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East ClevelandTip of the Hat and Props to PD's Michael McIntyre - First Reporter to Recognize "A new cash crop" for OhioSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 14:41.
Tip of the Hat and Props to the Cleveland Plain Dealer's Michael McIntyre, and his Tipoff column today - First Reporter to Recognize "A new cash crop" for Ohio. I look forward to discussing this initiative in detail with Michael and others in the media and public, as it is important to educate the community on the economic benefits we will receive from "Growing a Bright Green NEO PAC for Legalization & Commercialization of Cannabis Crops, Products & Services". Here is Michael McIntyre's correct and intelligent impression of our initiative to make Northeast Ohio the Open Source Capital of the Brightest Greenest State of Earth:
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Happy B Day realNEO EvelynSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 00:00.
It is safe to say the #1 financial and empowering supporter of realNEO is and has always been my wife, Evelyn Kiefer Roulet. A founding member of realNEO (member #7), who has consistently posted some of the most interesting and globally appreciated content, she administers the Putnam Sculpture Colledction at Case (beautifully presented in Drupal), conducts art appraisals, consults in art history - maintains the brightest greenest home and garden in town - all to significantly support our large family so I may focus on realNEO and other regional and global initiatives. She has allowed this flower to grow.
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Effect of Power Plants on Local Housing Values and Rents - "3-7 percent decreases in housing values and rents within two miles"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 06/19/2010 - 10:00.
The people of Northeast Ohio should be highly concerned about our air pollution, for many reasons. A most recent reason for concern: the May 2010 study "The Effect of Power Plants on Local Housing Values and Rents" finds "3-7 percent decreases in housing values and rents within two miles of plants with the semiparametric estimates suggesting somewhat larger decreases within one mile. In addition, there is evidence of taste-based sorting with neighborhoods near plants experiencing statistically significant decreases in mean household income, educational attainment, and the proportion of homes that is owner occupied". That is a strong analytic foundation for finding much of Cleveland is statistically worth significantly less than cleaner areas of Northeast Ohio and cities in America (as also reflected in our low property values here).
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"Importing coal to produce electricity is a drain on Ohio's economy"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 06/17/2010 - 10:34.
The June 15, 2010, Toledo Blade published an important editorial titled To curb Ohio's costly coal bill, fix U.S. energy policy, by Jeff Deyette, assistant director of energy research and analysis in the Union of Concerned Scientists' climate and energy program, and Alan Frasz, vice president of Dovetail Solar and Wind in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, that leads-off with an important observation most residents of Ohio find hard to believe... "When you turn on your coffee pot in the morning, the power likely comes from coal, which generates 85 percent of the electricity in Ohio. According to a new report, three-quarters of that coal comes from elsewhere". Yes, Ohio is ADDICTED to dirty, expensive, environmentally destructive imported coal - Ohio electricity ratepayers spent $1.5+ billion in just 2008 on imported coal - Ohio is the 5th biggest imported coal junkie in America, and we have the pollution to prove it. As the authors of this informative editorial point out:
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"Cannabis has been cultivated in nearly every province and climatic zone in China from ancient times to the present"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 09:30.
December 29, 2009 - China executed a British citizen, Akmal Shaikh, caught smuggling heroin When United States leaders speak of developing our "homeland security" by drilling and stripmining our way to "energy independence", I must question their scientific integrity and intellectual competency. It is well understood worldwide that our Federal government has made impossible the development of an industrial hemp economy in America, which offers citizens a greater degree of energy independence here, because past corporate tycoons were able to force corrupt and ignorant politicians to incorrectly associated "hemp" with "marijuana", and "marijuana" has incorrectly been branded as dangerous and addictive by many ignorant and corrupt American scientists, and the corporate tycoons who pay their salaries. Long story short, because of the ignorant 1936 low-grade American exploitation film called "Reefer Madness", the tuly mad leadership of America has long outlawed developing industrial hemp resources, intellectual property, and technologies in America.
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Growing a Bright Green NEO PAC for Legalization & Commercialization of Cannabis Crops, Products & ServicesSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 06:07.
I'm pleased to announce the coming-together of a Bright Green NEO PAC (Political Action Committee) to develop legislation, distribute petitions, and place on the November 2, 2010, Cuyahoga County general election ballot one or several collaborative local issues to grow $ billions in new economic development activity through enlightened legalization of cannabis crops and derived products, industries and services. The industrial variety of cannabis (hemp) is one of the faster growing biomasses known, and is grown for paper, textiles, biodegradable plastics, construction, health food, fuel, and medical purposes - it is very environmentally friendly as it requires few pesticides and no herbicides. The medicinal variety (marijuana) is processed for recreational, religious, spiritual, and health purposes. Without going into too many details, I've proposed Bright Green NEO economic development initiatives for select economically distressed communities of the Northeast Ohio region. But, I believe all of the state of Ohio will eventually go bright green as the people of the state demand the option. All citizens of Ohio should have the opportunity to benefit from related economic development initiatives and through legal access to industrial and medicinal cannabis products as soon as possible. There are many state-wide medical marijuana initiatives already underway and in place across America - for Ohio citizens to be denied legal access to this new economy health and cashcrop opportunity is regressive. That is unacceptable, for one of the world's greatest agricultural economies.
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Question of the Day: What is the environmental harm of all the demolitions in Northeast Ohio?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 06/09/2010 - 21:06.
9/11 awoke the world to the harm caused by toxic air pollution releases caused by the demolition of buildings, as the disintegration of the World Trade Center buildings "shot pulverized asbestos, lead, concrete, glass, and other debris into the air throughout lower Manhattan". Since 9/11, the city of Cleveland has enhanced its demolition policy to require watering down buildings being demolished, to prevent the spread of hazardous particulate matter like lead dust into the air... at least that is my understanding from discussions of the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council. As I now live in an area of Northeast Ohio being substantially demolished - ground zero from George Bush's economic terrorism against urban Americans - the bulldozers have surrounded my home and are pulverizing the neighborhood at a feverish pitch, reimagining Cleveland into a toxic landfill, and I now wonder how formal is demolition policy in Northeast Ohio - is it applied well, and is it enforced, how, and by who?
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Identifiable effects on public health which may be expected from the presence of a pollutant in ambient air, e.g. Heart AttacksSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 06/07/2010 - 11:00.
As a result of old science, politics and industry dominating energy, health and environmental planning and development of Cleveland, Northeast Ohio, Ohio and America, citizens here must confront the realities of too much pollution in our air today, with certainty of growing air pollution worldwide in the years ahead. As such, the United States Environmental Protection Agency's 2009 Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter finds our pollution causes cardiovascular and respiratory problems and death... topping a long list of cumulative harm pollution causes people and society. Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter forms the scientific foundation for the review of the primary (health-based) and secondary (welfare-based) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter (PM) in America, and "accurately reflects “the latest scientific knowledge useful in indicating the kind and extent of identifiable effects on public health which may be expected from the presence of [a] pollutant in ambient air”". As I've long written on realNEO, Northeast Ohio has a pollution crisis and does a poor job or monitoring our pollution, putting citizens' lives in danger. How much in danger is the subject of this lengthy EPA analysis. In short, you are certainly being harmed greatly by the high levels of PM clearly released into the air in Northeast Ohio, especially near major roadways and coal burning facilities that are source points, like Mittal and MCCO. For example: "Epidemiologic studies that examined the effect of PM 2.5 on cardiovascular emergency department (ED) visits and hospital admissions reported consistent positive associations (predominantly for ischemic heart disease [IHD] and congestive heart failure [CHF]), with the majority of studies reporting increases ranging from 0.5 to 3.4% per 10 μg/m3 increase in PM 2.5".
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Lakeview Road in East Cleveland Declared Area's Worst Road, Compliments of University Hospitals and MCCOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 06/05/2010 - 22:59.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer missed a nice opportunity to pick up on a major social injustice issue today when they announced with much stupidity and little diagnosis "Lakeview Road in East Cleveland picked as area's worst road: Road Rant"... leading to the usual cackles from the cleveland.commies about how my city should be rototilled and dissolved into Oz... while the big story is why Lakeview Road is the worst road in Ohio, as that is the fault of adjoining property owners MCCO and University Hospitals. Those parasitic corporate charities, along with RTA, if I recall right, have for years been using THEIR TAX-EXEMPT blighted brownfields on either side of Lakeview at Euclid as staging areas for their ego-tripping across Greater University Circle, all leading to MCCO plans to build a $250-300 million coal-fired powerplant AT Lakeview and Euclid, for University Circle institution use... already approved by Cuyahoga County and the City of East Cleveland... now all boarded-up. Work on the Euclid Corridor, the Ireland Cancer Center, and MCCO expansion, featuring a period of years of heavy construction equipment access, has abused our tax-base, roads and trust entirely. All while University Hospitals and MCCO contaminate the neighborhood by burning coal. And the ignorant, disrespectful, inaccurate Plain Dealer declares this EC's fault. This is the PD's fault!
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un-Sustainable Cleveland 2019, Meet realHOE 2010 - Hell On Earth in unReal NEO, Compliments of OUR Leadership!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 13:54.
Why do I hate the leadership of OHIO?!?!?! Why the hell was air quality in Cleveland and so Northeast Ohio, the region, the state and the world so "UNHEALTHY" last night, while we slept, and why is it so unhealthy RIGHT NOW - and HOW UNHEALTHY really, where, as indicated above?
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HAPPY HOLIDAY REALNEOSubmitted by Keith Winston on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 08:01.
Happy Holiday everyone on REALNEO and please drive safe and drive for others watch the children,and eat plenty of food. BE BLESSED
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Air Quality Advisory in NE Ohio - Thursday, May 27, 2010 OnlySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/27/2010 - 09:46.
05/27/2010 - 00:00 05/27/2010 - 23:59 Etc/GMT-4 Northeast Ohio - Today's high temperatures and lack of wind may result in exceedances today for both ground-level ozone and fine particles. An Air Quality Advisory is in effect for today, May 27, only. Fine particle concentrations will be highest in urban areas, while ozone may be more widespread. Location
Northeast Ohio
United States
See map: Google Maps
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You are watching videos of the ArcelorMittal Sulfur Dioxide Spill from Cleveland, Ohio, on surface of Lake ErieSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/22/2010 - 07:38.
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A Dangerously Misleading Article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer Prompts Me To Publish REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL CANCER RISKSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/20/2010 - 01:45.
I was flabbergasted to read an article in the Cleveland Plain Deal titled "Organic food benefits debated in wake of president's report on cancer, environment", about the 2008–2009 Annual Report of the President’s Cancer Panel - REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL CANCER RISK... What We Can Do Now, that has nothing to do with ORGANIC FOOD, is misleading, and seems intended to further dumb-down local citizens to the health hazards caused by excessive polluting and medical interventions here, preventing citizens from following one of the core Recommendations:
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Ghosts of EC 2: RIP Lil Shit - Hough Harlem Misses USubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/19/2010 - 12:55.
In my neighborhood, the "graffiti" is all tagging, either for gangs here (haven't seen much of that lately) or in memory of someone who has died... still see plenty of that. One of the more intense memorial tags in EC is for "Lil Shit" on a beautiful boarded up house off Terrace, in East Cleveland. I assume Lil Shit lived or died here and was much loved by Hough Harlem. Anyone know any details? I think Lil Shit is still around here.
RIP Rozelle ElementarySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/17/2010 - 20:34.
I drove by Rozelle Elementary School today to see half of it gone. Another historic landmark - a very fine stable building - gone. They are bulldozing like crazy on my part of town now - great use of our NSP money - love seeing all those wonderful bulldozing jobs created as our stimulus to the economy. I won't bother posting pictures of the buildings being demolished as the truth in NEO is really too ugly these days... I don't even feel like taking pictures of what is left behind.
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Question of the Day: Do You Trust GE or Mayor Jackson Economists, Analysts and Lawyers More?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/15/2010 - 06:07.
I try hard to ignore what folks at Cleveland City Hall and City Council do, day to day, their performance is so depressing. I just expect the worst and hope that won't harm my children. So I have not been following the odd trade missions Jackson's people have apparently been making to the Far East lately (when, on what Fundation's dime, why) cutting odd long-term deals with Chinese lighting companies promising to bring clean jobs to America (does "clean jobs" even translate into Chinese?). Jackson... 10 year deal... "Far East" trade mission... Sunpu-Opto... yeah, right. I like touring China too... sounds well worth the effort?!?! 77% of Clevelanders did just re-elect Jackson, and the Foundations and PD love the man, so let it ride... But then I noticed GE has attacked the Mayor for his jet-setting wheeling-dealing economic development ways and I realized I'm not alone in this backwater slum of East Cleveland noticing what a mess Jackson and his cronies are making of the region and world, now that he has gone global. Some important people like the shareholders at GE are starting to care.
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NASA climatologist makes pitch against coalSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 12:57.
February 3, 2010
A group of clean energy activists braved the cold rain Tuesday to hear a leading climatologist make his case against coal. Speaking in front of UNC’s Cogeneration Facility, a power plant a half-mile from campus that burns coal and natural gas, Columbia University professor James Hansen challenged all universities to eliminate coal use and push for clean energy.
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Ghosts of EC 1: Question of the Day: What is Coming Out of this House at Farmington and Forest Hills in East Cleveland?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 05/04/2010 - 07:25.
Question of the Day: What is Coming Out of this House at Farmington and Forest Hills in East Cleveland? I won't try to explain, as I can't.
EPA regulatory proposals that address emissions from boilers, process heaters, and certain solid waste incineratorsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/03/2010 - 14:02.
On April 29, 2010, EPA proposed a set of regulatory proposals under the Clean Air Act that address emissions from boilers, process heaters, and certain solid waste incinerators. These rules would significantly cut emissions of pollutants that are of particular concern for children. Mercury and lead can cause adverse affects on children's developing brains -- including effects on IQ, learning, and memory. The rules would also reduce emissions of other pollutants including cadmium, dioxin, furans, formaldehyde and hydrochloric acid. These pollutants can cause cancer or other adverse health effects in adults and children. Together, these rules would cut mercury and other air toxics emissions from nearly 200,000 units across the U.S.
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Make sense of what just doesn't make sense, by doing things like growing GRASS...Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/01/2010 - 15:05.
ICEarth Bigbang computers, our Linux distro, and our optimal open source data and application configurations are designed to handle the most processor (CPU and GPU), memory and transaction intensive challenges in the world, to save Earth. Doing that requires an integration of our regional and global geographic information systems with layers of valuable insight not yet integrated, like environmental, atmospheric and topographic data, to drive analyses of life impacting factors in our neighborhoods like environmental fallout from all sources of pollution, to the home and child, for free to them. A good explanation of the type of data and analyses included in such capabilities is described below, helping you make sense of what just doesn't make sense, by doing things like growing GRASS...
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Question of the Day: What is the Connection between Lead Poisoning, renal function, diabetes, and hypertensionSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 14:24.
Whether you care about childhood lead poisoning or not, I think you'll be interested by important insight on Lead, Diabetes, Hypertension, and Renal Function that everyone in the world should understand. Think of the cost of this on society - the suffering, reduced quality of life, and lost years for so many people, caused by lead harming kidney function. Here's the intro and abstract - you'll need to set up an account on WebMD to read the rest (apparently free - this is not an endorsement of WebMD... I am not a member... I will join to read the rest of this and let you know my thoughts)...
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NEO Leaders Speak Of Driving New Economy Growth - Since November, 2008, real NEO Has Grown Like This!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 10:38.
I've been asked what our traffic looks like over time, so I pulled a few quick charts of the number of visitors to realneo since we started using Google Analytics, and what they have visited, to measure performance of this site - and we've grown by pretty much all counts I've considered important by 30-100% since then - in some cases by 1,000s% - in less than a year-and-a-half.
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Do We Need To Clean Up Mittal For Real, Now?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 09:19.
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If You Are A "Politician" In Northeast Ohio Not Committed To Lead Poisoning Eradication, You Must ResignSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 05:00.
2008 Lead Poisonings of children in Cuyahoga County, Ohio - do not move here The Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council has released data on children in the neighborhoods of Cleveland and surrounding suburbs who were tested and documented as lead poisoned in Cuyahoga County in 2008 - about 3,200 of our Cleveland children were KNOWN to be lost to lead poisoning - about 4,000 children poisoned in Cuyahoga County overall. As only a small percentage of our children are actually tested for lead poisoning, the numbers of children in the County lost to lead poisoning is much higher... 1,000s of victims higher. Cleveland's worst known mass-murderer, Anthony Sowell, is only known to have killed 11 people.... yet that has captured 1000s of inches of pointless newsprint... hours of pointless news coverage... to help nobody.
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