IntraCom/UCANX Update: GROHIO Sprouting - States of Emergencies - On the road again - BTWs
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 04:22.

IntraCom/UCANX Update: GROHIO Sprouting - States of Emergencies - On the road again - BTWs
- Ohio-based Board members have spent lots of time this week meeting and discussing options for development of the cannabis industries in Ohio - dozens of emails a day - and we have made various outreaches in our own ways. We'll compile a report for the board.
In brief, while we agree Ohio is a perfect place to base the hemp industries, and it looks the same for MMJ, assuming Lewis' campaign is successful, the politics of Northeast Ohio have been and still are so corrupt, corrupting so much here, we are not confident leaders here will make good decisions. We have certainly not thrown in the towel - we have been focused on Cuyahoga County, VC-types, and the broader community... which is very receptive. Next week, we will expand our focus away from Northeast Ohio, to a broader state-wide exploration.
Feel free to start reaching out in your states as well, as I can't guarantee Ohio leadership will make the right decisions, and we need to be prepared for serious action ahead.
- Our Ohio board members have agreed that most important in selecting a state for IntraCom/UCANX is the ability for the state to take the industry forward, globally, immediately - including demanding the right for farmers to grow hemp in the dismal, flood or drought afflicted spring of 2011, and providing grants, home rule shelter, pardons and national guard protection for that, if necessary. Smuggle seeds into the country, if necessary. Declare Obama a flat-Earther, if necessary.
I posted Dear President Obama, I Don't Know Where You Are From, But In America The Earth Is Round, And Hemp Grows Here by God! on realNEO to get the dialogue going. I've posted this to my Facebook page and to the pages of Gary Johnson and Ron Paul, as well. Enough for one night.
Share away - especially with Governors of your states and where you have influence... and be ready to address emergencies:
- I've been bogged down in Ohio working with the team here to situate IntraCom/UCANX and establish operating capital - and have made great progress - but I am finally ready to head back west. Same plan as before, through Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, adding California, Oregon and Washington this time around. I need to be in Greensboro, North Carolina, June 2nd for the Journalism That Matters Create or Die Conference, where I will host a table and speak about what we are developing with UCANX. See
I'll contact everyone on the route before I leave to see who is available and what useful appointments we may schedule where you are based... but I'll just be passing through.
- BTW I assume you saw the APS RFP response - has been received - hasn't been rejected. I'll try to meet with APS when out west - we do have some VC types interested in all this out there, perhaps to fund a powerplant.
The RFP Response was highlighted in May 18, 2011 IntraCom UCANX Board Update: Vote Hemp - Finding Roots - Board Building - Energy Building
- BTW - if you've been trying to call, I've had my cell off to save a few bucks - it will be on before I leave - email is always best regardless. If you need to talk, email me to set up a time.