Surface temperature anomalies for the period 17 December 2010 to 15 January 2011 show impressive warmth across the Canadian Arctic….
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RealNEO HeaderI'm Pleased to Introduce to Real NEO Hemp I Scream - and to Reintroduce Hemp Innovator and Case Alumnus Agua DasSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 01/24/2011 - 02:25.
It is funny how things work out. I went to the Hemp Industry Association conference looking for hemp-based energy solutions, to help address our pollution crisis in Northeast Ohio, and I found a delicious, healthful hemp dessert, too - Hemp I Scream. As I learned more about the inventor of Hemp I Scream - the founder of Hemp Sources, Inc. - Agua Das, I discovered he is a world leader in hemp innovation, including for energy - "Agua was the first person to make hemp bio-diesel fuel in the modern hemp era in 1993; made from virgin hemp oil he pressed himself." As I got to know Das better, I learned he studied engineering at Case, and still has good feelings for the school and Northeast Ohio. He lived on Hessler, and was involved in starting up the Street Fair, in the beginning... we know some of the same people still there, from way back. So the expert with the energy solutions we need in Northeast Ohio studied engineering in Northeast Ohio... and makes awesome desserts, too. Nice coincidences.
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Canada sees staggering mildness as planet’s high-pressure record is “obliterated”.... baby, it ain't cold outside!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 13:59.
Joe Romm reports extremely bad climate news on Climate Progress. Sit down, take a breath (drink... hit...), and read on.... baby, it ain't cold outside! Canada sees staggering mildness as planet’s high-pressure record is “obliterated” - Climate Progress - January 23, 2011
The disinformers and many in the media love to focus on where it is cold in the winter. It has been cool where many people live. Brr! Unfortunately for homo sapiens, it’s been staggeringly warm where the ice is. I’ll do a post on Greenland shortly, but the NSF-sponsored researchers at UCAR/NCAR have posted some staggering data on just how warm it has been in northern Canada:
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A Century of Challenges: Building Local Resilience in an Era of Economic Turmoil & Resource Depletion.Submitted by westward on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 12:03.
01/28/2011 - 19:00 01/28/2011 - 22:00 Etc/GMT-4 Nicole Foss will be speaking on A Century of Challenges: Building Local Resilience in an Era of Economic Turmoil & Resource Depletion. She writes at under the pseudonym Stoneleigh. The talk will be held at First Church in Oberlin,106 N. ( categories:
Welcome to BP’s Energy Outlook 2030 - "it is a wake-up call, not something any of us would like to see happening"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 14:48.
On the January 27, 2011 YouTube Ask The President moderated broadcast, Obama was asked who was his favorite person in math and science. Obama said one of the things he loves about being President is "having access to math and science" and the White House is committed to using technology well. "Serious brainpower out there." He highlighted his PCAST team and its Director Eric Lander - says he helps make complex science understandable. From MIT - "President-elect Barack Obama on Friday named Eric Lander, the founding director of the Broad Institute, a co-chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), a group that assists the president in making science and technology policy decisions". BP Energy Outlook 2030 - London, January 2011
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Duck IslandSubmitted by lmcshane on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 03:37.
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On Honorable Discharges, by Civil Rights Leader Marian Spencer - for MLK Jr. 2011, Taft STEM Elementary School, Cincinnati, OhioSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 01/16/2011 - 23:29.
In early commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 2011, 90-something Cincinnati civil rights and community leader Marian Spencer spent Friday afternoon, January 14, sharing with the students at Taft STEM Elementary School her experiences knowing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and helping to lead the civil rights movement of her day, in her state of Ohio.
Martin Luther King RemembranceSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 01/16/2011 - 17:58.
01/17/2011 - 13:00 01/17/2011 - 13:59 Etc/GMT-4 ( categories: )
Freshwater ClevelandSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 18:24.
Please visit Freshwater Cleveland. Ask them to feature the FRESHEST neighborhood in NEO--Brooklyn Centre :)
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Top Environmental Development of 2010: EPA Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental JusticeSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 01/06/2011 - 14:20.
In what I consider the most important positive environmental development in America in the 21st Century, on December 15, 2010, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley convened the First White House Environmental Justice Forum, where leadership of the recently-reconvened Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) met with over 100 environmental justice leaders (typically long-suffering EJ victims), in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, at the White House complex, to develop new federal interagency strategies and interactions with citizens to right current EJ wrongs in America, in anticipation of worse to come as results of climate change. This Forum was the public interface, and culmination of a year of expansive activity in the White House, throughout the Obama Administration, and nationwide, to advance EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson’s priority to “expand the conversation on environmentalism and work for environmental justice” in America, in clear recognition of harm caused disadvantaged citizens by current Environmental Injustice (aka Environmental Racism... Environmental Genocide... from the mouths of victims), and showing clear US government concern over "Climate Gaps" (e.g. in Heat Islands), and over those worsening, causing more environmental injustices, to be exacerbated by future Climate Change and resulting Climate Injustices that will harm life on Earth, in this age of human-caused global warming.
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2010 "Environment Top 10 Lists" Conclude: "stunning year in climate science reveals that human civilization is on the precipice"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 01/03/2011 - 08:22.
I have compiled a summary outline list of 15 "Top 10ish Environmental lists of 2010" found on the Internet - these are drawn from diverse, largely US-oriented environmental media services and organizations - many focus on organizational objectives - most feature positive and negative developments. I have summarized all but the last list - A stunning year in climate science reveals that human civilization is on the precipice - by Joe Romm, as that should be read in its' entirely, including linked reference material. Romm points out: "The last year or so has seen more scientific papers and presentations that raise the genuine prospect of catastrophe (if we stay on our current emissions path) that I can recall seeing in any other year." "Any one of these would be cause for action — and combined they vindicate the final sentence of Elizabeth Kolbert’s Field Notes from a Catastrophe: “It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing.” Romm concludes: "Unrestricted emissions of greenhouse gases threaten multiple catastrophes, any one of which justifies action. Together, they represent the gravest threat to humanity imaginable. The fact that the overwhelming majority of the mainstream media ignored the overwhelming majority of these studies and devoted a large fraction of its climate ‘ink’ in the last 12 months to what was essentially a non-story (Climategate) is arguably the single greatest failing of the science media this year."
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The Plain PressSubmitted by mytown55 on Sun, 01/02/2011 - 18:31.
The Community newspaper, "The Plain Press" web-site on-line is being "redesigned" until the end of 2011. The other locations, that, I know of are...the CVS pharmacy on Pearl Road and Memphis Ave. at the entrance door to the left, in the corner, on a rack; also, Frank Gallos' Clark service station on Pearl Road at the entrance door, to the right, on a rack. Happy New Year 2011 to all at REAL NEO! and...much "thanks" be... to Guy..for teaching me "how to do" a header!
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The Plain Press...Submitted by mytown55 on Sun, 01/02/2011 - 18:03.
The Community Newspaper the "Plain Press" is re-designing their web-site on-line and they "hope" to have it completed by the end of 2011...I do know some libraries carry the paper...also, the CVS pharmacy on Pearl Road and Memphis Avenue has the paper on a rack, located at the left of the entrance door in the corner...and Frank Gallos' Clark service station on Pearl Road at the right of the entrance door on a rack. Hopefully, this information is helpful. Happy New Year 2011 to all. Thank you, Guy...for teaching me"how" to do a head
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"It must be made possible for the one to live vicariously the life of the many from the beginning." - John NeihardtSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 01/01/2011 - 14:35.
’Mid glad green miles of tillage And yet—a wakeful glory That start and conclusion to The Poet’s Town, penned in 1913 by past Nebraska Poet Laureate John Neihardt (complete poem below), well describes Gothenburg, Nebraska. I stopped there one winter morning, not long ago, for some wakeful glory away from the drone of the interstate - to find some fresh, local character and better-than-truckstop coffee and donuts. Located off I-80, the living, lyric story promised by Gothenburg's towering grain elevators and freeway signs is the "Pony Express Capital of Nebraska". Being in the modern-day Pony Express business, delivering communications via the Internet, I thought I'd connect with my roots and find some inspiration there.
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Rigphoto Yosemite rock stains as Realneo bannerSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 12/30/2010 - 19:07.
This image is posted here in response to Norm's Question of the Day on Realneo - the question being what caused the stains on the rock formations in Dulce. I had my opinions - mainly relying on water and organic growth - but before I responded to Norm I thought it purdent to go to Google Images and look for other examples and explainations. I found this spectacular image of rock stains in Yosemite on Flicker. The image belongs to ( categories: )
Question of the Day: What Causes The Discolorations Pouring Down These Rocks of the Archuleta Mesa outside of Dulce, New Mexico?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/30/2010 - 09:44.
I was thrilled to recently be invited to the beautiful Jicarilla Apache Nation Headquarters, on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, in Dulce, New Mexico, to meet with a community development organization there and discuss agriculture, economic development and regeneration of the Earth, with a focus on the future of growing hemp in America.
10,000s of cannabis entrepreneurs and stakeholders, nurturing $ billions in new GREEN, taxable economic opportunity for AmericaSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 00:36.
December 17 - 19, 2010, the Colorado Convention Center hosted the world's largest marijuana lifestyles convention TO-DATE - KushCon2 - offering those active in the legal global marijuana industries a place to meet, collaborate, learn and grow their new-economy enterprises, together. In one convention hall, in one weekend, mingled 10,000s of cannabis entrepreneurs and their stakeholders - nurturing $ billions in new GREEN, taxable economic opportunity for America - and their truly Green Revolution is just taking off. Meet America's Greenest Revolutionaries ever... Mom and Pop Mainstreet, Small Town, Middle America!
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SantalandSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 16:29.
REALNEO has Hixson's and Plantation Home in Lakewood--carrying on the tradition of holiday merry-making. Hixon's is still the crazy, dusty warren of knick-knacks and treasures, I visited as a child with my father. Please visit and make holiday memories for your little ones.
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Welcome to realNEO Washington Bureau - Backstage at the White HouseSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 12/17/2010 - 04:51.
On December 15, 2010, Obama administration officials convened the first-ever White House Forum on Environmental Justice, and I felt it was important to attend. As an environmental injustice victim, and activist for environmental justice, I wanted my voice to be heard... and as a media representative of real NEO, where the mainstream media does not cover environmental injustice, I wanted to listen, learn, and help other citizens here and worldwide understand what is being planned in Washington to combat environmental injustice in Cleveland, America, and globally. While I was covering what was happening inside the White House, I thought I'd share a few snapshots of the backstage workings of the "White House" itself, which is certainly one of the best known and most important places in world history... and a spectacular architectural masterpiece.
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With the deceptive headline "68% in poll say parents, not teachers, are to blame for students' poor performance" the Cleveland Plain Dealer published today results of a "poll", paid for by eugenics champions and world's richest "humans" Bill and Melinda Gates, which misrepresents poorly-surveyed, poorly-reported opinions of 1,001 Americans about public education in America as significant indicators regarding the failure of the American public schools system, and reports "68 percent of adults believe parents deserve heavy blame for what's wrong with the U.S. education system -- more than teachers, school administrators, the government or teachers unions." In fact, "government" was not a category in this poll... and, statistically, these Americans placed the same level of blame on State Education Officials (65%, with +/-3.9% sampling errors) as on parents... and all these answers are irrelevant. Science proves a primary cause of failure in education in America is lead poisoning and other toxins put in the environment by the industrialists partnered with the Gates to control the world.
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Expand the Community Reinvestment Act to Bring Trillions MORE Dollars in Safe and Sound Investments to America's NeighborhoodsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 12/07/2010 - 04:15.
I recently met with Marcia West, Regional Organizer for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), in Washington, DC, to explore how economically distressed communities should respond to the foreclosure and housing crises in America, to expand credit access for working-class residents - to learn what leaders of Northeast Ohio may do to improve access to loans for housing and community development for us common folk. The short answer is "Expand the Community Reinvestment Act to Bring Billions of Dollars in Safe and Sound Investments to America's Neighborhoods" - go to Expand CRA to learn more and contact your representatives... SPREAD THE WORD! CRA encourages banks to respond to a variety of needs in low- and moderate-income communities, including the financing of affordable rental housing, sustainable homeownership, small business creation, and economic development projects.
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More valuable than all the steel we mill - Dreadful Yawns, Clovers and Afternoon Naps - spread the word... get it heardSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 20:29.
More valuable than all the steel we mill, Cleveland has forged from our blighted, industrial, rustbelted, toxified, sprawling fruited-plains some of the most innovative, transformational music ever heard on Earth, since long before we gave birth to Rock and Roll.
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12/17/2010 - 16:00 12/19/2010 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver, CO 80202United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
"Clare threw around poverty that irresistible charm which only women can communicate to religious or civic heroism"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/26/2010 - 01:30.
Shortly after my daughter Clara was born, nearly 11 months ago, I shared her birth with the world on YouTube - realNEO homemovie 1 Women in HypnoBirth in Waterbirth Delivering Baby Happy - and on realNEO and it has since been viewed by nearly 110,000 people.... showing 300-400 people a day (and growing) how pure and simple birth and human life may be, to help the modern world rediscover the dignity of the human person. Feedback and inquiries from expectant mothers (and fathers) shows me the modern world heard us, and Clara helped many babies enjoy the best possible starts in life.
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Life is Good park pavement grafittiSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 21:05.
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deciduous larch needles Fall colorSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 21:38.
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