Jeff Buster's blog

Molding joint table saw cutting jig

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 11:37.

image 12.15.10 jeff buster

Visually hiding a running joint in molding is difficult - so usually it is best to install one continuous strip of molding running the full length of the wall.   

If you are working with existing old molding - and you don't have the dado cutters to match it to make new pieces, then you have to cut the molding and make some type of butt or lap joint. 

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Death Wish?

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 12/26/2010 - 22:05.

Punderson sled hill image jeff buster 12.26.10

I saw it all being set up...the mom getting her young child lined up for the high speed run down the icy slope.   I pretty dangerous to me.  

Off the kid went.

Hit about 55mph in the middle - backwards.

Pretty wild.

No helment.

Who had the death wish?

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Peter Principle: for-profit Corporate vs not-for-profit Government jobs

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 12/25/2010 - 17:36.

The Peter Principle is the principle that "in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence".  In other words, workers are tools which are used for as wide a range of tasks as that tool will perform adequately.

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Why can’t President Obama fix this park picnic table?

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 12/25/2010 - 14:51.

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 12/24/2010 - 21:54.

home cooking potato image jeff buster 12.23.10

So what about something as easy and inexpensive as "hash browns"?  We call 'em Latkes this time of year. 

They are pretty tasty, pretty simple, and pretty healthy if you hold the egg to a minimum.

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Spectacular Header Norm - tell us about it...

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 20:35.

Norm, where do you upload your header images on REalneo?  They aren't in the header gallery.  Why not?  Tonight's image is spectacular. Moving traffic or moving vehicle with your camera?   How was it that the exhaust stacks were uplit?   What is it, and how was it taken?   Best, jeffb

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An open letter to Henry Gomez:

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 13:00.

I met Frank Moslovich at Cleveland City Hall.   Mr. Moslovich, I could tell from overhearing his conversation, was really fed up.  (I changed Frank’s name a bit for his privacy)

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Please support Freddie with a donation

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 12/14/2010 - 17:11.

I just noticed the following at the end of Lily Miller's foreclosure article re Black Friday.

"If you would like to donate funds to assist the now homeless victim, please send checks/money orders to :  Lily Miller, 2220 West 20th Street, Cleveland, OH  44113.  Checks can be made out to : "Freddie" and I will fill in his last name."

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Living with no opposing thumb - Door knobs....

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 22:22.


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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 21:01.
Today, on an errand, as I often do, I popped into a Courthouse, Federal this time – and found myself in a very serious courtroom right in the middle of a sentencing hearing - for corruption.
We know about corruption here in NEO.
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Roldo first to Report on Staightening the Cuyahoga -7.11.07

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 19:27.


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Pulling Hard on Mother Nature

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 20:46.

Toronto Beaches kite skier 11.16.10 just do it testicles image jeff buster

When the wind is 50 mph, the waves are 6 feet plus, the air temp is about 35 - it's time to rip!  

This parasail skier had a very tight act - including hard hat - and went right after all the speed the wind had in it.

Zero timidity - 100% go for it.   

My kind of attitude.

Inspiring to watch.


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Global Warming is Fiction

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 21:57.

Hamilton Ontario Dofasco steel mill  from  Burlington Bay Skybridge on QEW image jeff buster 11.21.10

Image worth a few (1,000) words - Eh?

Global sky sewers.

Dilution is the solution for pollution.

Pass it on....

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Bank "failures" , the Geneva Convention, and Collective Punishment

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 19:57.


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Does Local Currency help develop Social Capital?

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 18:45.

Toronto Dollars vended by Yifan at St Lawrence Market Toronto Canada image jeff buster 11.20.10Appreciation is the strongest force in the Universe

Volunteers are the second strongest force in the Universe.

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Why our political system will not work much longer… “Smart electric meters”

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/17/2010 - 11:24.


While corporations are all going “smart” with digital and wireless equipment and metering of their “services”, there is nothing in our political system which requires, or even encourages, “smart” people to run for office. There is nothing in our political system which prevents “analogue” headed types (or even log-headed types) from running our towns, our cities, our states and our federal government. 

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When I met Ed I recognized his uniqueness

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 11/14/2010 - 19:24.

Memorial celebration for Ed Hauser at Whiskey Island, November 14, 2009 image jeff buster

So, for once, I was aware, and consequently have over 1,000  images taken when I was in Ed's company, and after he passed. 

The fire image is of his family's memorial celebration at Whiskey Island in 2009 - a year after Ed's death.

The image below was taken at his memorial service celebration, also at Whiskey Island. 

A cup-of-Ed...

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Leaf cell pattern or urban Street layout - Maple leaf blight

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 11/12/2010 - 20:36.

maple leaf blight image jeff buster 11.12.10 ohio

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Trailer for your bike - good idea

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 18:35.

bikesatwork bike trailer with vegetables manufactures this and other bike trailers - rated for 300 lbs.  The trailer connects to the bike via a swivel arm - allowing the bike to move in all directions in relation to the trailer. 

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Blown-in Cellulose Insulation in a lathe and plaster wall

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 16:33.

When replacing a double hung cast iron counter weighted window recently I had occasion to open up the exterior wall in an area where I had previously installed blown-in cellulose insulation.  

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Cuyahoga County Greener Times - background on David Ellison - County Exec Candidate

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 10/13/2010 - 11:02.

Here is a link to a Google docs PDF which provides background on Ohio's Green Party and David Ellison, Green Party candidate for Cuyahoga County Executive. 

I like the idea (page 3 of the doc) of a Cuyahoga County Conservation Corp - reminds me a bit of On Demand Work Corps which was advocated here on Realneo in 2006.

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Richey Piiparinen's "Appreciative Inquiry" - Practicing what he Preaches

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 10/05/2010 - 14:47.

A Realneo friend brought the following to my attention:

Richey Piiparinen over at Green City Blue Lake postures regarding appreciative inquiry - Cuyahoga County corruption, dogs and shoes.

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Fall Seed Color

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 09/28/2010 - 13:38.

seed color prairie grass image jeff buster ohioThis is an image of grass seeds with the colors and size amplified with Photoshop just a bit - because the seeds are too small to easily see the rainbow of colors with the naked eye.   This grass is in Cuyahoga County. 

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Plum Tomatoes - FIFO?

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 11:39.

plum tomatoe abscission layer translucent skin ripening image 9.19.10 jeff busterDo the earliest blossoms on the cluster produce the earliest ripening fruit (the inventory/accounting First In First Out system)?  Or the other way around?

What chemistry in the skin of the fruit changes by the day to allow the coloring to segue from dark green, through yellow and orange, to red - almost by the hour?

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When fighting back drives you mad...

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 09/12/2010 - 21:32.

syringe used on broken glass society unwinding

I met a man near Logan Airport, in Boston, Massachusetts, who is the last resident of Neptune Road.  

I met him completely by accident.  He's 83.

I had heard an NPR program on Michael Philip Manheim's photographic recording of the Logan Airport Expansion, and I went by to see what I could see.

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