
Kathy Wray Coleman, other citizens, address media re: Cleveland Heights kids curfew

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 19:21.
In a light drizzle at the front door of Cleveland Heights City Hall this evening Kathy Wray Coleman and others addressed the 5 or so commercial news camera crews who were in attendance.   This curfew story obviously must have strong commercial news potential. Cleveland Heights City Hall is located on the Severance Mall campus at the corner of Taylor and Mayfield. There was no police presence, and those 15 or so citizens who attended were a pretty even mix of white and black.
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Zack Reed and Jeff Johnson and Norman Edwards ask for # Black labor hours on MEDCON

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 07/17/2011 - 17:26.

 Norm Edwards sees it my way when he states:

 that he believed that the entire contract for Medmart was illegal and that it was done purposely to keep out blacks out.  

I don't think the MEDCON tax brain child of Tim Hagan was concerned or cared about who worked on the site either which way.  I think the Medcon county wide tax was Tim Hagan's Jim Dimora moment.

Do it in Public, and no one will notice.  

Try to grab a tiki hut, and it will be all over the news...

The truth shall set us free.

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A C-Town Garden Bringing Smiles to Friends

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sun, 07/17/2011 - 01:20.

In the event you missed this beautiful display of flowers and hearty dedication to a garden around a REALNEO member's home; I thought I would share the delightful photos I was able to capture upon visiting today.

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Gun Study in NEO

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 07/16/2011 - 22:55.

This is a plastic water pistol I found in the park.   Looked like the lawnmower ran over it. 

What was in the head of the designer...was it molded in China...did a parent buy it for their kid...

Pretty sophisticated color scheme.   

So I laid the broken pieces out on a white matt for this study.

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A Great Lakes "Thanks" to the Plain Dealer!

Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Sat, 07/16/2011 - 18:16.

Dear editors of the Plain Dealer:

Thank you for the continuing focus the Plain Dealer has been giving to the
controversial, and potentially very damaging to all of the Great Lakes region,
piece of legislation that passed both the Ohio House and Senate—and especially
for your “11th hour” editorial leading Ohio governor John Kasich, and all readers,
back to his utterance of support for the Great Lakes last year on the campaign trail.

Velib - largest public bike rental fleet in Paris, France

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 07/16/2011 - 14:40.

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Activists, Others To Rally Over Heights Curfew Law Mon, July 18 at 6:45 pm At Cleveland Hts City Hall, Will Meet With Sen. Smith

Submitted by JournalistKathy... on Sat, 07/16/2011 - 11:08.

 Innocent Black male children under arrest elsewhere by police for protesting, a scenario that might meet home in Cleveland Hts, Oh. if a curfew law that allows police to arrest Black and other children for protesting on issues of

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tremont west development - read -The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 07/15/2011 - 02:26.

tremont west development corporation, by-laws need to be changed to  have at least seven of the fifteen board members be minorities and low income - poverty - that are challenged, military veterans, etc., - in the past and present the way the fifteen board members are elected is by a conspirousy to have like minded people be canidates that will think alike for the status qua system that favors money, power, politics, class, race, etc., - while doing some good - but mostly causing "Beware of gentrification with big government programs" -

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Great Lakes on My Lawn

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 07/14/2011 - 19:46.


What is the cost of the infrastructure behind this image?  

Watering lawns.

And then the community needs to haul away the cut grass.

Great Lakes water - used for what purpose?

Scott's Lawn says put on the four step process.

What does common sense say?



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Massive Heat Wave to Engulf Nation RealFeel temperatures will top out at 115 degrees..."

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 07/14/2011 - 16:48.

Sweltering heat will expand northward this weekend, sending temperatures into the 90s and 100s across much of the Heartland.

A dome of heat will bubble over the nation's midsection through the upcoming weekend and is set to expand north and east next week.

"You feel like your skin is baking," Sally Smith, a Dallas resident, recently told

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Big Banks Waging Warfare Against the People of the World - Michael Hudson economist - (so thats what they did to us in TREMONT)

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 07/14/2011 - 00:41.
 banks_war_against__people.jpgWhats going on in Greece is exactly what's going to happen in America in a couple of weeks - The big banks are forcing their bad debts on government - They are also forcing governments to sell off national assets so the banks can install a "neo-feudalism": - "This is the biggest transfer of wealth in history", as the giant banks hav
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Alternative Markets, Barter Systems, and Local Co-ops are the Lifeboats That Will Save Us - ( - co-op - save us )

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 07/13/2011 - 02:04.
More and more people are becoming aware of the complete system failure we're experiencing in the United States and around the globe.
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Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 07/13/2011 - 00:57.

Submitted by jerleen1 on November 14, 2009 - 3:51pm.

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few of us will ever see hunger like this

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 07/13/2011 - 00:32.


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Submitted by Oldroser on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 20:32.

TWDC sent out another announcement about the ODOT  updates, which are to be held monthly. This one gives very little time since the meeting is TOMORROW. Since they are to be held every month, it looks like it will always be on a Wednesday and at Sokolowski's. Tonight is only an hour, not two hours as it was last time. Text of the message follows.

Realneo needs more news like this - thank you Jerleen and apprentice

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 17:48.


This is an image of what every culture needs to thrive and survive.  Young people who are happily learning and developing self confidence through the efforts of family and friends and teachers.

Very interesting quilt - I like the sheep and the dog.  

Are all the thread ends tucked back inside?

Thanks for your smile!

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Underground smokehouses open amid crackdown on smoking, strip clubs in TREMONT, Ohio City and other neighborhoods

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 03:26.
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on February 18, 2009 - 11:00pm.

Ohio's crackdown on strip joints and barroom smoking has spawned as many


> as two dozen underground nightclubs that operate in houses across


> Cleveland.


> Known as smokehouses, the after-hours hangouts offer what legal clubs


> and bars cannot - places for patrons to smoke while they drink, watch


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Habeas Corpus

Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 02:54.

Recently, I caught a rebroadcast of a PBS documentary entitled: The Judge and the General.

Living in (and through) The Poison Century - (so thats what they did to us in tremont)

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 02:10.

Speaking on conditions of anonymity, an ex-DEA agent recently disclosed that the CIA did an aerial spray in California back in the fifties as part of a behavior modification experiment.  The ex-DEA agent, former County Sheriff and one time California  “super-cop” stated that the end  result of the chemical exposure was a breakdown in normal h

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Sticking Your Neck Out for Loved Ones as a Care Provider

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 02:09.

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Just as one must learn the art of killing in training for violence so one must learn the art of dying training for nonviolence

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 01:49.
gandhi.jpgGandhi once said, "Just as one must learn the art of killing in the training for violence, so one must learn the art of dying in the training for non-violence."
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Spherical flower - cephalanthus occidentalis

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 07/11/2011 - 20:39.

The image above shows cephalanthus occidentalis (button bush) at the end of it's flowing period.  Bumble bees are still in attendance.

Most of the seeds have left the center flower, leaving a very neat green ball.

Is there an advantage/disadvantage of this flower geometry over other flower shapes? 

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