
I got my Voices and Choices choicebook feedback. Did you?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 05:03.

Yesterday, I got an email from Voices and Choices providing feedback from the Choicebook I completed online in July, in preparation for the community meeting they are holding next weekend. Did you complete a choicebook and get your results? Based on the data, showing at best only around 539 other people completed choicebooks, I assume you did not. That means you do not have a voice in how the establishment will steer $100s of millions in "Fund for the economic future" foundation and public money and attempt to steer our economy over the coming decade.

2006 CIA Faculty Show combines exceptional art and great party into perfect cultural event

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 02:05.


What a week for fine art in Cleveland! In a wise move to spread the cultural-wealth and art enthusiasts time, Spaces made great noise and started the weekend early by throwing their "Street Repairs" opening party on the relatively quiet 09/07/06 Thursday night, drawing in a huge crowd. Read on about Friday's festivities...

A World premier production of THE DANCE OF MOTHER EARTH - TANDAV

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 12:09.
09/23/2006 - 18:00
09/23/2006 - 21:00

Shiva's Classic Dances, International proudly presents a world premier production of THE DANCE OF MOTHER EARTH - TANDAV - Third Annual Fundraiser and FREE performance

TANDAV is just not a  multicultural extravaganza showcasing the beauty of dance but has lot more to offer to the community. It is an evening with a variety of dances expressing the different colors of life- Love, Stress, and Compassion. The main purpose of this evening is to listen to what Mother Earth is trying to convey to all of us “GLOBAL WARMING" "WILD LIFE PROTECTION". Do you attribute the recent changes in the climate  to Global Warming-leading to deadly effects of human life????


Wiley Middle School Auditorium
2181 Miramar Boulevard
University Heights, OH
United States

Meeting the poets at Meet the Bloggers... Artists at Gutterhall

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 22:53.


There is a core group of really cool people in NEO committed to developing a great intellect and quality of life here, and they turned out in force this Thursday evening in two very different but interrelated ways. Free speech enthusiasts gathered for a poetry-laced fund-raiser for social consciousness catalyst "Meet the Bloggers", at Tower Press, and other free expression enthusiasts turned out for "Street Repairs" at Spaces... between the two, perhaps 1,000 of Cleveland's finest turned out, showing NEO at its best.

? of the Day: Are you ready to bring some natural flash to NEO?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 21:52.

When I think about the kids in Brattleboro who are getting naked wherever and whenever they like, it makes me feel very stupid for living by social establishment rules I don't respect. When I think about the fact, pointed out by a poster to realneo, that in Cleveland people doing the same thing would probably get arrested, it makes me feel stupid for living here. But then I think of the beautiful morning a few years ago when 3,000 of us got naked for art, and felt very free and natural, and were not arrested, and it occurs to me I didn't do it to be part of a work of art or to see lots of naked Clevelanders but to be free, in my society and city, as I like. So I propose we who want to be free develop a tradition of expressing our freedom here and become better connected in the process, through some NEO Flash mobs.

Ronn Richard at City Club: Is There Hope for Revitalizing the Nation’s Poorest City?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 20:54.
09/08/2006 - 12:00
09/08/2006 - 14:00

Is There Hope for Revitalizing the Nation’s Poorest City? Cleveland Foundation’s Ronn Richard at The City Club of Cleveland

CLEVELAND, OHRonald “Ronn” Richard, president and CEO of The Cleveland Foundation, will speak on the topic “Revitalizing America’s Post-Industrial Cities: Some Lessons from Cleveland” at noon on Friday, September 8, 2006, at The City Club of Cleveland.


City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Avenue 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH
United States

Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) Faculty Show Opens

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 11:26.
09/08/2006 - 18:00
09/08/2006 - 20:00

Launching the academic year, each fall, the CIA faculty show is always one of the most dynamic art exhibits in Cleveland... eclipsed only by the showing of student work at the end of the school term, in the spring. The annual faculty show will be held from September 8-October 14 in Reinberger Galleries, 11141 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. Exhibition free and open to the public Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm. Be sure to attend the Artist’s Reception Friday, September 8, 6 pm – 8 pm.


Cleveland Institute of Art
11141 East Boulevard Reinberger Galleries
Cleveland, OH
United States

? of the Day: Dear Plain Dealer, is this the "street culture" you hope to kill?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 06:12.

In a recent series of editorial rants in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the authors proposed Cleveland must attack "street culture" to correct our condition as the most impoverished big city in America. I've posted on their position and my disgust at their suggestions this is an NAACP issue, or an issue at all, and I questioned what on Earth they mean by "street culture". Then, while working on a website cataloging my parents' art collection for the May Show Project Philip Williams and I are organizing I understood what the PD wants to kill... the culture that empowered the art shown above, being a "Jazz Bowl" by one of the world's most prominent designers, Cleveland's beloved Victor Schreckengost, and a print masterpiece by one of the world's most renowned "minimalist" artists, Frank Stella. Without "street culture" neither of these works of art would exist. Good idea, PD.

A step in the right direction for dealing with blight: good work, Judge Pianka

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/04/2006 - 16:19.

The 09/04/06 Plain Dealer has a blurb about an important step forward in the fight against blight in NEO, writing that "Starting tomorrow, Cleveland Municipal Housing Judge Ray Pianka will order that every abandoned house in foreclosure on his docket carry a sign identifying the owner and the owner's phone number. The name and number of the mortgage company also will be listed, along with the court case number and a contact number for someone at the court. "These owners and mortgage companies have anonymity now. Well, OK, if the case is before the court, now everyone will know who is responsible.""

Daily Struggle

Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 09/04/2006 - 09:02.

So much pain in the world.   The swirling hellishness of these past three weeks brings only one realization--Be an agent of creation not destruction.   The human condition is torn between these two forces.  It is easy to destroy, but not to create.  Do not give up. CREATE.

Plain Dealer playing the wrong black card about poverty... it's the soot, stupid!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/03/2006 - 14:00.

As the Cleveland Plain Dealer assigns blame for the plight of Cleveland as the most impoverished city in America, they target the black poor. I find this highly disturbing, especially as they completely white-wash the greatest flaw in our economy, which is a century of cow-towing to industry causing and perpetuating toxic contamination of our people and neighborhoods in our urban core.

Sending your kids off to school to eat their daily lead?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 17:26.

It astounds me in this day and age there are still products regularly handled by children that contain lead at all. One product that contains lead that blows my mind is soft PVC children's lunch boxes... a fact brought to the public's attention when the Center for Environmental Health tested a TARGUS lunchbox featuring "Angela Anaconda" that tested positive for 56,400ppm, 90 times the legal limit of 600 ppm of lead (why should any lead be found?). As it turns out, other lunchboxes containing dangerous levels of lead are made by at least the following... Generation Sports, Frozen/Ingear, Roundhouse, Crayola, American Studio, Igloo, Sanford, Fast Forward, Arizona Jean Company, JC Penny, Lisa Frank, Animations/accessory Network, Holiday Fair, Mischief Makers, Extreme Gear/Romar, Subzero/Global Advantage, Chill, Big Dogs, Childress baby bottle carriers, Innovo, East End Accessories/Worldwide Dreams.

Fundraiser for "Meet the Bloggers" features local poets

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 15:30.
09/07/2006 - 17:30
09/07/2006 - 20:30

I just got the following invitation from my favorite economic development leader in NEO, Cleveland Tech Czar Michael DeAloia, and I am intrigued he is not only a technology visionary but a poet. It will certainly be worth checking out the next event where he is reciting his poetry, as this is also a good cause of a group of other great NEO community leaders who operate "Meet the Bloggers". See more about the event below, and more about the poet Michael DeAloia in our feature of him as poet of the day. From poet Michael DeAloia, you are invited...


Tower Press Building
1900 E. Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH
United States

Poet of the Day: Hart Crane

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 23:33.

The host, he says that all is well
And the fire-wood glow is bright;
The food has a warm and tempting smell,—
But on the window licks the night.

Pile on the logs... Give me your hands,
Friends! No,— it is not fright...
But hold me... somewhere I heard demands...
And on the window licks the night.

Art of the Day: Gene Kangas tribute to Hart Crane

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 19:18.


There is an amazing sculpture on the edge of the Cuyahoga River by former CSU professor and renowned NEO artist Gene Kangas, created in tribute to near-Cleveland born poet Hart Crane, situated in far less than a park, but a beautiful site, marked by a wordless sign. You'd only know the sculpture if you know the Flats, or Cleveland sculpture, and I only knew of poet Crane for knowing of the sculpture, and I'm glad for both. This 1992 master work by Kangas is the Art of the Day, and Crane is the poet of the day, today. See and learn more below...

Case Starts Energy Ambassador/Adopt a Building Program

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 22:31.

I am very excited! I recently volunteered to become an Energy Ambassador at Case Western Reserve Univeristy, part of the Adopt a Building program. I will be adopting Mather House, the building where I work. Mather House is a  century old Gothic Revival former girls dorm  turned office building -- probably not the most energy efficient on campus. I suspect the most  significant improvements at Mather House will be directly related to changing the residents' behavior. I think I could be a good energy ambassador; I am always turning out lights, I go to great pains to recycle, I hate air conditioning and I walk rather than using the campus shuttle bus. But I am looking for suggestions as to how myself and the other residents of Mather House could really make a difference. Please post your ideas. I would also appreciate links to good energy conservation sites. The Adopt a Building program is just getting started. My first "Ambassador's" meeting will be next Wednesday. I will fill you in with more details late next week.

20/20 reports on end of life on Earth and blames you, me, Jones Day and bad industries... basically, they blame Ohio

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 21:49.


The disturbing juxtapositioning of social unconsciousness in NEO, reflected by the billboards above, found on Detroit at W. 28th Street, says it all about what is wrong with America today and our economy. Raw selfishness championed by the baby-boom generation has corrupted core, co-conspiring, selfish Gen-X leadership, placing Cleveland and human existence in jeopardy. In a quote from a 20/20 program today on the end of life on Earth, a scientist said "our children and grandchildren already tell us we ruined everything" and that is so correct. I apologized this weekend to my 12 year old daughter for today's leaders destroying her planet, and challenged her to focus her life on saving Earth, as the future clearly depends upon her and the next generations. After an hour and half of the 20/20 program "Last Days on Earth", exploring what may end human existence, from comets and pandemics to nuclear war, the program's conclusion was that we are already destroying the planet through CO2/pollution, and climate change will end human existence in less than 100 years, without significant change in human behavior and global leadership.

Art of the Day: Emily Acita in collaboration with the Children of Lakeview Terrace Community Center

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 10:10.


There's an interesting, very colorful new installation of public art right at the W. 28th on-and-off ramps for Highway 2, by Detroit Avenue. While you can get a fair glimpse of the overall work from the road, that does not do it justice at all, as the greatest importance is in the details. For this work, Cleveland Institute of Art graduate Emily Acita collaborated with the Children of Lakeview Terrace Community Center, which is located right down the road from the mural location, explaining the unusual site selection, being where these children and their families pass-by daily on the way to work, school and play.

USDA Designates 20 Biobased Items for Federal Procurement

Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 21:33.

USDA Designates 20 Biobased Items for Federal Procurement

WASHINGTON, Aug. 23, 2006- The U.S. Agriculgure Department has announced two proposed rules under the Federal Biobased Products Preferred Procurement Program, designating 20 items that must receive special consideration by all federal agencies when making purchases.

"The designation of these 20 biobased items is a major step in advancing the federal preferred procurement program for biobased products," said Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns. "When finalized, 1,500 biobased products will be given procurement preference by federal agencies, generating new economic opportunities for biobased product producers and U.S. farmers and ranchers, while providing new choices for U.S. consumers." Full text at the North Coast Green Spieler weblog

What's up with the Beck Center?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 23:32.


I went to the Beck Center for the first time for the Masumi Hayashi memorial. I was interested to see the place, as it has sufaced in controversy as the Beck Chairman of the Board wants to move it to Crocker Park, and the media and arts powers that be agree. What I found was a very expensive, expansive, high quality arts facility, as ugly as sin, on the skin, and poorly managed in obvious ways, but far from beyond redemption. That the regional arts leadership is ready to demolish this solid facility is beyond belief and shows how disposable our leadership finds our core and inner-ring community.

Art of the day: Masumi Hayashi well memorialized in LA Times

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 08/21/2006 - 15:13.

The best recognition of Masumi Hayashi to appear online or in print is not in the Plain Dealer or on but the LA Times, where they actually went to some effort in celebration of her success. Read great insight and true caring about Masumi in LA and worldwide, below...


The Flats in the Fog. Cleveland, Ohio. Panoramic Photo Collage with Kodak type C prints, 1987. Size: 34” x 64”. Artist: Masumi Hayashi

Vegan/Veg Potluck shows NEO's Golden Gate to future

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/20/2006 - 23:19.

When I saw The Redhead's posting on REALNEO for "green :: a vegan and vegetarian potluck :: every sunday!" I knew this was a good thing and decided to invite some friends and attend. I'm certainly glad I did. Not only did I have the best meal in recent memory, from good homes and hearts, but it turned out to be a real "NEO Excellence Roundtable" where I met a bunch of awesome people making NEO special... we all even learned lots about vegan baking, from an entrepreneurial pro chef... all on a beautiful Summer's eve, in a setting hard to beat, on the shore of Lake Erie, at Lakewood Park. Learn more about all of this, and plan to join in next week... read on!

Art of the day: Masumi Hayashi

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/20/2006 - 01:55.

Granada Relocation Camp, Foundation, 1997,panoramic photo collage, 23"x 31

08.07.06 GCLAC Steering Committee reports progress and innovation addressing lead poisoning in NEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 20:18.

In one respect Northeast Ohio is world-class: addressing the lead poisoning crisis rampant here and in all older communities of America. For this excellence in action, credit the St. Luke's Foundation and all affiliates of the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council (GCLAC) and Concerned Citizens Organized Against Lead (CCOAL). GCLAC held our quarterly Steering Committee meeting on August 07, 2006, where University Hospital's Dr. Ash Sehgal, Director of the Center for Reducing Healthcare Disparities, presented his research findings on the implications of lowering the threshold level of blood lead poisoning considered a trigger for intervention from 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood to 5 micrograms per deciliter. The GCLAC Steering Committee strongly supports this action, which will make NEO the most progressive community in America and the first we know to take such bold and intelligent action, setting a safer standard for our citizens than that mandated by the Federal government.