
Gaddafi on the run: Dictator may have fled on his way to Venezuela after Libyan air force attacks civilians - (let us pray)

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 02/21/2011 - 19:41.
 Benghazi residents stand on a tank inside a security forces compoundupdate-'I'm HERE in Tripoli': Gaddafi emerges to defy protesters as capital burns amid bloody slaughter by troops, jets and ships-
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Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 02/21/2011 - 11:42.

Brooklyn Centre Naturalists
The November 2010--Crain's New York published a compelling article on
Artists Fleeing NYC.

Well-look no further--a tree grows in Brooklyn...Brooklyn Centre--Cleveland. 

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"Teaching Cleveland" Historical Revisionism and Negationism by Journalists and Amateurs has NO PLACE in Education Programming

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 02/21/2011 - 03:42.

I've been stunned to find there is a movement in Cleveland, much like "Creationism" and psycho-conservative mind-control programs of the Koch Tea Partiers, called "Teaching Cleveland", that proposes a group of journalists from the Cleveland Plain Dealer (mostly now out-of-the-profession) and other amateur-historians are qualified to develop education programming for our children.

From "Teaching Cleveland": "The Teaching Cleveland Foundation is a pending 501 (3) (c) organization with a stated mission to develop Cleveland-centered curricula in area schools that deepen an understanding of Greater Cleveland’s rich history, foster an appreciation of its varied resources, and equip participants with the skills and capacities to connect, collaborate, and commit.  The future of Greater Cleveland depends on inspiring enthusiasm and a stronger sense and love of place to grow another generation of civic leaders."

Wrong - the Future of Greater Cleveland depends on providing an authentic, safe, healthy, desirable place for people to live.... not brainwashing people to stay.

Change "Cleveland" to "Fatherland" and you will realize the definition and concept for "Teaching Cleveland" is stolen from your typical fascist handbook... and this type of make-believe "story-telling" is defined as "Historical Revisionism" or "Negationism".

1,000,000s of lives will be bettered in very few years - and I appreciated your help accomplishing this

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 22:56.


MCCO near complete - next steps

Norm Roulet <norm [dot] roulet [at] gmail [dot] com>     Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 12:40 PM
To: Chris Ronayne <Cronayne [at] universitycircle [dot] org>
Cc: hershel daniels <hersheldanielsjunior [at] gmail [dot] com>


I'm pleased to see posted to the MCCO site that they are now committed to shutting down their coal boilers and will add no more. You should feel great satisfaction for this - 1,000,000s of lives will be bettered in very few years - and I appreciated your help accomplishing this.

Anyone using the Internet Must Know: Denier-bots live! Why are online comments’ sections over-run by the anti-science crowd

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 20:20.

While I believe we do a good job of keeping spammers from contaminating realNEO, we do not have a way we verify the identity of users and so may be exposed to "sockpuppets". But members of realNEO attack and kill them upon discovery. On the other hand, a poorly managed online world like is certainly fully occupied by such evil forces. Now you may know, for a fact, those "people" you are interacting with, when you discuss important issues to you, on these poorly managed portals like of your monopoly newspaper in Cleveland... or that silly little Facebook of yours... are aliens from another universe.

Denier-bots live! Why are online comments’ sections over-run by the anti-science, pro-pollution crowd?

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 06:38 AM PST

I’ve been reposting the ThinkProgress exposé on the head-exploding tactics of Chamber of Commerce hacks (henchmen?), like Aaron Barr who heads the private security firm HB Gary Federal (see “Chamber lobbyists solicited firm to investigate opponents’ families, children.”  Daily Kos has a stunning post on HB Gary’s tactics that I reprint in below, since it involves:

creating an army of sockpuppets, with sophisticated “persona management” software that allows a small team of only a few people to appear to be many, while keeping the personas from accidentally cross-contaminating each other.

"why isn't wall street in jail" - "why isn't tremont west development corporation & sammy catania in jail" ?

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 18:26.

"everything's fucked up, and nobody goes to jail," he said"

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Rising above Mediocrity

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 12:41.

Yesterday, I met a young architect in the city, who is trying to determine the zeitgeist of NEO.

I am not sure that I can help him at all with his quest--but the timing of today's article in the Plain Dealer did take my breath away. 

I know some of the artists quoted in the article--not all of them very well, but I do know all by reputation.  And, in the article Julian Stanczak sums it up best:


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Environmental History Resources - The Role of Wood in World History

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 22:50.

Environmental History Resources - The Role of Wood in World History

By: K.J.W. Oosthoek

The destruction of the world's forests is a major concern in our age. According to the UN about 40 percent of Central America's forests were destroyed between 1950 and 1980 and during the same period Africa lost about 23 percent of its forests. A whole range of environmental problems is associated with deforestation, among them severe flooding, accelerated loss of soil, encroaching deserts and declining soil productivity1. Sometimes we get the impression that these problems are unique to our time, but vast areas of surface of the earth were stripped of their tree cover well before the modern period.

The ancient Middle East

Today it is hard to believe that in antiquity vast forests were growing in the Middle East. However, during the early part of the third millennium BCE, the mountain slopes of this region were covered with massive cedar forests. These forests disappeared in the millennia before Christ's birth about two thousand years ago. The destruction of the cedar forests of the Middle East is told in the oldest know, surviving written story in the world: The epic of Gilgamesh. The epic was written in Mesopotamia sometime during in the 3rd millennium BCE. The second episode of the epic is known as “The forest Journey” and is the story of deforestation in the Middle East2.


Sierra Club says We all need to call Senator Brown today with a single message: SUPPORT CLEAN AIR ACT

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 18:24.
PO Box 476 | Avon, OH 44011 US
Dear Fellow Ohio Sierra Club Members,

At the start of this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally began using its authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. Already, however, powerful forces in Congress--including some Democrats--are working to strip that authority away or delay its long-overdue implementation. We need to make sure Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown stands firm in defense of EPA's authority to cut greenhouse gas pollution right away.

EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gases is the only tool we have right now at the national level to start combating climate change. Taking it away--or delaying it after all these years of inaction--is absolutely unacceptable.

We all need to call Senator Brown today with a single message:

tremont west development treats angel cuevas auto repair towing as old chewing gum litter on sidewalk twdc make Chewing Gum Art

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 17:32.

Chewing Gum Art (from the Heart)

"Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it." -- Confucius

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Mayor Jackson - This Is Your "Green" Legacy?!?!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 05:08.

Balloon Over Coal-Fired Chicago: Mayor Daley, is This Your Green Legacy?

Posted by jeffbiggers on @ 12:07 pm

Only days before Chicago voters launch their city into a new era with a new mayor, Chicago activists greeted departing Mayor Richard Daley in the City Hall atrium this morning with a giant balloon question mark on his self-proclaim “greenest city in America” legacy.

Featuring a picture of the decrepit and deadly Fisk and Crawford coal-burning power plants in the Pilsen and Little Village neighborhoods, the balloon loomed over the heads of city officials and visitors with the stark reality of Chicago’s ailing neighborhoods. The balloon banner read:

“Mayor Daley, is this your ‘green legacy’?”

On Air, Waters and Places - from the earliest work on human ecology, by Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC)

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 09:43.

MCCO Coal Fired Steam Generation plant - polluting the poor, urban core of Cleveland Ohio since 1932

Regarding the fact that University Hospitals, of Cleveland, Ohio, gets its heat from a coal burning power plant on their urban campus - the Medical Center Company (MCCO), operated by US Senator Sherrod Brown's Brother - located in a largely poor, urban community, which has for over 70 years harmed the health of area and global citizens... and considering the fact no University Hospitals or other area physicians will publicly condemn this and such industrial practices in Northeast Ohio... I posted to realNEO: Doctors at University Hospitals Should Turn In Their Licenses to Practice Medicine, as Hypocrites.

As they do not practice medicine ethically, all Doctors at University Hospitals Must Turn In Their Licenses to Practice Medicine - including my Father - as they do more harm than good as they pollute this community with soot from burning coal that is unnecessary and that causes certain harm and death to area citizens - especially the young, old, poor, black and weak... and these supposed "doctors" know that very well now.

This lack of responsibility by physicians practicing "healthcare" in a geographic area with certain poor health from pollution - including unnecessary pollution from the doctors' own hospital - confirms findings of Alice Hamilton MD, in 1914... "There is here a great neglected field in American medicine and one of growing importance, for each year the number of industrial establishments which employ physicians increases, and the opportunity for expert hygienic control of our dangerous trades increases. But there will have to be a more general understanding of the problems of industrial hygiene before the service rendered by the majority of company physicians becomes of much real value."

The Environmental History Timeline reports "Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC), considered the father of medicine, notes the effect of food, of occupation, and especially of climate in causing disease. One of his books, De aëre, aquis et locis (Air, Waters and Places), is the earliest work on human ecology." This work, reproduced below, offers to all future physicians the guidance "when one comes into a city to which he is a stranger, he ought to consider its situation". The first observation of any physician coming into Cleveland - Stranger or otherwise - should be this is an unhealthy place due to excessive point source polluting from industry, including the MCCO power plant at University Hospitals.

It is not so easy to understand why American physicians have neglected industrial plumbism - Alice Hamilton MD in 1914

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 08:30.

Pathetic, unsafe public housing built at taxpayer expense in the pollution killing-fields of Mittal Steel Cleveland Works
Pathetic, unsafe public housing built at taxpayer expense in the pollution killing-fields of Mittal Steel Cleveland Works

As you read the following account of lead poisoning in America, you will come to realize physicians in America do not work for citizens, they work for corporations, and those corporations protect the interests of their owners, stockholders, and other corporations, rather than citizens, by using their physicians to hide from citizens the dangers of real environmental threats from industry, like lead poisoning. I brought this issue to the attention of realNEO readers with the publication of Perhaps the best way to eliminate bad climate science is to discredit bad lead poisoning scientists... starting with Dr. Schoen, and intend to provide the public with exhaustive ongoing analysis of this sad reality, harming all humanity.

Alice Hamilton MD was smart enough to understand this... very few American physicians have followed in her footsteps... none in Northeast Ohio, that I know of, ever. But if you've got a lot of money, or good corporate insurance, some doctors here may be able to repair your broken, polluted heart.

Her conclusion, from 1914 - "There is here a great neglected field in American medicine and one of growing importance, for each year the number of industrial establishments which employ physicians increases, and the opportunity for expert hygienic control of our dangerous trades increases. But there will have to be a more general understanding of the problems of industrial hygiene before the service rendered by the majority of company physicians becomes of much real value." That never happened - the "Tea Party" has been alive and well in America our entire post-Native history - humans physically and mentally polluted by Industry... the American Heritage... the unreal NEO way still today:


Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 02/17/2011 - 21:28.

My Great Aunt Wee (Marie) came to mind today.  She was a tough lady. Irish married to a Scottish man named French.  I always felt that I had been favored in her mind's eye, but as I grew older, it became apparent that I did not meet the Irish standard.  I was the fair child.  The eldest and most apparently "Irish" of our clan.  Red hair and blue eyes...I grew less Irish as I matured. There was always the spectre of the darker child.

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"It's like Cairo moved to Madison." over 30,000 people rallying at state capital in Wisconsin second day - pro union workers

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 02/17/2011 - 13:59.

Right now, over 30,000 people are rallying at the state capital in Wisconsin for the second day in a row in solidarity with union workers and the good-paying middle class jobs they protect.

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What President Bush knew June 12, 1989 - Hemp is the only biomass resource capable of making America energy independent

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/17/2011 - 04:27.

The field of ESTA-1 variety hemp, showing the relatively weed free ground below the plants.
The field of ESTA-1 variety hemp, showing the relatively weed free ground below the plants.
Ontario's Renfrew County - the farm of John and Rae Ann Briscoe - Harvest 2006

The article included below - Energy Farming In America, by Lynn Osburn, from 1989 - really puts in perspective the evil of America's current energy portfolio and our global climate crisis, as it reports that on June 12, 1989, the first President Bush "recommended auto makers be required to make methanol-powered cars for use in nine urban areas plagued by air pollution - Bush called methanol "home-grown energy for America"."

Reporting on this, in 1989, the author of Energy Farming In America forecast "Hemp is the only biomass resource capable of making America energy independent. Remember that in 10 years, by the year 2000, America will have exhausted 80% of her petroleum reserves. Will we then go to war with the Arabs for the privilege of driving our cars; will we stripmine our land for coal and poison the air we breathe to drive our autos an additional 100 years; will we raze our forests for our energy needs?"

Yes, yes and yes.

George Bush Sr. failed to act on his 1989 promise to move America off foreign oil, and his son took us to war against the Arabs "for the privilege of driving our cars" shortly after 2000 - under President Obama, we have a Middle East in melt-down, are expanding strip-mining of coal and poisoning of the air we breathe, are clearing our forests for biomass.... and we have punched a hole in the bottom of the ocean, spilled millions of gallons of oil, and discovered FRACKING to make the world even worse... as oil prices are at historic highs and NEVER COMING DOWN AGAIN... all in corrupt addiction to fossil fuels in global self-destruction.

tremont parking in front of fire hydant should be attempted murder charge not a ticket (catania update) angel cuevas story

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 02/17/2011 - 01:37.

tremont - parking in front of a fire hydant  should be an attempted murder charge not just a ticket - and other violations that may lead to citizens being killed murdered by businesses and customers violating laws to protect residents - so far a few of us activists like henry and jerleen and other divine forces have prevented this from happening - inspite of about 60 no parking signs and other traffic signs that  were taken down illegally by the business enities over the years - which are back up because of us reporting the thefts- also tremont has no handicapped parking signs

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DOE Requests $3.2 Billion for Renewable Energy, Efficiency in FY 2012 - Energy Secretary Steven Chu's budget summary

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 18:20.

DOE Requests $3.2 Billion for Renewable Energy, Efficiency in FY 2012

Photo of President Obama at the State of the Union speech in 2011 with U.S. flag in the background.

President Obama called for more clean energy in his 2011 State of the Union Speech and continued his support in his new budget proposal.
Credit: White House Photo by Pete Souza

President Obama unveiled on February 14 a $29.5 billion budget request for DOE covering fiscal year (FY) 2012, including $3.2 billion for DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The budget request for EERE represents a 44% increase over the current FY 2010 appropriation of about $2.2 billion. The proposed budget aims to strengthen renewable energy sources, boost clean energy research, and cut expenses as the United States pursues the president's vision of generating 80% of its electricity from clean sources by 2035. Overall, the DOE budget would grow 12% over 2010 levels while cutting a number of programs and administrative costs. (FY 2010 numbers are used here for comparisons because Congress never passed an FY 2011 budget, and the federal government is running on a stopgap budget resolution reflecting 2010 levels).

U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY PLAN EJ 2014 - JULY 27, 2010 - Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 16:28. screenshot of Lisa Jackson speaking at First White House Environmental Justice Forum screenshot of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson speaking at First White House Environmental Justice Forum

Plan EJ 2014

Plan EJ 2014 is an overarching strategy intended to advance EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson’s priority to “expand the conversation on environmentalism and work for environmental justice.” Plan EJ 2014, named in recognition of the 20th anniversary of President Clinton’s issuance of Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations PDF (6 pp, 122K, about PDF), is a roadmap to help us integrate environmental justice into all of our programs.

The goals of the plan are to:

  • Protect health in communities over-burdened by pollution
  • Empower communities to take action to improve their health and environment
  • Establish partnerships with local, state, tribal and federal organizations to achieve healthy and sustainable communities.

Over the next four years, we will implement the plan and work to strengthen our efforts to carry out the Administrator’s priority through continuous and meaningful engagement with communities and all stakeholders.

Climate Progress: Life-cycle study: Accounting for total harm from coal would add “close to 17.8¢/kWh of electricity generated”

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 15:13.

Life-cycle study: Accounting for total harm from coal would add “close to 17.8¢/kWh of electricity generated”

Posted: 16 Feb 2011 07:30 AM PST

Epstein coal2

In a groundbreaking article to be released this month in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Dr. Paul Epstein, associate director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School, details the economic, health and environmental costs associated with each stage in the life cycle of coal – extraction, transportation, processing, and combustion.  These costs, between a third to over half a trillion dollars annually, are directly passed on to the public.

In terms of human health, the report estimates $74.6 billion a year in public health burdens in Appalachian communities, with a majority of the impact resulting from increased healthcare costs, injury and death. Emissions of air pollutants account for $187.5 billion, mercury impacts as high as $29.3 billion, and climate contributions from combustion between $61.7 and $205.8 billion. Heavy metal toxins and carcinogens released during processing pollute water and food sources and are linked to long-term health problems. Mining, transportation, and combustion of coal contribute to poor air quality and respiratory disease, while the risky nature of mining coal results in death and injury for workers.

That’s from a news release for the important new study, “Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal.”  Dr. Epstein is the lead author, and there are 10 coauthors, public health and environment experts.


Submitted by jerleen1 on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 11:56.

Cleveland Police Logo

Tremont West
Development Corporation
  Brevity Reports for January

1/2/11: Felonious Assault on the 2500 block of W.15th Street: Police assist a 26 year-old male who was struck with a metal pipe by a known 57 year-old Broadway Ave. male while he was on his way to a convenience store at 5:45 pm.

1/3/11: Burglary on the 2100 block of W.21st Street: The resident came home at 11:15 am to find the back window on the house broken with evidence that someone entered the home, knocking over a flower pot. Nothing in the house was found to be missing.

1/3/11: Criminal Damaging & Theft at W.17th & Valentine: A male reported finding his parked Ford Ranger Pickup with the passenger window broken and the GPS missing at 3:30 pm.

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Ted NUGENT: My gun control - Where there are more guns per capita, violent crime goes down, FBI crime reports and numerous law e

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 02:40.

And the inescapable truth - as FBI crime reports and numerous law enforcement and academic studies conclude - is that more guns clearly equal less crime. Where there are more guns per capita, violent crime goes down, particularly crimes of assault, such as rape, burglary and robbery. This is good. This is what the NRA stands for. Anti-gunners, not so much.

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Still Frank

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 02/15/2011 - 14:29.

Frank Giglio image jeff buster Cleveland February 2011

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Pattern interpretation - a new kind of science

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 02/15/2011 - 14:25.

image jeff buster icicle above 32 degrees surface melt pattern

This image shows the surface of a 6 inch diameter icicle when the air temperature was about 40 degrees F.   The surface of the icicle was melting away from the warm air.  The result is two different patterns:  the larger polygons which look like the cracks in mud on a dry lake bed, and inside the polygons the   little rivulet patterns which run vertically on the ice.

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