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A technical symposium on "Access to Medicines: Pricing and Procurement Practices"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/01/2010 - 05:29.
07/16/2010 - 09:00 07/16/2010 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 The WHO, WIPO and the WTO are jointly organizing a Symposium at technical level on Access to Medicines: Pricing and Procurement Practices on July 16, 2010 at the Centre William Rappard in the WTO in Geneva. The purpose of the symposium is to learn what international and regional agencies have experienced in the pricing and procurement of medicines as important determinants of access. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss where to obtain information on access to medicines, their prices and their availability. The core questions are about drug procurement, pricing and relevant intellectual property issues. The discussions will be technical, serving as a forum for participants to share information, views and practical experiences. This event should lay the groundwork for continuing dialogue among the collaborating organizations. Draft program The symposium will be opened by the Directors General of WHO, WIPO and WTO followed by an overview of the international legal and policy framework. This includes a review of information sources on the prices and procurement of medicines. International and regional agencies will be invited to share their experience in the field. Finally, participants will be invited to discuss a range of issues, including the need for continued collaboration between WHO, WIPO and WTO. This symposium forms part of the on-going trilateral cooperation between the WHO, WIPO and WTO, which includes the implementation of the WHO Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property. Participants are expected to be Geneva-based delegations to the WHO, WIPO and WTO, representatives of international and philanthropic initiatives on the procurement of medicines, civil society organizations, and industry representatives. Please note that the event will be held in English only; no interpretation will be available. Participation in the symposium is open to all interested individuals and organizations, subject to availability of space. Registration for this conference is mandatory for those without WTO accreditation. Should you wish to attend, please send an email to Karyn [dot] Russell [at] wto [dot] org latest by July 14, 2010. Emails requesting registration should include the participant's name, position and affiliation together with full contact details. Registered participants without WTO accreditation need to enter the WTO by the Registration and Security Office and bring official identification. Please note that only official ID/Passports are accepted as identification (student card or organization badges are not accepted). For further information, please contact the Media Relations Section at WIPO:
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WTO, Centre William Rappard
Rue de Lausanne 154 Meeting Room CRII
1211 GenevaSwitzerland
(+41 22) - 338 81 61
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