Making Change

Bridging the Digital Divide, One Open Source Home at a Time

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 01:21.


About two years ago, the REALNEO team took on the challenge of helping to bridge the digital divide in NEO, in many ways, including recycling "obsolete" corporate computers, wiping the hard drives, and loading them with free versions of Linux and other Free Open Source Software (FOSS). One group of computers, provided by Progressive Insurance and Benesh Friedlander, that we freed from Microsoft-obsolescence, were given to a combination of Shaw High School seniors and senior citizens in East Cleveland. Shaw seniors have since taken their computers off to college, and, a few weeks ago, East Cleveland CIO Abulime Alli and I met with one of the senior citizens who received a desktop PC and now needed some tech support. I was  thrilled to help her out and interested to hear how having a Linux computer at home had changed her life.

Put An End To JUNK Mail

Submitted by johnmcgovern on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 11:20.

Two ways to put an end to junk mail >>>

Cleveland Screening of "An Unreasonable Man"

Submitted by johnmcgovern on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 09:53.
04/20/2007 - 01:00
04/21/2007 - 23:59

Don't miss the new documentary about Ralph Nader's life, An
Unreasonable Man, premiering Friday, April 20, 2007 in
Cleveland and Columbus. Click here to watch a quick preview.
 On opening night and Saturday, April 21 in Cleveland,


Cedar Lee
Cedar Rd. & Lee Rd.
Cleveland Hts., OH
United States

Nationally Celebrated Arts and Education Speakers Coming to Cleveland

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 12:55.
04/27/2007 - 08:30
04/27/2007 - 14:00

Learn how the arts can change everything...from an individual to a nation!  Young Audiences invites you to hear two dynamic and engaging speakers on Friday, April 27th:

  Sir Ken Robinson, a senior advisor for education policy at the Getty Foundation in Los Angeles and expert in the development of creativity,education and the economy. 8:30 a.m., the Hyatt Regency Cleveland at the Arcade.   FREE. 
  Aaron Dworkin , accomplished violinist and the founder of The Sphinx Organization, which works to overcome the cultural stereotype of classical music, and to encourage Black and Latino participation in the field.  12:00 p.m., Jacobs Field Terrace Club.  The cost is $25 and includes lunch. Registration required.


Hyatt Regency Cleveland at the Arcade
420 Superior Avenue Followed by performance and lunch at Jacob's Field Terrace Club
Cleveland, OH
United States

Inconvenient Truth viewing and Discussion

Submitted by johnmcgovern on Mon, 04/09/2007 - 10:49.
04/12/2007 - 18:00
04/12/2007 - 20:30

Come See the New Documentary Film
An Inconvenient Truth
--Best Documentary Oscar 2007
by Al Gore
Learn about Global Warming-Climate Change and how people can play a part to benefit our planet


Lake Erie Nature and Science Center
28728 Wolf Rd.
Bay Village, OH
United States

Muni Wi-Fi Powers Hope at San Francisco Housing Project

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 22:20.

  Westside Courts resident Emma Casey sits at home with her refurbished computer.
Photo: Sarah Lai Stirland

Derek just sent me a link to this article that should get people here thinking about our local economy, violence, the digital divide and solutions... read about the type of bridges we're building for East Cleveland and Cleveland... from Wired, about 3,000 miles away from NEO....
Sarah Lai Stirland Email 04.04.07 | 2:00 AM

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Westside Courts is a bleak concrete housing project in the city's Western Addition where violence is closer than a high-speed net connection, and one resident's first steps online include plans to create a memorial for the people who've died here.

Last month, volunteers turned on a novel broadband network in this 135-unit block, throwing a digital lifeline to Emma Casey and other tenants. Using a refurbished PC she picked up for $100, the 47-year-old mother of two adult children is now going online to help her son find a job, get health information and, she says, pay tribute to neighbors who've met with violent or untimely deaths.


Academic debates about the reality and cost of the so-called digital divide -- and the ability of individuals to fight economic disadvantage with nothing more than a computer and an IP address -- seem to crumble in a place like this. Like water and heat, internet is a clear necessity in the modern world, opening doors to education, employment and engagement.

Ubu Projex in NEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 15:31.


Ubu Projex NEO is the home of all NEO things Pere Ubu and David Thomas, having strong roots in Northeast Ohio and loyal to the region... playing, creating and recording here often. Whenever a Ubu Projex connection is in NEO, REALNEO will be sure to let the community know and report back on the genius shared at these events.

What a difference voters make: State of Ohio Files Suit Against Paint Makers over Public Nuisance of Lead Poisoning

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 13:35.


YES - this is a huge story... the State of Ohio is suing Sherwin Williams and other paint manufacturers over the public nuisance caused by lead paint they sold here over decades... the state is joining five Ohio cities in this battle for our citizens - this case could very well take over the battle for the cities - very exciting times for our down-trodden state.  It is exciting to see the new Ohio leadership in action, after so many years of poor performance by past administrations.

TRUE ART GALLERY presents Michaelle Marshall, Jeanetta Ho and Laurel Herbold

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/31/2007 - 16:40.
04/06/2007 - 18:00
04/06/2007 - 22:00

TRUE ART GALLERY presents Michaelle Marshall, Jeanetta Ho and Laurel Herbold, April 6 – 30



True Art Gallery
410 E. 156th St.
Cleveland, OH
United States

Federal Transportation Cuts Looming - Contact Governor to Protect Bike and Pedestrian Projects

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 23:45.

I need to raise an important point of federal budget minutia and ask that you email the Governor to protect riding and pedestrian infrastructure in NE Ohio.

The President wants to save some money so he has rescinded (or canceled) spending for transportation enhancement programs.  Because federal transportation money was already distributed to the states years ago, he can't cancel it directly, so he tells the Governors to decide where to cut.  Transportation Enhancement money is important to NE Ohio. In fact, of all states receiving transportation enhancement money, Ohio trails only California, Texas and Florida. But if Ohio receives a lot of money, we are also being asked to generate a lot of the rescission money – nearly $139 million.

TOD update from Richard McDougald Enty, Planning Team Leader, Programming & Planning Department, GCRTA

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 17:02.

I received an informative email this afternoon from Richard McDougald Enty, Planning Team Leader, Programming & Planning Department, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, about some of their Transit Oriented Development initiatives and vision. It is very exciting to see this as an active subject for discussion and planning here. I am a strong supporter of Transit Oriented Development and consider it the core foundation on which we should rebuild the City of Cleveland and surrounding suburbs.  Here is the vision from RTA:

Screening party for REALNEO feature on WVIZ Applause!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 14:48.
03/29/2007 - 18:00
03/29/2007 - 20:00

Filming of Applause at WVIZ

This week's edition of Dee Perry's arts & culture television program Applause!, on WVIZ, features a segment on REALNEO... so I'd like to invite all the friends of realneo to join us for a screening party for the first broadcast of the program, Thusday, March 29, from 7:30 - 8:00 PM, at the great A.J. Rocco's Cafe, at 816 Huron Road, by East 9th Street. As a special treat, I was pleased to learn that A.J. Rocco's had already planned a very cool and complimentary event for that evening - Cleveland City Councilman Joe Cimperman will be the guest bartender from 6-8 PM.


A. J. Rocco's
816 Huron Road if you can't attend, tune in on WVIZ at 7:30 PM
Cleveland, OH
United States

REALNEO to be featured on WVIZ Applause, premiering this Thursday, March 29, 2007

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 12:33.

Screenshot for Applause program featuring REALNEO

I was quite honored to be contacted, a few weeks ago, by the producer of one of my favorite television programs, Dee Perry's "Applause", asking for information about REALNEO. Seems he was doing research on the spectacular Convivium 33 Gallery, which we have featured extensively on REALNEO, covering Christopher Pekoc here and Clarence Van Duzer here (photos from which were featured in Cleveland Magazine), so REALNEO came up in search results. The producer saw REALNEO as in interesting source of insight on arts and culture in NEO and suggested to his staff doing a segment on Applause about REALNEO. Even though we scheduled the interview, this seemed very abstract until I just saw a promotion on WVIZ for the show, featuring a scrolling view of the REALNEO home page.

REALNEO is proud to have Derek Arnold at the global IT bleeding edge, in Sunnyvale, CA this week

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 23:59.


It is a great pleasure to have our original Drupal developer Derek Arnold back in the server seat for REALNEO and all tech things 7gen (shown here at my favorite wifi and human friendly coffee house in town, Talkies). Besides already cleaning up months of tech messes, less than two weeks back on track, Derek is now in Sunnyvale, California, as probably the only NEO representative at the Yahoo sponsored OSCMS (Open Source Content Management System) conference, the Drupal Performance and Scalability Seminar and the Drupal Hackfest - March 22-25, 2007. We've been touching base while he is there and it is clear he is learning lots of great insight, spreading NEO love in the open source world, and showing all that we are serious about making this a real open source domain (and I mean realneo and this region, in that).

Spring Suzuki Workshop at the Windermere United Methodist Church in East Cleveland

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 11:22.

A Spring Suzuki Workshop will be held at the Windermere United Methodist Church on Euclid Avenue, from April 9 - 13th, in East Cleveland. Our guest faculty will be Arvilla Rovit.

  Arvilla Rovit has Bachelor's and Master's degrees from The Juilliard School where she studied with Heidi Castleman, Misha Amory and Hsin-yun Huang.  A graduate of the internationally acclaimed School for Strings Teacher Training Program (New York), a two-year apprentice program in Suzuki Pedagogy, and having attended numerous Teacher Training Workshops, Ms. Rovit is Suzuki Teacher Certified to teach violin and viola.  Her Suzuki viola teachers have included William Preucil, Sr., and Betsy Stuen-Walker.  Upon graduating from Juilliard Arvilla was awarded a Special Award for Achievement by Drs. Marilyn Pearl and Norman Roland.

At the CPL - Art: Trilogy, Anonymity, and Eclecticism

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 21:57.

Proud to see my parents support this exciting expression of the arts in NEO, hosted at the Main Branch of the Cleveland Public Library - thanks to Charles Burkett for pointing out this notice about the show on the CPL website. - it is worth checking out this exhibition, organized by the very cool Elmer Buford

Art: Trilogy, Anonymity, and Eclecticism

100 pieces of African Art and African American Art

Just Who Is a Journalist?

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 17:39.

Ohio’s “concealed carry” gun law has raised interesting questions- who is a journalist? 
In case you hadn’t heard, a guns-rights group (Ohioans for Concealed Carry) tried to exercise an exception and get the list of people in Clermont County applying for the right to carry a concealed weapon, information available only to journalists under the law.  The group, citing their website and group newsletter, asserts they are journalists under the law (or the law’s “journalist” requirement is too vague to enforce). 
I certainly don’t think the group qualifies as a journalist, but where do you draw the line?  At the outset, I think the name of gun permit applicants should be public information and the distinction to make the material available only to journalists may be too vague to enforce.  But the question remains “who is a journalist?”

A new day at REALNEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/11/2007 - 11:41.

 REALNEO members and visitors will have noticed some technical difficulties over the past few months and especially over the last few days, for which I appologize. This has been the result of a combination of too few people doing too much hard, complex work, and the enormous growth of our community and response of the world - we are now supporting dozens of virtual communities world-wide, and 100,000s of hits a month at REALNEO alone. All this with what has been largely a volunteer corp. Well, all that is now changing for the better, and further growth. To insure a stable future for the community, we are pleased to have the great talent of Derek Arnold back on our team - welcome back and thanks, Derek.


Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 01:09.

As a core group of innovative urban planners and developers move forward creating a new way in East Cleveland, it is exciting to look back along the main street that brought us to today, and that will take so many deserving citizens past those with little insight who have driven so much of this region into poverty. Looking back, and forward, here is a powerful set of perspectives from CIA graduate and Kent Urban Design graduate student Joe Stanley, of NEO Main Street, from two years ago, under a former administration. Now, under Mayor Brewer and his staff, redevelopment of this community is underway  - thanks for your vision and keeping the faith, Joe!


Cleveland Innerbelt Conceptual Alternatives Study and Request for a "Peer Review" of the Innerbelt Bridge

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 23:37.

Go "Citizen" Ed Hauser. Doing good to do good, so all may do well! Here is his latest mapping of the landscape of redevelopment of NEO as abstracted by the powers who be to do well for themselves and their friends. Reply requested! I agree with Ed's conclusion:

"Citizen Hauser" at Cleveland Film Festival

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 13:11.
03/18/2007 - 14:00
03/18/2007 - 16:00

   How many people in NEO could have an uplifting, inspiring and positive documentary film made about them - how many people in NEO would come out looking all good... great? "Citizen" Ed Hauser is surely unique to Northeast Ohio, having stood up to many other "citizens", including NEO community and government "leadership", in a 9-year fight for what Ed felt was best for all in the community. The documentary "Citizen Hauser", about Ed's battle, which officially led to victory on March 02, 2007, has aired on public television in Northeast Ohio - an outstanding work by Blue Hole Productions - will be featured with other short films at the Cleveland Film Festival, as posted below.

Let's make this a victory party!


Tower City Center Theater
230 West Huron Road
Cleveland, OH
United States

Reception for artist Guy-Vincent Ricketti's Identity Remix

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 20:00.
03/09/2007 - 19:00
03/09/2007 - 22:00

This in today from Cleveland Tech Czar Michael DeAloia and CIA Future Center Director David Moss... their personal invitations to all to join them at Future Center for a reception for artist Guy-Vincent Ricketti's Identity Remix... read on... hope to see you there.

Now Showing : Indentity Remix PDF Print E-mail

Indentity RemixStop into FUTURE Gallery and experience the work of Guy-Vincent Ricketti and the thought-provoking Identity Remix.


FUTURE Center @ the Cleveland Institute of Art
11610 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH
United States