Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 11:27.
Case Study: Modus Operandi of Illuminati... Fabricate Crisis and Fear... Switch Idols on Braindead Citizens... Leverage Racism.
If you ever come to question the intent and modus operandi of the Illuminati, just witness how they fabricated a crisis in the trading of LeBron James... creating instability and fear among millions of loyal Ohioans and Americans... and then witness how they just switched idols on hate-programmed braindead zombie Citizens of Northeast Ohio, fabricating broad public outrage against a talented, young black man to stir racial hatred against an entire class of new leaders, in an important swing election year.
Cleveland business owners may now find themselves digging a little deeper into their profit margins for disturbing the peace and quiet of neighboring residents. The drafting of new legislation to amend the Penalty Section (683.99) of Cleveland City Ordinance Chapter 683 passed through Cleveland's City Council by unanimous vote on July 14, 2010.
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 23:30.
yogi and guy show - truth to power - tremont anti-mob vs. tremont mob -- questministries - live on the internet at lncoln park, tremont, cleveland, ohio (recorded at same time) video below and link- august 30, 2010- see below the information - location and truth to power-
first time live with - wifi pick up - started anout 5:00 pm till battery died about 2 hours later - i need a better camera to the laptop - and longer battery laptop - but all went well - its funny when one is live on the world wide web - what one will say and come up with - and being recorded for later show -
will post the time about and link everyday that we are live at lincoln park - or any place with our about 2 hour battery- and donated laptop pentium 4
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 08/28/2010 - 05:00.
Northeast Ohio clearly has some ot the worst air pollution in America, exposing residents to 100,000,000s of pounds of severe toxic point source and fugitive emissions from the Arcelor/Mittal combination steel-mill, coal powerplants, landfills and recycling facilities, refineries and 100s of other hazardous pollution point sources located throughout this 2 million+ person community - I'd like to know where in America more people are harmed more significantly by particulate pollution, on a daily basis, than in the neighborhoods surrounding Mittal and the industrial Flats... by no means our only toxic war-zone in the region.
Environmentalism here is "greenwashed" with "a pretense of concern about climate but policies dictated by fossil fuel special interests", as renowned climatologist Dr. James Hansen, Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, describes the global state of inaction in response to global warming worldwide.
Hansen prescribes action: "To the young people I say: stand up for your rights – demand that the government be honest and address the consequences of their policies. To the old people I say: let us gird up our loins and fight on the side of young people for protection of the world they will inherit."
But, he cautions: "It becomes clear that needed actions will happen only if the public, somehow, becomes forcefully involved. One way that citizens can help is by blocking coal plants, tar sands, and mining the last drops of fossil fuels from public and pristine lands and the deep ocean."
We have many horrific polluters here - where to get citizens forcefully involved to stop excessive pollution... where to block a coal plant? How?
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 08/27/2010 - 19:26.
I'll preface any praise of "Tremont West Development Corp. development director charged with assault" - coverage in the Plain Dealer of the assault of Guy Templeton Black, by Sammy Catania - by posting reporter Mark Gillespie's comment on his own blog about his own work - Mark Gillispie, The Plain Dealer - August 27, 2010 at 1:13PM - "xxoo: Thanks for commenting. I understand your concern, but this is not a news article that will appear in the print edition of The Plain Dealer. It is an item that has been posted solely to my Inside Cleveland Hall blog. Reporters who have blogs use them to post items that might not hold much interest to our broader readership but might have relevance to some readers. That's the beauty of the digital age. Thanks again for reading and commenting".
Mark is responding to a TROLL on that set up an account to post "xxoo August 27, 2010 at 1:01PM - So much ado about nothing. Is this really worthy of a news article - or is this just a gossip column?"
That is what is pathetic about poor use of technology in the digital age... it allows corporations and special interests to use TROLL accounts places like to post anonymous diversions of public knowledge from fact to fiction, and to temper public response to news that is in fact deserving of outrage.
Submitted by ralphnadir on Thu, 08/26/2010 - 18:52.
I have been critical of Dr. Sanders in the past; but I think there might be more to this "Transformation" than I originally believed. Unfortunately, Sanders did himself no good by appearing aloof and unwilling to collaborate. After seeing him today at East Tech, I think he may have finally figured it out. While I have some reservations about the plan still, I have seen some features which may yield some fruit; actually, having been more thought out than the previous Small Schools "academies," which were mostly ineffective.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 08/26/2010 - 16:45.
Dr. James Hansen, Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, considered by many to be foremost climatologist in the world
As Northeast Ohio leadership MUST forcefully involve citizens as activists against the harm caused in our community and worldwide by pollution here, and address the resulting economic and public health damage here, it is important to reflect on what is an environmental activist, and how people may become actively engaged in community redevelopment through environmentalism.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 06:26.
Facts prove it is unsafe to live near the Arcelor/Mittal Cleveland Works steel mill, and citizens of Northeast Ohio have reasons to be concerned about 100s of other major toxic pollution point sources in the greater Cleveland area, yet our regional pollution monitoring has been broken since 2003, and is broken today, and citizens and the media do not care at all. How is it possible the people living in one of them most polluted places in America do not care about public health - about their own health? How did citizens here become such nihilists?
Northeast Ohioans must rise up from metal and soot ashes still being spewed upon us by excessively polluting toxic industrial forces that have corrupted local politics and destroyed the region and the lives of those living here... yet leaders and citizens here do not care.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 03:09.
Scene writer Michael Roberts provides the world a great service with his August 25, 2010, summary overview of the corruption and evil that has defined the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority, Cleveland city hall, the Cuyahoga county commissioners, and "failed leaders in almost every quarter of the community", including at the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Cleveland Foundation, throughout the 21st Century - anyone interested in real NEO must READ "Port in a Storm - How years of bungling and self-interest robbed Cleveland of its future".
If you have ever doubted the most extreme claims of the failure, incompetency and corruption of our Mayor, County commissioners, and their appointees and co-conspirators in crimes, as expressed throughout the decade by Citizen Hauser and so many other honest real Northeast Ohio visionaries, on realNEO and elsewhere in the free-speech world... read Roberts' excellent article on the Port in a Storm and realize the following observations are direct reflections on all leaders and citizens of the region, and we are pathetic:
"The real tale of the waterfront is one of conflict, greed, wasted public money, and sheer incompetence on the part of the port board, city hall, and the county commissioners."
It is such a sensitive situation that many sources with ties to it have requested anonymity for this story. Cleveland, it seems, is populated not by outspoken visionaries, but by many who suffer in silence, fearing ostracism or political and civic retribution.
In a way, it is a sad tale of a city adrift with failed leaders in almost every quarter of the community, people who have squandered the dream of a world-class waterfront and a better place to live.
Without Jackson's thoughtless indulgence, the fiasco would not have flowered. The Greater Cleveland Partnership stubbornly supported the plan and in doing so demonstrated its lack of business acumen; the venerable Cleveland Foundation funded a portion of the effort, displaying its lack of common sense.
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 02:29.
There's a small-caliber bullet hole in one of his tail lights — a gift from a citizen back in April who saw Senyak making the rounds through a dark alley.
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 02:34.
It's a near-perfect replica of our $100 bill." "It's an act of aggression," Hamer said, recalling his undercover work that helped expose the counterfeiting plot."We're talking about a foreign country counterfeiting our currency and then were going to make me an exclusive distributor of over $40 million of this counterfeit money here in t
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 08/20/2010 - 14:06.
I received a press release from the EPA today - DOE Announces Nearly $120 Million to Advance Innovative Weatherization Projects, Highlights Progress in the Program Nationally - highlighting $120 million in Federal stimulus funds going to 102 organizations across America to drive innovation under the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Weatherization Assistance Program... and none of the awardees are in Ohio (see list below). Linked to this article about this program is a table of homes weatherized around the county as of June 2010, through Federal stimulus funding, and Ohio is well represented - and I believe our house in East Cleveland was weatherized through such funding - it is disturbing no Ohio programs are part of this latest round of funding...! Why not?