Cleveland Thermal Energy and The Plain Dealer Publishing Company... I know the Pieces Fit!
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 12:12.
An ambient film of real NEO people walking, shot from outside the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper headquarters, featuring late afternoon activity in the newsroom as seen from Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, realNEO... "Schism" by TOOL is playing in the background, accompanied by the sounds of realNEO..
I've often wondered why the Cleveland Plain Dealer has been so disrespectful and harmful to me - I believe the following documents will explain - The Cleveland Plain Dealer is a Cleveland Thermal customer and so Cleveland Environmental Justice criminal - I know the Pieces Fit!
Alternate energy steam service agreement between Cleveland thermal Energy and The Plain Dealer Publishing Company, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Howard. (12 pgs.)
Interruptable energy service agreement between Cleveland Thermal Energy Corp. and Ohio Building Authority, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Howard. (13 pgs.)
Alternate energy steam service agreement between Cleveland thermal Energy and The Plain Dealer Publishing Company, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Howard. (12 pgs.)
Alternate Energy Service Agreement between CLEVETEC and Heitman Ohio Management, Inc. filed on behalf of Carlyle/ National City Associates by S. Howard. (14 pgs.)
Alternative energy rate service agreement between Cleve- land Thermal Energy and The Claxton Building - Property Operations, Inc., filed on behalf of applicant by S. Howard. (12 pgs.)
Alternative energy rate service agreement between Cleve- land Thermal and David W. Swetland dba The Park Investment Company, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Howard.
Service agreement between Cleveland Thermal Energy Corp. and the following customers, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Howard: 1. First Union Management, Inc. 2. Distillata
Alternative energy rate service agreement between Cleveland Thermal Energy Corp. and the Chesterfield Apartments, or BGR Associates, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Howard.
Alternative energy rate service agreement - space hearing & general use between Cleveland Thermal Energy and Trebmal Keg & Quarter, Inc., filed by S. Howard.
Alternative energy rate service agreements between Cleveland Thermal Energy Corporation and three customers, Carlyle/National City Associates, Colonial Arcade Company, and The Distillata Company, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Howard.
Alternative Energy Rate Service Agreements of Cleveland Thermal Energy Corporation with Property Operations, Inc., Colonial and Euclid Arcade, the Wolfe Envelope Company and The Park Investment Company, file dby S. Taft on behalf of applicant.