
I have been busy with my rose garden

Submitted by Oldroser on Tue, 07/05/2011 - 02:32.

My mini wire-haired dachshunds and my roses are my great joys. So I can safely work in the garden, there are conduit pipes and fence posts stuck here and  there with wire cable connecting them for me to grab onto if I start to fall. You can see this at the right of the picture below.











Protest at the Cleveland Justice Center of arrest of Kathy Wray Coleman

Submitted by savcash on Fri, 06/24/2011 - 00:13.
06/28/2011 - 09:30
06/28/2011 - 10:00

Protest at the Cleveland Justice Center of arrest of Kathy Wray Coleman


Cleveland Justice Center
1200 Ontario St Lakeside entrance
Cleveland, , OH 44113
United States
Phone: Ada Averyheart 216-751-5407

No need to ask questions about rugosas, I have new information

Submitted by Oldroser on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 06:16.

I got an email from Jocelynn Clemings, Public Information Officer, about a letter that had been sent out saying that the proposed improvements to the eastbound section of I-90 from I-490 north and eastward to E 14th may necessitate right-of-way from my property and work crews may need to enter my property over the next several weeks to do survey and other work. It mentioned Jason Wise, ODOT's Project Manager, at 216-584-2144.


Submitted by Oldroser on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 04:35.


W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.

Post 6 of a series.

Seen at Scene: Tremont mentioned in Letters to the Editor

Submitted by Oldroser on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 16:47.

This is what the letter said and its heading:

"Time Out for Pessimism

There is a lot of work being done to update old city laws, which should be commended ["Open Season," May 11, 2011]. But the crux of the situation in Tremont is simply: If the bars and nightclub owners could not or would not obey the old laws, what makes anybody think that they will obey new laws?

Tremont Sounder"

No comments yet.

A very good question, don't you think?


Submitted by Oldroser on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 14:53.

I got a postcard in the mail and the Tremont West Events and Updates dated June 14 also lists what Project Manager Craig Hebebrand characterized in an email to me as an Open House.


Submitted by Oldroser on Thu, 06/09/2011 - 03:45.




   W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.

Post 5 of a series.

The Other Night I Remembered A Dream - And I Never Remember Dreams. This Was Serious... I was stabbed in the back!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 06:00.

Clara Roulet at 1 minute old

The Other Night I Remembered A Dream - And I Never Remember Dreams. This Was Serious.

Evelyn and I were sitting in the foyer of our home talking, at night, when gunmen in black masks suddenly rushed through our front door. We dove to the ground and lay there wondering what would happen. Suddenly there was a nine millimeter pushing forcefully against my forehead.

Then, I felt a numbing pain in my back and I could feel something was sucking the life out of my spine - and thank God I awoke.

Now I have been stabbed in the back so many times by so many people in Cleveland it is made of steel. I'm in the middle of showdowns with liars and cheaters all over town and the country - no big deal. No - this was near and dear. Big surprise to find out the chairman of realNEO Jeff Buster has been in hyper-back-stab mode and trying to destroy My realNEO. Your realNEO!


Submitted by Oldroser on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 13:16.



W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.

Post 4 of a series.

IntraCom/UCANX Update: GROHIO Sprouting - States of Emergencies - On the road again - BTWs

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 04:22.

IntraCom/UCANX Update: GROHIO Sprouting - States of Emergencies - On the road again - BTWs

  1. Ohio-based Board members have spent lots of time this week meeting and discussing options for development of the cannabis industries in Ohio - dozens of emails a day - and we have made various outreaches in our own ways. We'll compile a report for the board.

    In brief, while we agree Ohio is a perfect place to base the hemp industries, and it looks the same for MMJ, assuming Lewis' campaign is successful, the politics of Northeast Ohio have been and still are so corrupt, corrupting so much here, we are not confident leaders here will make good decisions. We have certainly not thrown in the towel - we have been focused on Cuyahoga County, VC-types, and the broader community... which is very receptive. Next week, we will expand our focus away from Northeast Ohio, to a broader state-wide exploration.

    Feel free to start reaching out in your states as well, as I can't guarantee Ohio leadership will make the right decisions, and we need to be prepared for serious action ahead.

Dear President Obama, I Don't Know Where You Are From, But In America The Earth Is Round, And Hemp Grows Here by God!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 04:21.

The field of ESTA-1 variety hemp, showing the relatively weed free ground below the plants.
The field of ESTA-1 variety hemp, showing the relatively weed free ground below the plants.
Ontario, CANADA's Renfrew County - the farm of John and Rae Ann Briscoe - Harvest 2006

Dear President Obama,

I'll be brief, here. The Environmental Protection Agency has further correspondence from me regarding government incompetency in Northeast Ohio, you may want to investigate.

Today, I am writing out of concern for your apparent lack of familiarity with basic science and technology. I don't know where you are from, but in America the Earth is round, and hemp grows here by God! You have scientists in your employ who will confirm that, and that hemp may easily be grown by American farmers without setting off a wave of reefer madness.

Your Chief Technology Officer, Aneesh Chopra, may confirm modern information technology enables monitoring of just about anything and everything on Earth, down to the nanoscale, including big fat hemp plants, so there is adequate technology in existence today to guard hemp crops against drug dealers more incompetent than DEA agents, who may mistake hemp for marijuana, or who are moronic enough to commingle the two.

Journalism That Matters: realNEO Optimizes IT For All - Create Or Die!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 04:21.

realNEO Matters - April 2011 web statistics versus primary economic development portals in Northeast Ohio
realNEO Matters - April 2011 web statistics of primary economic development portals in Northeast Ohio

Since the 1990s, my personal professional mission has been "To Optimize Information Technology for All".

I've helped the world's greatest organizations optimize IT for all their stakeholders, as a consultant working around the globe, and I am enabling Ohio and the world to optimize IT for all citizens, as an information technology innovator in my home of Northeast Ohio. One important expression of my mission to optimize IT for all is realNEO.US - Regional Economic Action Links for North East Ohio - which I founded in 2004, moved into the dysfunctional but living Real Coop co-operative owned structure a few years later, and have since used to transform the information, technology, insight and action of the people of the world interested in Northeast Ohio, and the world.

I recently received an email from Bill Densmore, co-director of Journalism That Matters, inviting me to "Create or Die 2", offering a nice global opportunity to share the realNEO story more broadly. Journalism That Matters is "an evolving collaboration of individuals supporting the pioneers who are shaping the emerging news and information ecosystem" - Create or Die 2 is about "Disrupting the Status Quo with Journalism Innovation and Entrepreneurship" - and I can't imagine initiatives that fit better with realNEO and my mission.


Submitted by Oldroser on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 03:09.


W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.




Downtown Cleveland Is Moving

Submitted by ClevelandCreatives on Wed, 05/18/2011 - 18:19.

I hope this inspires you as it did myself regarding the evolution and growth of our city, Cleveland.

May 18, 2011 IntraCom UCANX Board Update: Vote Hemp - Finding Roots - Board Building - Energy Building

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/18/2011 - 04:21.

Vote Hemp President Eric Steenstra, Ron Paul and Vote Hemp lobbyist Ben Droz pose for the record on new hemp farming bill.
Vote Hemp President Eric Steenstra, Ron Paul and Vote Hemp lobbyist Ben Droz pose for the record on new hemp farming bill.

May 18, 2011 IntraCom UCANX Board Update: Vote Hemp - Finding Roots - Board Building - Energy Building

A few updates to the board, in brief.

1. Vote Hemp

Congratulations to everyone involved with the successful efforts of the Hemp Industry Association and Vote Hemp supporting the introduction of the "The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011, To amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude hemp from the definition of marijuana, and for other purposes", signed by its sponsor, US House Representative of the 14th District of Texas Ron Paul, around 1 PM, May 11, 2011, and introduced to the US House of Representatives to be enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 112th US Congress.

As I posted on realNEO, last Wednesday:

My Advice to Kasich: mobilize Ohio Attorney General, police and the National Guard to develop Cannabis Economy in Ohio FIRST!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/18/2011 - 03:40.

A Profound Moment for American Marijuana

Photo by David Sygall

The spring of 2011 has brought tension to the air for everyone involved with cannabis in the United States. Federal authorities have unleashed a coordinated attack on political efforts to tax marijuana and they have made war on medical marijuana programs. This has been matched by additional states changing local laws, putting more skin into the game than ever.

The bets are now in for the biggest cannabis policy showdown in our generation – right in Washington DC. The Schedule I status of marijuana in the federal Controlled Substances Act will either be re-affirmed or changed, likely over the next 24 months.

Marijuana prohibition has become the most refined and serious states’ rights issue of the 21st Century.  Millions of Americans are now participating in a multi-billion dollar medical cannabis economy.

INNERBELT SAGA Post 1 of a series

Submitted by Oldroser on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 07:19.


W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.

Post No. 1 of a series

I had a vision for vegetative screening for the short stretch along W. 14th, from Fairfield down to Abbey, Only eight residences are there, and there are none on the other side of the bridge. I wrote the North of Literary block club, which is supposed to represent residents of this area, I thought. No answer. I wrote Chris Garland of the TWDC. Same stoney silence. I then wrote Mr. Mark Carpenter of ODOT and got a reply!

June is busting out all over, and it's still May!

Submitted by Oldroser on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 00:09.

Historically, my roses have bloomed the first two weeks in June or the last week in May and the first week of June. Last year, however, they were finished with the first flush of bloom on May 31.

It looks like this year will be the same. All the roses have big buds, pink is starting to show on one. Global warming? 












Bike to Work Day—Who’s In? Time to get a bike?!?!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 05/13/2011 - 13:22.
05/20/2011 - 00:00
05/21/2011 - 00:00

Bike to Work Day—Who’s In?

Posted on May 13th, 2011 - 12:00 PM

By Aaron Ferster

I’ve been working—and commuting—in Washington, DC since 1996 when I moved to the area from the Bronx for a job writing interpretive signs at the National Zoo.

My wife and I lived just behind the back entrance to the park. It was a five-minute ride to work, but 15-minutes home because of the big hill standing between my office and our apartment. If the traffic light at the bottom of our street was green, I could make it in without a single pedal stroke.

At that time, the notion of partaking in official “Bike to Work Day” festivities seemed almost comical. “It would take me longer to get to the event than it would to actually ride to work,” I bragged. Then a colleague told me about the t-shirts and free coffee.

I’ve been hooked ever since.


Across America
United States

I MEANT to post a recipe to make your own laundry soap powder very cheaply

Submitted by Oldroser on Fri, 05/13/2011 - 01:10.

I MEANT to post a recipe to make your own laundry soap powder very cheaply using a fantastic Mexican laundry soap bar so gentle it can be used on baby clothing and you can use it to bathe with yourself. My sister saw a glowing writeup in the LOUISVILLE COURIER, bought an extra bar for me at Big Lots for all of 88 cents and mailed it to me.

UCANX: "Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011... amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude hemp from definition of marijuana"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 16:21.

Ron Paul's signature on hemp paper version of the Industrial Hemp Farming Act.

realNEO readers are among the first to see "The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011, To amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude hemp from the definition of marijuana, and for other purposes", signed by its sponsor, US House Representative of the 14th District of Texas Ron Paul, around 1 PM today, May 11, 2011, and introduced to the US House of Representatives to be enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 112th US Congress.

As Paul previously concluded, in a a statement for Hemp History Week: "The federal government should change the law to allow American farmers to grow this profitable crop as American farmers have through most of our nation's history.  I plan to reintroduce the Industrial Hemp Farming Act next week."

Paul clearly is a man of his word. Above is "The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011"... on hemp paper, and below is Ron Paul signing the bill. 

Inspired Art Benefit Auction presented by America SCORES Cleveland

Submitted by kblackley on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 11:47.
06/11/2011 - 18:00
Join Us on June 11 and Support Cleveland Kid's Creative Expression.

You are invited to the Inspired Art Benefit Auction, a collaboration of Cleveland artists and young Cleveland poets of the after-school program America SCORES Cleveland (SCORES). The original poetry of Cleveland kids involved in SCORES has compelled over 30 local artists to create and donate artwork to support the after-school health and literacy program. At the Benefit, students will witness their visions brought to life and artists will experience the poetry on a deeper level as select youth perform. On June 11th you too can experience the profound impact of these youths’ words.

Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, an open wine bar, and live music while bidding on one-of-a-kind artwork. The benefit auction features local artists including CPAC Fellowship Award winners Amy Casey and Stephen Yusko. For more information, visit


smARTspace at 78th Street Studios
1305 W. 80th Street Suite 1B
Cleveland, OH 44102
United States