole Productions. The video is unique both in its approach and subject matter as it directly highlights the struggle of one citizen participating in the public process to make Cleveland a better, more sustainable place to live. In addition, there are comments from local public officials including Tim Hagan, Jimmy Dimora, Peter Lawson Jones, Matt Zone, Paul Alsenas, and Chris Ronayne along with environmental activists Elaine Marsh and Peter Griesinger. However, the battle for Whiskey Island may not be over, according to a quote in the Westside Sun News on January 12, 2006. John Carney, the port authority's incoming board chairman, said "We also have to get part of Whiskey Island and I think that will happen. While Wendy Park (on Whiskey Island) will stay a park, we plan to acquire the land we need from Cuyahoga County by (this) year."
Send your opinions and thoughts on the video by calling or emailing WVIZ at its websitefeedback box-- Location
A. J. Rocco's Bar
812 Huron Road (Across from Winking Lizard near E. 9th)
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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Ok, if this is going to compete with professional sports, we know what we have to do, right? Is this going to be like Bridge on the River Kwai? Ed deserves the same!
We have to turn out!
Big screen TV? Yes.
Free bar? For Ed, yes! For the rest of us, cash bar!
Citizen Ed + Rocco
Invigorating to meet the civic leadership - over movies and clinking. sorry all Cuyahoga couldn't make it. More posted tomorrow. Thanks Ed!
Watching Citizen Hauser Living On
At Ed Hauser's funeral, I was consoled to be able to sit in a side room with friends and quietly watch "Citizen Hauser" play over and over again. It is certainly my favorite documentary for many reasons, but it took on entirely new meaning, on that horrible night... it was the life that went on... it was the real Ed Hauser, missed by the hundreds who gathered to give their last respects.
I wasn't the only person drawn into watching Ed's wonderful life, overcoming his death, as in the hour a sat watching Citizen Hauser a hundred of his friends and family came by, and stopped, and watched, and laughed, and appreciated a great life cut too short, of which each of us only knew our parts.
When one of Ed's close friends spoke during Ed's funeral ceremony he was clearly awed that his friend - the regular guy who liked to have fun - had this public life celebrated in film... had a casket full of commendations from commissioners and congresspeople... that he was a hero to so many strangers and friends from very different worlds, so many who came to mourn together for a man they knew and loved in their ways.
When Ed's sister spoke, she was clearly awed by her brother, as well. She said Ed's family always told Ed he needed to find a job, and Ed said he was doing what he needed to do, and now she realized he was right all along, and she clearly now saw how Ed spent his last 10 years had more value to Ed and others than any paycheck may buy.
We all know you can't take it with you. What Ed left behind will be cherished by the citizens of this region forever hereafter.
I want to thank film makers Jonathan Shick and Ryan Rodriguez for having the wisdom and talent to make such a wonderful record of a wonderful person and life, that has more meaning than most people realized.
That there is a "Citizen Hauser" eases the pain of losing Ed.
Where may we buy copies of the DVD?
Disrupt IT
Citizen Hauser
I'd like to see the film.
Blue Hole's site says nothing about purchasing. Maybe proceeds of DVD sales could go towards a memorial/Whiskey Island fund?
these guys
Hold on there Jeff. First up Ed's family will need assistance with "end of life expenses". We hope to raise those funds on December 14 at Beachland (stay tuned for benefit event details).
Ryan, Ryan and Jonathan (the Bluehole Production guys) need not put out the cash for Ed - they are young entrepreneurial filmmakers who saw the importance in making this film "Citizen Hauser" as they were in the process of making "Walking the River".
I would hope that a memorial to Ed _ Dan Moore's suggestion of naming the catamaran beach at Whiskey Island - "Ed Hauser Beach" would be readily and easily accomplished by Moore himself.
I would hope that my idea of a Citizen Hauser beer brewed mainstream by GLBC will fly eventually, but who knows. Just think of the port authority guys having to look at it each time they peruse the beer cooler in their grocery...
Anyway... I emailed and asked Ryan, Jonathan and Ryan to post details here about purchasing copies of the DVD. It may take these blue collar (college educated-restaurant server) types a while to login to their email and discover how to post at realneo to answer Norm and others about how to purchaser the DVDs. When they do, I believe they should get the fair price (all of it) for their foresight in making the film.
The archives, too, will require some funds, but let us first pay for the guy's burial.
Ed had no health insurance which is why he put off going to hospital. "No... don't take me to the hospital... I have no health insurance... (just let me die in the car - I can't afford the EMS charges...)
In the meantime, I own a copy of the film. Call me if you want to see it.
jumping guns
I'm not suggesting the filmmakers don't make theirs.
It could be a means of raising money, (whatever the destination,) and getting the story of his life out further.
Mark them up a bit, or make it easy to donate $2 extra with your purchase, or, or, or.
Citizen Hauser on WVIZ/PBS this week
Jonathan Shick sent a message using the REALNEO contact form:
Citizen Hauser will re-air on WVIZ/PBS twice this week:
Citizen Hauser Bridge to Whiskey Island
Found this in the Sun News: Access Road to Whiskey Island may be named to honor Hauser
Let's just hope that the new bridge is there to help citizens and visitors get to the public greenspace, Coast Guard Station and marina - not for access to an expanded CBT (Cleveland Bulk Terminal).
government is too important to be left to the politicians
Thanks for the link to the Sun article on Ed.
So a bunch of people who didn't have the goodness to help Ed in life - and who in many cases hurt Ed in life - get to be in the newspaper as good leaders because Ed finally died, and they can name a bridge.
And, considering this is in the PD owned Sun Papers, it is bullshit
I'm really impressed with our leadership now.
Disrupt IT
I hereby rename Whiskey Island Ed Hauser Island
When my dad asked what Ed died of I said poverty, and he didn't believe that. Being a doctor, he has always had health insurance and thinks everyone has easy access to healthcare.
I assumed Ed didn't have health insurance and that was why he waited until it was too late to seek help. Of course, as Ed was struggling with finances for many years, he also didn't have the money for preventative healthcare - I doubt he'd had a physical in a while... certainly couldn't afford meds if they were needed. When poor, people eat the cheapest carbs they can find - the poverty diet took its toll as well.
Why was Ed so poor?
Now I read of Dan Moore doing this and other people doing that and I can't stop thinking why didn't anyone pay Ed to do the good work he did for the community. If there is a so called environmentalist or historic preservationist in Northeast Ohio who should have been compensated for his work it was Ed. If anyone deserves a job in city or county government, it was Ed. As 1,000s of people were paid to do Ed's work, Ed died of poverty.
I expect everyone in real NEO to think long and hard about how they may have made a difference in Ed's life while he was alive, rather than trying to profit off him in death.Those truly responsible for making Ed poor must be punished. If people undermined his ability to make a living in any way, they should be prosecuted as accessories in his death. I can think of a few people at the port authority who I believe should be in jail over this, but they are far from the only ones.
I do not support brewing up a commercial Hauser beer - I'm sure Ed would have liked that in life, but I do not think Ed would want that now... especially as Ed died of the type of physical harm GLBrewing products cause. More important, I don't recall GLB Company ever offering Ed a job, and they charged citizens money to go to Whiskey Island for their events.They should not profit in any way from his death.
If Dan Moore had paid Ed for his work in life, given him a cut of the Marina's proceeds or a job in one of his enterprises, or hired him to pick up trash at the marina or at his house, I would consider Dan sincere in some effort to memorialize Ed now. Before I will upport attaching the Team W brand to Ed's death, now, I want to see an accounting of money paid from Dan to Ed while he was living.
We all knew Ed was suffering. I gave him a job, until Peter Holmes and Jones Day took it away. And I always thought first of Ed when considering how "we" could succeed in life. But, as an entrepreneur, also fighting a viscious and vengeful establishment here, my family often lives in poverty ourselves, and I was only able to do so much.
Now, I'll do one more thing...
I hereby rename Whiskey Island Ed Hauser Island. Not Citizen Hauser Island but Ed Hauser Island.
The port authority that had a huge role in killing Ed Hauser can go to hell if anyone there doesn't like that. Same goes for Dan Moore and folks at the county and city who don't like it.
Ed was far more than a beach on Dan's island - the entire Island is at tis best because of Ed, and at tis worst because of the all the people seeking to profit from it, and we all know that.
Ed was more than a pitchman for GLB, and he certainly paid them more money in life than they ever paid him... I doubt they ever bought him a beer.
The folks who killed citizen Huaser - who withheld love and support - had better watch over their shoulders and expect the worst for the rest of their lives... the spirit of Ed Hauser will make their lives hell on Earth, and their fates beyond death will not be beautiful, as is eternity for Ed.
That is the difference between living a good life and a poor one.
Ed lived a good life, and has a good eternity. The people who killed Ed - who know who they are, for their 1 or 1,000 gashes at his heart - must carry that knowledge forward with them for eternity.
Disrupt IT
I assumed Alsenas paid the bill - CONTACT WVIZ NOW!
Paul looked to be in an official capacity - and there were many other government representatives and leaders of environmental organizations - all the folks that didn't pay any of Ed's bills while he was alive - I thought they were there to pay for the funeral.
How much are the expanses and is there a bank account set up to receive funds donated for the funeral.We need exact details on how donations will be received... that should have been done immediately and mentioned in all the news coverage since Ed's passing.
This could certainly be mentioned before and after they air Citizen Hauser this week and that would raise plenty of money, and probably get a start funding a foundation.
I'll contact some folks I know over there about doing more and everyone who knows someone at WVIZ should do the same - we need them to promote raising money to pay for Ed's family expenses - and we need them to organize a citizen's forum on WVIZ to plan what else should be done in the community.
There is good reason for the PD and Sun Press to mention the need to cover Ed's funeral expenses, as well. We should all contact people we know in the media here - use Ed's 200+ contact list, to get his expenses covered.
Disrupt IT
Let me die in the car
Even in death, Ed Hauser's life example sets the bar for all of us. What kind of country allows hospitals to slice and dice their service to cater only to the well-heeled?
Why is an Opportunity Corridor the priority of the Clinic?
Parma Hospital recently ranked the best in the region in terms of emergency angioplasty and heart attack response time.
So, why does Parma get awarded the federal dollars to build a parallel (read subpar) medical facility for our Veterans? Don't Veterans deserve blue ribbon hospitals? Why are Veterans not the first to get service at our blue ribbon hospitals, like Parma General, like the Clinic?
Citizen Hauser
A word from Blue Hole Productions:
Like many of you we are deeply saddened by Ed's passing. He is an epic figure, a good man, and good friend. Let us work to keep his legacy strong. Citizen Hauser will replay on WVIZ this Tuesday at 7:30 and Wednesday at 11pm. Anyone interested in DVDs can contact us through our website email address(es) . . .
Thank you Ryan
for Citizen Hauser!
Disrupt IT
I just watched Citizen Hauser, again. It is a beautiful production and the music by Peter Martin is also exceptional and haunting. But best of all, the movie immortalizes Ed. Quotes to take away from the film--
On the experiment in civics: "Get off your duffs, Clevelanders.."
On the path Ed chose for himself and the pursuit of a cause: "I can recover faster than northeast Ohio."
Sadly, our political system took its toll on Ed's health, but we can be consoled by knowing that Ed's legacy will live on and history will remember him and forget the others.
Dear Ed
Dear Ed, I recently made you my realneo buddy. I know that you have been gone awhile, and will not return in the human form. Your vision remains, and that is strong in us. We passed by many times, talked a few times at the lake, and at meetings, but I have gotten to know you the best on these pages. You kept your focus, and yes, you spoke softly, but said it all so well.
We will try to do well for you, Ed Hauser. You inspired many people. You can continue to inspire by what is on these pages on realeno and by those that did truly know you.
It may seem weird to name 1 buddy on realeno after a year of posting, and have that be you, Ed. You know, seeing that you are dead. That is just a detail in the life of a wonderful man that lives on here at realneo. You live on, Mr. Ed Hauser, you live on.