Making Change

WVIZ Presents: American Masters: Sketches of Frank Gehry

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 14:29.
09/27/2006 - 21:00
09/27/2006 - 23:00


Photo of Peter B. Lewis Building, by Frank Gehry, accented by Athena Tacha's Merging, 1986, of the Putnam Sculpture Collection. Photo by Evelyn Kiefer


Catch this award winning documentary on WVIZ about world-renowned architect Frank Gehry, dessigner of the exceptional Peter B. Lewis Building of the Weatherhead School of Business at Case University... Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 9pm. About the documentary...


Public Television
Cleveland, OH
United States

Fascinating developments from Chávez speech at UN

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 12:05.

I'm sure everyone who follows news and current events knows about Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez' speech at the UN, declaring US President Bush the devil. In today's NY Times there is an insightful expansion on this story, as they report that during Chávez' speech he held up a copy of retired MIT Professor Noam Chomsky’s book “Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance,” a critique of American foreign policy, and urged his audience “very respectfully, to those who have not read this book, to read it.” The NY Times reports sales in America of the book have since spiked - I certainly now plan to read it. Hegemony is preponderant influence or authority over others. Chomsky writes: "One can discern two trajectories in current history: one aiming toward hegemony, acting rationally within a lunatic doctrinal framework as it threatens survival; the other dedicated to the belief that “another world is possible,” in the words that animate the World Social Forum, challenging the reigning ideological system and seeking to create constructive alternatives of thought, action and institutions. Which trajectory will dominate, no one can foretell." Another quote from the book, and the NY Times article are below...

put your environmental film skillz to test

Submitted by johnmcgovern on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 18:42.

Clevelanders!  NEOlanders!

Put your film making and directing skills to the test with a film about why oil sucks and wind blows and have the chance to win $10K


What’s the Economy for, Anyway? Measure NEO by Genuine Progress Indicators

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 23:53.


 “If they can get you asking the wrong question, they don’t have to worry about the answers.”

Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

There is much effort put into rationalizing our current economic conditions in NEO, but I don't see anyone in NEO analyzing our genuine progress... our GPI (see America, above... how's NEO doing?). At the core of this challenge is, what's the economy for in the first place? An article at the New Dream website asks that question, and states "It’s time to demand that champions of the status quo defend their implicit answer to that question.  Do they actually believe that the purpose of the economy is to achieve the grossest domestic product and allow the richest among us to multiply their treasures without limits?" "But what if we answer the question... The greatest good for the greatest number over the long run.” "In that light, economic success cannot be measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or stock prices alone.  It must take into account the other values that constitute the greatest good — health, happiness, knowledge, kindness — for the greatest number — equality, access to opportunity — over the long run — in a healthy democracy and sustainable environment." Based on that, are the NEO and American economies healthy? Read the rest of the article to see what you think...

world carfree day 2006 - Friday, September 22nd

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 16:37.


Yesterday, I posted some photos I took of the Community Vehicular Reclamation Project in Toronto and was thrilled to see one of the organizers there post a comment on REALNEO with more details today. I went to their website and found all sorts of other cool initiatives they drive for reclaiming the streets there, which we should embrace here... I know, "not invented here". Well, be like realneo and think glocally! Here's what's planned for tomorrow in Toronto. Wish I could be there for this... world carfree day 2006! Join Streets are for People! and The ReEvolution Day Arkestra in celebrating World Car Free Day via a musical parade through downtown - heading East from Trinity Bellwoods Park along Queen St.West.

Friday September 22nd, 4pm
Meet at Trinity Bellwoods Park (Queen St. Gate) for Tea and Preparations BYOTea, costumes, instruments, floats, banners, signs, etc... All Musicians are most welcome and encouraged to join the Arkestra
5:30pm - Take to the streets!

All Day &/or during parade - Parking Meter Parties!
Rent back a piece of the city! It's fun! It's Legal!
Just as a car driver would, park your vehicle (ie your bike, trike, or unicycle...) in a parking spot along Queen West (the main parade route) & for $1.50/hr it's all yours!

WHAT CAN YOU DO with a 6 x 12 foot parking space?

Park(ing) Day celebration in Cleveland, as part of Spaces Street Repairs

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 04:08.

I got an email today from Cleveland Public Art (CPA) that Thursday, September 21st is National PARK(ing) Day and Cleveland will join teams in New York City, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Los Angeles and Seattle that will concurrently create PARK(ing) spaces in their cities, created by transforming metered parking spots into parks, complete with sod, a bench and a tree, reclaiming the street for parks and people, at least until the meter runs out! LOCATIONS: West Side Market, E 9th and Huron, & Warehouse District.  Very cool to see Cleveland participating in this. I ran across another example of creating awareness for reclaiming the streets for green space, in Toronto, last week, where the "Community Vehicular Reclamation Project" have parked a really cool green car on Kensington. All good

West Shore Corridor Regional Rail Stakeholders meeting

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 20:58.
10/20/2006 - 08:00
10/20/2006 - 10:00

I just received the following from rail transportation and smart growth luminary Kenneth Prendergast... read on to learn about Smart Growth and plan to attend an important Rail Stakeholders meeting October 20th... read more!


Lorain County Community College
1005 North Abbe Road
Elyria, OH
United States

CUDC Opening Reception: Franco Albini: Museum and Exhibit Designs

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 20:08.
09/21/2006 - 18:00
09/21/2006 - 19:00

click to enlarge click to enlarge click to enlarge


Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative
820 Prospect Avenue 2nd floor
Cleveland, OH
United States

Another tragedy on the West Side: 1300 is closing

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 13:10.

While hard to compare to shootings and murder, I can't think of a worse development for NEO, local arts and culture and my neighborhood than the news I recieved just now - Gallery 1300 is closing. I don't know enough details to know if it is "our" fault - not enough money flowing from the community to the gallery and artists - or just that the smart, great people who have made 1300 a core part of the NEO scene have other opportunities to pursue, but I know we all owe it to their team to really put out for them in their closing months. More to come on this as I learn details... for now: the Press Release:


Title of the Exhibit: Leave ‘Em Wanting More – The last shows of 1300

Opening Reception: 

5 - October 20, 7-10 – Grant Smrekar, Paul Sydorenko, Bill Rupnik

7GEN pleased to provide site for Cleveland Club of Washington, DC

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 01:51.

The 7GEN development team of Phillip Williams and myself are thrilled to work with the important Cleveland Club of Washington, DC, to provide technology to their leadership and members. From their new Drupal website, found at "The Cleveland Club of Washington, D. C., founded in 1957, is an association of Washington men and women who share a keen interest in Cleveland. Most of the more than three hundred members are former Clevelanders or graduates of its universities. Participants include United States Representatives, judges, prominent federal officials, journalists and others of diverse background and occupation."

Steven Litt says County is going wrong way and must stop and consider other prospects

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 00:16.

Cleveland Plain Dealer Architecture Critic Steven Litt is really stepping up to lead the march for a better designed Cleveland, as he has been the lone mainstream voice for intelligent redevelopment of the I-90 bridge and is the lone voice at all for saving the landmark Breuer Cleveland Trust Building on East 9th, between Euclid and Prospect, which for 15 years Jacobs demolished by neglect and now Cuyahoga County Commissioners want to demolish by force, all to build a replacement building for their offices, at great cost to taxpayers... this is the Jacobs Coast Guard Station fiasco X 1000, and community leaders are letting this one slide too.

At The City Club of Cleveland: Author Richard Louv on the Restorative Power of Nature: Saving Our Children

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 13:19.
09/22/2006 - 12:00
09/22/2006 - 14:00

Richard Louv, a futurist and journalist focused on family, nature and community, will be speaking about his most recent book Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder at noon on Friday, September 22, 2006, at The City Club of Cleveland.


City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Avenue 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH
United States

Rest in peace, Salim Alsoliman, 54. Real NEO cares.

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 17:09.

Around 3:30 AM last night, I went to visit the Edgewater Deli where, a few hours earlier, Salim Alsoliman, 54, was murdered. A home-grown bouquet of flowers memorialized the site - I added some mums from my garden, to express my sadness for the loss of a neighbor and champion of the region. While I was there, some shocked friends of Salim and the other shooting victim of this senseless crime pulled up - recent immigrants to Cleveland, it seemed, as were the victims, I believe... the details are still not available.

Essential Elements of a college Entrepreneurship Program, and the three best in Ohio

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 14:07.

I was very interested to learn today that three Ohio Universities were rated among the top 25 colleges for entrepreneurship by and the Princeton Review, and I was surprised by which, and why. Most insightful, from the website: "10 Essential Elements of an Entrepreneurship Program...Whether you're looking at one of the schools on our list or have found another program that intrigues you, here's what to look for to make sure you'll be successful in your studies:..."... read on.

Software Freedom Day shows how powerful FOSS movement is in Toronto

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 19:23.


By lucky coincidence, I was in Toronto on international Software Freedom Day and so had easy access to Ubuntu today, right when I needed it, and lots of Ubuntu and FOSS experts, and got to meet the cool people in Toronto who run the Toronto Ubuntu and Linux User Groups, and the Linux Caffe, and the awesome Center for Social Innovation... this city rocks in every way.

Tomorrow is Software Freedom Day... here's how this is celebrated in Toronto... what about Cleveland?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 11:43.

I'm on Wireless Toronto while up here (very cool free social change program) and saw on their events calendar that tomorrow is Software Freedom Day, and the core activities in Toronto are being organized out of our building on Spadina... here are the details below. I checked the Software Freedom Day site and there are teams in Ohio in Wooster and Dayton but not in Cleveland (OMG!)... if I'd known before I would have helped organize one there... a must for 2007... for now, if you want to get up the curve on free open source software (FOSS) and declare social software freedom, set up an account at realneo and comment here and we'll get in touch with you to help. Read on...

It's the soot... "In Gamble, Calif. Tries to Curb Greenhouse Gases" a must read on NY Times

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 07:54.

Imagine a day when the NY Times writes about NEO not just because of great real estate visionary David Perkowski but for political visionaries like in California. NEO leaders talk of how large our regional economy is, and the world knows how large a producer of greenhouse gases we are, so we should be ranked with New York and California in addressing greenhouse gas emissions. In the NY Times today there is an excellent article digging deeper into programs in California, developed by their democratic legislature and republican governor, addressing California's role in the global pollution crisis, and their respnse. We have an election coming up in Ohio in November to choose a new governor and a bunch of other politicians and the number one question of candidates should be how are you going to put Ohio on the same high level of global consciousness about global warming as has California leadership. We must raise the consciousness on this if we are to develop a new economy here, ever... here's how the Times writes of California... "This is the state that in the early 1970’s jump-started the worldwide adoption of catalytic converters... this is the state whose per capita energy consumption has been almost flat for 30 years, even as per capita consumption has risen 50 percent nationally... California, in fact, is making a huge bet: that it can reduce emissions without wrecking its economy, and therefore inspire other states — and countries — to follow its example on slowing climate change." Read more about CA's brave public leadership and the highly-paid, cowardly energy industry lobbyist-attornies below...

David Perkowski shows how to develop arts community and get NEO praised in New York Times

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 00:48.


Susan Miller posted very exciting news about NEO today: former editor in chief of the Free Times and now columnist for the esteemed New York Times Lisa Chamberlain (props, Lisa!) published in today's New York Times a real plum of promotion for NEO, with an article titled: "Filmmakers Say Hooray for Cleveland". The subject is very smart and progressive local real estate developer David Perkowski, shown above on top of his Hyacinth lofts, which David developed to serve the unique live/work needs of local artists and film and music makers. Anyone who knows NEO knows David for transforming the historic Tower Press building from a dilapidated shell into a spectacular and bustling arts loft complex... one of the most innovative historic restorations and downtown redevelopments in Cleveland History. Well, the Hyacinth is as impressive and significant in similar and other ways.

Why is Plain Dealer still ignoring impact of Lead Poisoning in education and economy?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 15:03.

The Plain Dealer is taking a high road right now in dealing with politicians and the local economy - the same high road of Ronn Richard and the Cleveland Foundation, and most other community leaders in town... we need good education to have an effective economy. The PD quotes Cleveland Foundation President Ronn Richard as saying, at the City Club Friday, "Any plan to reinvigorate Northeast Ohio has to include reinventing, not just improving, public education... In fact, overhauling our educational system must become a national priority". In the Sunday, 09/10/06 Plain Dealer, the PD proudly proclaims: "Newspapers aim to set the agenda for election"... "Some of Ohio's largest newspapers are banding together to urge candidates in the governor's race to focus on three critical issues: kids, college and jobs." Yet neither Ronn Richard or the PD acknowledge the silent crisis of lead poisoning (and, BTW, mercury in our lakes, rivers and Perch-fries) that guarantees each year 10,000s of children in Ohio will not be able to be educated, or become effective members of the economy or society, and will instead be lifelong burdens. As the Washingtonian acknowledges (large PDF) in their more intelligent August 2006 coverage of social issues in Washington, DC, "In DC, hundreds of children are being damaged every year—and the results will be more school dropouts and more crime." For NEO and Ohio leaders to talk about improving education without attacking the lead and toxin crisis is either ignorant of deceitful. I tend to lean toward deceitful, as in the same PD that proposes to care about education, the business section features a puff-piece on the CEO of Ohio coatings manufacturer RPM, which is in the middle of major litigation over asbestos, and the PD uses this opportunity to position that litigation as fraudulent. The interview with RPM CEO Frank Sullivan features he joking about his relations with Sherwin Williams CEO Connor, who is fighting for his life to battle litigation all over America (except in Ohio) against his company over lead poisoning millions of Americans... to these people, harming millions of people is just good business, and the PD celebrates that.

Happy Birthday NEOHYPO Robert Banks... be reborn, Cleveland arts

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 02:31.


At the Meet the Bloggers benefit last week, at Tower Press, I hoped I would see NEO's top filmmaker Bobert Banks, who has his studio in the Tower Press. Robert showed up, as is his style. Not only did I learn it was his 40th birthday (happy b-day... shush) but that he was having a filmfest birthday party today, 09/10/06... not to be missed, to celebrate a great man and artist's b-day and enjoy some retro film of Robert's choice. As Robert was born in 1966, and Star Trek was apparently invented then, the evening started out with some crazy Star Trek film that I suppose was the pilot of the series, and was totally freaky... rampant green dancing aliens, booze and sex.


The remarkable Convivium 33 presents the Van Duzer Perspective

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 22:55.

I've totally appreciated Convivium 33 Gallery in Josaphat Arts Hall since I first heard of its creation - one must love people who resurrect an abandoned church on West 33rd Street in the unblessed heart of Detroit Superior, and pump a ton of money into it, and make it into a major showcase for art (equal love must go out to the Saltzmans for operating a great Dave's Market a block away). While lots of economic development dreamers talk good talk about transforming midtown and developing the arts economy, here it is happening day in and out. So I was thrilled to learn an old friend Clarence Van Duzer is showing there this month

2006 CIA Faculty Show combines exceptional art and great party into perfect cultural event

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 02:05.


What a week for fine art in Cleveland! In a wise move to spread the cultural-wealth and art enthusiasts time, Spaces made great noise and started the weekend early by throwing their "Street Repairs" opening party on the relatively quiet 09/07/06 Thursday night, drawing in a huge crowd. Read on about Friday's festivities...

Meeting the poets at Meet the Bloggers... Artists at Gutterhall

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 22:53.


There is a core group of really cool people in NEO committed to developing a great intellect and quality of life here, and they turned out in force this Thursday evening in two very different but interrelated ways. Free speech enthusiasts gathered for a poetry-laced fund-raiser for social consciousness catalyst "Meet the Bloggers", at Tower Press, and other free expression enthusiasts turned out for "Street Repairs" at Spaces... between the two, perhaps 1,000 of Cleveland's finest turned out, showing NEO at its best.