
Realneo - a Job or a Joy?

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 02/07/2011 - 22:40.

image 1999 jeff buster Dominica

Sometimes Realneo is a joy - a way to express yourself and spread a little light.   Othertimes, the dreary material calls out for something new on top of it (no reference to what is below this) and we all have to search in the bottom of our bags for content to freshen up the situation. 

While mom washes clothes in the stream,  the  boys keep her company. 



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Next Open Meeting: March 5th, 4-6pm

Submitted by Cleveland_NORML on Mon, 02/07/2011 - 19:07.


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Submitted by jerleen1 on Sun, 02/06/2011 - 20:29.

This photo was taken on Thursday evening in front of Fahrenheit's at 2417 Professor Avenue (Tremont).

Immediately after I snapped a couple of shots, I went directly across the street to a TWDC economic Development Committee meeting wherein B & H Assistant Director Ron O'Leary was in attendance.

I brought this matter to the attention of those present and was told by Sammy Catania that City of Cleveland Superintendant of Public sidewalks John Petkac had been out and deemed the hazardous path safe for all - including citizens confined to wheelchairs.

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Walking on the moon

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 02/06/2011 - 20:11.

There are two classes in Cleveland--those with cars and those who walk and ride public transit.  For those who walk--it's like being on the moon and looking at another universe far, far away.

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Cleveland NORML February Meeting!

Submitted by Cleveland_NORML on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 23:01.

Cleveland nORML

Cleveland NORML, the National Organization for the reform of marijuana laws, will be meeting at Sidetracks Cafe on February 5th from 4 to 6pm to host our open meeting. We welcome members and non-members alike!

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Plain Dealer Posts "Da Bomb" NEO Story of 2011: "Pot Sauce Williams, aiming to be the Heinz of medical marijuana BBQ sauces"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 22:16.

BBQ Chef Extraordinaire Greg Williams (standing), with his father LeMaud "Hot Sauce" Williams and a satisfied customer

I'm excited to see the Plain Dealer picked up the story of development of an MMJ BBQ Sauce by Greg Williams, of Cleveland's Hot Sauce Williams, and OrganaLabs, of Colorado. As was posted to, today - Pot Sauce Williams, aiming to be the Heinz of medical marijuana BBQ sauces - great coverage by Evelyn Theiss and Diane Suchetka, who interviewed me for their story - some highlights: "We hope to make it the Heinz of medical marijuana sauces," said Norm Roulet, a Cleveland business consultant who got the idea off the ground - Heidi Morgan, co-owner with her husband, Ralph, of OrganaLabs in Denver, confirmed that the company developed and tested a recipe for Pot Sauce Williams - "There is a huge market for this," she said. "People are sick and tired of brownies - Especially, she said, people who have illnesses like MS, HIV, or other autoimmune disorders -- "They'll say, 'I don't want 100 milligrams of sugar when I eat this'"- So what's Pot Sauce Williams like? - Kohn, who has a referral for medical marijuana, loves it - "It packed just about the right size wallop you wanted," he said. "It made you merry. It gave you positive body sensations, good tingles, it was as good or better as any edible product I've tried - and I've tried a lot. It's da bomb" - "Their model is to have a number of sauces out, and they are looking at even doing some of their bakery products," Roulet said. "They have a sweet potato pie and a pecan pie - "One of the things they are looking at is creating some products to appeal to the urban marketplace" - "They are being innovative."

Hot Sauce Williams Shows The World What's Hot In Cleveland With Release Of Pot Sauce Williams MMJ Infused Sauces In Colorado

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 10:30.

Hot Sauce Williams ribs with Pot Sauce Williams MMJ Infused Sauce

On October 27, 2010, I published on realNEO Understanding The Cannabis Divide, where I wrote "I've been exploring the growing cannabis divide in America, which increasingly offers affluent whites the right to legally prosper and use marijuana while poor blacks go to jail for minor marijuana charges. I've been traveling out west, meeting with associates and exploring economic development opportunities in specific regions that offer synergistic benefits to stakeholders in NEO, interested to participate in the cannabis economy now, legally. To offer Ohio businesses legal access into the cannabis economy, I am working with folks in the Denver/Boulder area to put in place what we call Grohio - a cooperative facilities-based cannabis think tank, advocacy organization, political action committee, venture capital fund, research and development institute and enterprise incubator, designed to help drive innovation at the bleeding edge of cannabis commerce world-wide, and allow Ohio entrepreneurs to fully participate in the cannabis economy locally in Colorado."

The first market outcome of Grohio Colorado is development of a first-on-Earth line of Cleveland-soul sauces infused with cannabis concentrate, for medical marijuana patients in Colorado (and eventually worldwide), based on original and world-renowned sauce recipes of Cleveland's Williams family, of the historic Hot Sauce Williams Bar-B-Q restaurants... loved in real NEO and worldwide for around 50-years... soon to be available as Pot Sauce Williams sauces infused with MMJ, where legal.

The Pot Sauce Williams sauces are the result of a collaboration between the Grohio team in Cleveland and Denver, working with cannabis concentrates experts at OrganaLabs, of Colorado, and Hot Sauce Williams Special Projects Manager Greg Williams, of Ohio... and taste tests by qualified medical marijuana consumers are all raves!

You are Invited to Enjoy the Pleasures of Living in Cleveland, Ohio as a World Class Community Development Experiment Continues!

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 20:52.
Question of the day: Who owns this building???

Perhaps when you are done understanding this nightmare of a "GOVERNMENT BASED ECONOMY" can help implement real Economic Development while protecting the rights of our public at large! 

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Martin Juredine, Owner of The Barking Spider, Has Passed On - Rest in Peace to the End of a Great Era

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 15:20.

Martin Juredine Facebook Photo
Martin Juredine, from his Facebook Profile

My favorite bar, music club and local hang-out in Northeast Ohio (perhaps the world!!!) has always been The Barking Spider, because the owner Martin was always so friendly and cool, making his the coolest place in town. Musicians loved to perform there and be part of the vibe, which was generated by as diverse a crowd as any meeting place could attract - multiracial, diverse, and all ages, including kids. Some of my favorite local musicians played there regularly. I use the past tense, as I was saddened to learn Martin passed on yesterday, February 2, 2011, after a long illness. Even as The Spider lives on, it will never be the same. All those great tunes and times.

Tale of two bridges

Submitted by OhioBank on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 12:39.

 This short story is to illustrate the difference between monetizing the debt and monetizing an asset. 

A tale of two bridges


Two bridges are needed to be built in Ohio.  One in Richland County and the other in Huron County.  Each bridge costs 10 million dollars.  


Ohio legislators are in charge of the Richland bridge. To built the bridge in Richland County, they decide to start a new bond program.   The bridge will be built by the Ohio Department of Transportation. The bonds are rated for a large fee, by a highly reputable bond rating firm outside of Ohio.  The bonds are sold to investors for the principal of 10 million dollars, plus interest.  


The State Bank of Ohio has control of the Huron bridge. The bridge in Huron County will be financed by money given to the Ohio Department of Transportation by the State Bank of Ohio.  The amount is 10 million dollars.

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The Heart of Poetry

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 22:10.



The gift we bestow in sharing
a stranger's sorrow are the

reasons we love, why the stars
are illuminated by kindness.

With each breath I get closer
to that distant star that is you.
In our lifetime a thousand years
is but one heart beat.

Earth--a place marked with
an x where we both met.


copyright 2009 Vladimir Swirynsky

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Charlotte, North Carolina, will host the 46th Democratic National Convention in 2012

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 13:00.

Norm --

I am thrilled to make sure you are the first to hear some very exciting news. Charlotte, North Carolina, will host the 46th Democratic National Convention in 2012.

Charlotte is a city marked by its southern charm, warm hospitality, and an "up by the bootstraps" mentality that has propelled the city forward as one of the fastest-growing in the South. Vibrant, diverse, and full of opportunity, the Queen City is home to innovative, hardworking folks with big hearts and open minds. And of course, great barbecue.

Snow Baby!

Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 10:48.

On days like today--my father would assemble my three sisters for snow brigade duty.  I can remember one cold, blustery night, especially--the four of us, knee deep in snow, pushing shovels in a gale blizzard.  My father in his government issue glasses barking--commander-in-chief in all of his military glory. 

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Submitted by jerleen1 on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 08:24.

05/13/2010 FINE AND/OR COURT COSTS HAVE BEEN PAID $195 0.00 0.00

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Our leaders--into the future!

Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 01:13.

It is a good skill Tom Bier has, pointing out an obvious solution in ever gaining disaster, (Plain Dealer, Sunday, 1/30, 2011, op/ed section). He has done it for decades in front of conferences of mayors where they called him “Dr. Doom.”  It's unfortunate that the obvious solution of real reagionalism borne by Mr. Bier looks like indecipherable hieroglyphs to our minor despot leaders.

father john henry of st. hermans needs our help - UPDATE - F. HENRY RELEASED - BACK AT ST. HERMANS

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 20:27.

stherman.jpgfather john henry the wonderfull pastor of st. hermans for the homeless  was taken by police to the luthern hospitol for psychiatric evaluation for allegedly having 57 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition  - father henry is one of the steering forces of the great st.  hermans

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How Many NON CERTIFIED GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES does the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County employee?

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 18:43.

How many non certified employees work for Cuyahoga County? 

How many have tried to get certified? 

Who are they? 

What is the status of their "EMPLOYEE AT WILL" employment today? 

How many have taken and failed/passed the Civil Service Exam? 

How many would qualify for immediate employment termination that would help balance our local government budgets? 

Why are we keeping non certified employees around our local government?

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Retirees back on the Tracks

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 18:43.

steam locomotive engineers and firemen on the trans Siberian in 2000 image jeff buster

Because the trans-Russia railways had been completely electrified in the 1970s, and the spur tracks all used Diesel,  the operation of a steam drawn train across Siberia in 2000 required the involvement of retired rail road employees. 

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Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 04:15.
W.105th & Madison Avenue

 Thanks to all the dedicated pawns in this industry who have ever looked down their nose at another human being for whatever reason!


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Sammy Catania Probation Watch: Just days after being placed on probation for criminal menacing, Catania was ticketed by police

Submitted by rmoz6699 on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 23:06.

I doubt a minor misdemeanor traffic violation rises to the level of a probation violation, though I'd think a series of tickets could.  Regardless, it's noteworthy that less than 20 days after he was sentenced and placed on probation for criminal menacing, and just 3 months after he completed his Aggression Control & Anger Management class,  Sammy Catania was pulled over by the police and ticketed for aggressive driving. 

See the Cleveland Municipal Court's dockets.

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Smiling youth in Siberia, Russia

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 18:25.

image of children adjacent to Siberian rail road year 2000 image jeff buster

There’s something magnetic about steam locomotives – when they go by they pull your head up – and you smile – and your arm raises up to wave at the train.

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Fire and Ice

Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 11:27.

Winter in NEO--it gets cold, warm up.

The fire, the food, the music, the company--Sokolowski's on a cold Friday night in Cleveland.

Country Rose performed.

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Children appreciate flowers

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 23:33.

 siberian family and child holding flowers  on a motor bike kodachrome image jeff buster 2000

I just received a dozen or so CDs of Kodachrome slides which I had taken in 2000 in Siberia.  Looking at images which I haven't viewed for 11 years - but still remember like Wordsworth's "spots of time" - is pretty exciting. 

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Submitted by jerleen1 on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 21:32.

Three heros emerged from the TWDC Annual Membership meeting last evening.  Guy T. Black, Larry Cornett and David Gamble.  These three Tremont residents rose to the occasion and helped to lead the membership/voters into deciding against the by-law proposals that would give centralized power to the board.  The passing of this code of regulations would in many ways provide the organization with the guidelines for running a top down the detriment of the poor, elderly, minorities and long time residents of our community.

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