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eLearningWhat if your video game could read your emotions?Submitted by Charles on Sat, 05/13/2006 - 15:01.
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take Danny Pho's quiz...Submitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 23:31.
Do you know this famous Cleveland-area company? When was the last time you saw someone using some of their lip gloss?
Digital Regions: Public Private Strategies for IT-Cluster DevelopmentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 21:58.
05/01/2006 - 09:00 05/01/2006 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 IT Industry Clusters In the global knowledge economy, developed and developing regions worldwide are being challenged, as never before, to strengthen and sustain their economies by stimulating innovation, entrepreneurship and cluster development. Many regions focus on information technology as a key enabler in this endeavour. This seminar will present informative case examples, from Asia, Latin America, the EU and the US, of successful and challenged Public-Private Strategies for Cluster Development in the Global Knowledge Economy.
Thompson Conference Center
2405 Robert Dedman Drive
Austin, TX United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories: )
Education ideas generated from brainstorming at the Palace - Nov. 1, 2005Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/03/2005 - 18:52.
Over a period of roundtable "world cafe" discussions, participants at the Storm the Palace table wrote the following summary ideas on a flip chart or post-it to the idea wall - each idea is being posted to the "Community Forums: Education" on REALNEO focused on this category... read on: Education
Technology ideas generated from brainstorming at the Palace - Nov. 1, 2005Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/03/2005 - 18:40.
Over a period of roundtable "world cafe" discussions, participants at the Storm the Palace table wrote the following summary ideas on a flip chart or post-it to the idea wall - each idea is being posted to the "Community Forums: Technology" on REALNEO focused on this category... read on:
Arts and the Cleveland Mayor's RaceSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 10/31/2005 - 09:19.
Both Mayor Campbell and Council President Jackson met with the arts community last week. Attendance was low, both at the Play House on the east with Campbell and Cleveland Public Theatre on the westside with Jackson. The Campbell strategy was to identify a top 20 list of reasons Campbell has advanced the arts, with art summits, expansion of live/work zones and public funding through the "1% for arts" set aside that is a part of public construction contracts. She says her track record merits her return to office for another four years. Jackson said, through his leadership, he deserves credit for these initiatives as well, and his record in council deserves the public’s faith and confidence that he will work to represent them well. But what would be an election without an added dose of cynicism?
Two Telecom Mergers, One Digital DivideSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Thu, 10/20/2005 - 12:21.
The Ohio Community Computing Center Network, the umbrella organization for free public computer centers and teaching centers, has provided testimony to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio stating that the SBC/AT&T Merger and the Verizon/MCI Merger are not in the best interests of the public. The following is a summary, raising the concern that further telecom consolidation will reduce vital high-speed Internet opportunities for low-income urban and rural areas. Today, high-speed Internet is critical for education, work and other activities of daily life. While technological advances in more robust networks, immense Internet speed and additional services are exciting, if only a portion of spciety can participate in yet another technological evolution, Ohio will again be left struggling. The testimony called for efforts to reduce the divide that finds low-income and rural communities with lower levels of broadband access and an end to telecom efforts to limit the rights of cities to invest in broadband services directly, on behalf of their residents.
Let's make NEO "Open for Business"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 08/30/2005 - 05:05.
Earlier this month, REALNEO IT Analyst Derek Arnold attended the O'Reilly Open Source Convention and Drupal Conference in Portland, Oregon, and he brought back more than new code, knowledge and relationships - he brought back the State of Oregon's vision of being "an epicenter for Open Technology (Linux and Open Source-enabled hardware, software and services)". The State of NEO needs to embrace such a vision!
08.31.05 The City Club: Wilbur C. Rich Professor of Political Science, Wellesley College, BostonSubmitted by JGratry on Wed, 08/03/2005 - 15:23.
08/31/2005 - 11:00 The Mayor and the Schools: What Is the Mayor's Role? Location
The City Club
08.10.05: The City Club Georges C. Benjamin, M.D., FACPSubmitted by JGratry on Wed, 08/03/2005 - 14:47.
08/10/2005 - 11:00 Remedies for Change: Developing Effective Strategies to Eliminate Health Disparities Sponsor: St. Luke’s Foundation and Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation Location
The City Club
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Community Technology Centers' NetworkSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 06/02/2005 - 13:28.
The Community Technology Centers' East Cleveland begins ECHO - Extending Community Home OnlineSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/18/2005 - 02:15.
Following several months of meetings and discussions, the East Cleveland ECHO - Extending Community Home Online - initiative is making great progress. A strong and diverse team of volunteers has come together to develop for East Cleveland a virtual comunity where there was not one, and we'll begin distributing donated computers to area organizations and residents the week of April 18th, starting with the Helen S. Brown Senior Center and next flowing to students at Shaw High School. Computers will run free open source software, making everything we distribute free for recipients. All related developments, ECHO public meetings (usually Wednesday at 9:30 AM), and other East Cleveland events will be highlighted at the new East Cleveland portal, currently being developed at - check in often!
Broad coalition supports Community Internet NEO needs - Central Ohio Legislator opposesSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/24/2005 - 00:08.
Case's Weatherhead School of Management Center for Regional Economic Issues (REI) and other community leaders support an initiative to distribute used computers and ease access to free or low cost Internet access for area residents in financial hardship. The first community being supported through this vision is East Cleveland, where REI drives ECHO - "Extending Community Home Online" - as part of an East Cleveland 2010 community redevelopment initiative. This effort is not in social service for the poor of East Cleveland but a critical initiative for economic development for this entire NEO region. OpenCourses makes MIT education free for allSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 02/22/2005 - 01:29.
Everyone knows MIT is a remarkable university - now you can learn how, exceptionally. Through their OpenCourseWare site you can access their free, open publication of MIT Course Materials. They invite you to view all the courses available at this time... for example, from their Brain and Cognitive Sciences offerings:Development of a European Service for Information on Research and EducationSubmitted by Ted Takacs on Mon, 12/27/2004 - 15:40.
Welcome to the DESIRE Project
The DESIRE project ran from July 1998 until June 2000 and was a ( categories: )
Pennsylvania Virtual Commuity College ConsortiumSubmitted by Ted Takacs on Sun, 12/26/2004 - 19:58.
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VRoma - A Virtual Community for Teaching and Learning ClassicsSubmitted by Ted Takacs on Sun, 12/26/2004 - 19:40.
NEWS: The latest New Nersey Virtual Community College ConsortiumSubmitted by Ted Takacs on Sun, 12/26/2004 - 18:27.
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Australian Flexible Learning CommunitySubmitted by Ted Takacs on Sun, 12/26/2004 - 17:36.
The Australian Flexible Learning Community ( categories: )
eLearning Web Links & ArticlesSubmitted by Ted Takacs on Sun, 12/26/2004 - 14:13.
Academic Suite ( categories: )
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