Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/24/2005 - 08:17.
newCAT (New Collaboration in Arts and Technology) CEO William Scheele shared his vision for the future of his not-for-profit arts organization at the 08.23.05 Excellence Roundtable, including collaborating with the Ingenuity Fesitval on an innovative slate of digital arts events not to be missed - see schedule of newCAT Ingenuity events below. Bill also previewed a poster that will be sold for $5 at the Ingenuity Festival to raise funds for newCAT... shared below. See you at the Ingenuity Festival...

The Ingenuity Festival - September 1-4, 2005 - Cleveland, Ohio
NewCAT - (New Collaborations in Art & Technology) Presents the following…
668 Euclid Avenue
Storefront Window - Large-Format Digital Rear Screen Projection
Digital Animation Art
Yoichiro Kawaguchi - Luminous Visions
A large-format projection of a 3D animation work, Luminous Visions, by Yoichiro Kawaguchi, a computer graphics animation pioneer from Japan. Born in 1950, Kawaguchi began experimenting in the mid-seventies with 3D animation at Japanese institutions involved in the development of high-definition TV technologies.
He developed his own computer programs to simulate biological processes of evolutionary growth patterns, which result in multi-colored, mutating abstracted forms of fantastic new cyberworlds. Yoichiro Kawaguchi
has created some of the best examples of work in the Visual Music approach to “Synaesthesia� or non-representational imagery combined with music to create a transcendent aesthetic experience.
Storefront Window - Large-Format Digital Rear Screen Projection
Global Digital Art Slideshow
Macworld Expo Digital Art
Digital Hall of Fame
A large-format slideshow projection of various works from the International Digital Hall of Fame Collection and the Macworld Expo Digital Art Gallery. These are computer graphic works by artists from around the world, selected by EFX Art & Design in Sweden and the Macworld Expo Art Gallery jurors. Some of the artists included are Bill Ellsworth, Alessandro Bavari, David Ho, Jim Ludtke, Diane Fenster, Anders Ronnblom, Scott Galloway, Peter Aversten, Sin Takahashi, Andreas Lindholm, Jeremy Sutton, Mariann Eklund, Jeff Brice, Tora Kosaka, Matt Frantz, Sally Davis, Satoshi Matsuyama, Robert McClintock, Frank Picini, Chet Phillips, Dave Seeley, Bruce MacLeod, Ciro Marchetti, and others.
Cleveland Trust Rotunda
Multimedia Installation
Virtual Reality
Greg Little - The Dance of the Body w/o Organs
A Virtual Reality Installation, The Dance of the Body w/o Organs, by BGSU digital art professor, Greg Little. Born in 1954, in Indiana, Greg attended the Hope School of Fine Art at Indiana University and the School of Art & Architecture at Yale University. He has exhibited internationally at Ars Electronica, Invencao, Consciousness Reframed, ISEA, and others. In this work, he explores an interactive, immersive navigational process that refers to Artaud’s desire to have a body without organization, or organs, so the organization is based on emotional systems, rather than on anatomical, medical, and scientific systems.
The Galleria
Ingenuity Festival Poster
Michael Nekic - Urban Surrealism
A commemorative poster available for a five dollar contribution to help support NewCAT.
Framed Prints
Computer Graphics
Michael Nekic - Urban Surrealism
An exhibition of framed computer graphic prints, Urban Surrealism, by Michael Nekic. Born in 1951,
in Cleveland, he is currently living in Chardon, Ohio. Michael attended Lakeland Community College, but is primarily a self-taught photographer and computer graphics artist. He is a prolific artist who explores the use of photographs and computer programs to blend images into a unique vision.
Interactive Touch-Screen Monitor & Large-Format Digital Projection
Interactive Digital Art
Mark Napier - The Waiting Room
An Interactive, touch-screen monitor work, The Waiting Room, by Mark Napier. Born in 1961, in New Jersey, Mark attended Rutgers and Syracuse Universities, and now lives in New York City. He has exhibited work at the Whitney Biennial, SFMOMA, ZKM, Guggenheim, and new media festivals in Germany, Italy, Denmark, and South America. Mark’s work is primarily created as “net art,� appropriating the text, images, and data that make up the web, using the material to create an aesthetic experience. A creative, visual chaos is born of the various interfaces of technologies used and then manipulated by the participants… the visual equivalent of an online chat room.