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blogs"This is a classic Depression for Black America, and few appear to be paying attention. Just look at the numbers."Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 06:13.'s senior financial/political reporter and blogger Devona Walker observes on her blog, "This is a classic Depression for Black America, and few appear to be paying attention. Just look at the numbers." She goes on to point out, for Ohioans:
Cleveland police to conduct Christmas Party fundraiser for needy children Dec. 6 at Applebee's in the Steelyard CommonsSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 05:10.
CLEVELAND -- Applebee's at the Steelyard Commons will be the site of a Second District Police Community Relations committee fundraiser between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 6. Second District Cmdr.
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Wi-Fi signals are damaging trees, states Netherlands researchSubmitted by CassandraW on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 04:35.
State governments concerned about Amazon Black Friday 2010 deals Past a single day, Black Friday has expanded to almost a full week. The Black Friday 2010 deals have already started on Amazon. Many states are concerned about the Amazon Black Friday 2010 offers, though. Black Friday 2010 at Amazon
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"Saving Progressivism From Obama" to Save America From The "Second Wave" to Save Obama From HimselfSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 23:48.
Democratic political leadership of today, to the White House, seems intellectually and socially disconnected from the progressive Democratic concepts I embraced growing up in America since 1961, personified to me by John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., in their most-glorified trappings. Today, in my part of America - the region of Northeast Ohio that includes Cleveland, Youngstown and Akron - villainous democratic leaders and their corrupt political and business machines have paralyzed all forms of social and economic progress - extinguished liberal progressivism completely - and made the region such a polluted, incompetent, FBI-embedded disgrace our citizens and economy shall never remotely recover. At the top of our broken Democratic political, social, environmental, and economic pyramid-scheming is President Obama, who has "turned out to be such a political dud as chief executive" that our "blue-state financial misery continues", along with other blue-states, and that "deepens the ideological crisis for American liberalism" worldwide. Even billionaires traditionally supportive of Democratic party interests and candidates appear to be seeking "alternative brands to Obama himself." I quote above two excellent columns published online this week, coming from opposite directions, analyzing the challenges Obama faces ahead, mid-term into his presidency, if he seeks any hope of winning a second term in office in 2012 - The Second Wave, by conservative writer Michael Gerson... and Saving Progressivism from Obama, by liberal writer Robert Kuttner.
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Cuyahoga County Personnel Department, Data Center, & Employee Relations SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED....Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 15:04.
I have noticed on that one poster has-on multiple occassions, cited SPECIFIC TARGETS that "SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED"... perhaps when there are over a hundred blogs on one article the FEDS get tired of reading pissed off citizens anonymously posting trite comments...but sometimes...the bloggers are whistleblowers who are giving you direct hits...LET'S MAKE SURE THAT THEY ARE NOT OVERSIGHTED!
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Anne BloombergSubmitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 14:57.
I believe that a lot of bloggers and whistleblowers are hinting about more connections to the FBI & PD...but under realistic observations...the connections, fraud, and endless list of investigations in multiple directions is mindboggling to any one investigator, reporter, or citizen...
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ATTORNEY CLIMACO...hired by the CountySubmitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 12:27.
READ ALL ABOUT IT...compliments of badlawyernyc blogs...mafia, corruption, and lawyers....aren't we a stupid community who have been abused by these elected officials for all too long? ATTORNEY CLIMACO... READ THE ARTICLE BELOW!
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Exceptional News for NEO - FirstEnergy to Close Dirty Coal Burning Power Plants, including Lake Shore, on Lake Erie in ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 05:43.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported today Birders to lose favorite perches, birds lose havens when 2 power plants close, whereby the PD takes some of the best economic development and public health news of Clevelanders' lifetimes - "plans by FirstEnergy Corp. to close lakefront power plants at East 72nd Street in Cleveland and in Eastlake in Lake County" (and two others on Lake Erie, apparently) - and presents that as bad news for bait shops, birds, ecotourism and the region. The PD doesn't even mention that what this news really means for Clevelanders is NOT BEING EXPOSED TO 148,141 pounds of toxic chemicals spewed by Lakeshore into the air Clevelanders breathe each year, and that will save lives and make citizens smarter, healthier and more productive in Northeast Ohio. Better air quality will lead to higher property values and reduced public health costs, and that will make this region wealthier and more attractive for residents, who will have a higher quality of life here with cleaner air quality. People will have fewer reasons not to move to the region, and more reasons not to leave.
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Corruption in Cuyahoga County creates rocky path for new leaders Virtually every level of public service been shaken by scandalSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 05:24.
Public officials caught on the take seem to be as common as potholes in the Northeast Ohio roadways these days. And the damage from their deceit may take a long time to repair A realignment is in the works, but what the region may need is a complete overhaul given all the broken parts.Virtually ever level of public service has been shaken by scandal. Courts, schools, transportation, sewer and water service, road maintenance, building construction, property appraisals.From Cleveland to the suburbs, the wrong kind of fix has been in for years. ( categories: )
Frank Russo's campaign donors got big tax breaks on their propertySubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 21:20.
Gus Chan, The Plain DealerDonors to former County Auditor Frank Russo received more than $1.8 million on their property taxes. Russo has pleaded guilty to taking more than $1 million in bribes over 10 years and will serve more than 21 years in prison.
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Willie Nelson Arrested for Medical Marijuana at US Customs Imprisonment Compound on I-10 in Bumfuck, Texas, USASubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 15:17.
I was just commenting to a Facebook Friend that "I was driving on I-10 in Texas a few weeks ago and they have Border Patrol imprisonment centers ON THE FREEWAY IN AMERICA (I've seen them in New Mexico as well) where they stop every car and truck looking for illegals, I suppose. They searched my whole car - without ever asking my name... they obviously had the car in their system. 1984 but worse, as our society is a complete lie, claiming we are free." So it is timely to read Willie Nelson Arrested After Pot Found on Tour Bus - traveling from California to Austin, Texas... detained as a US citizen on US soil and searched by US Customs Patrol, though he crossed no borders, just like me - in poor Willie's case to be arrested for what is legal in 15 states in America. From ABC News:
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I love the insults by the overeducated to the lowly Clevelanders and welfare people..... It's amusing to hear their hardworking slights to those who get assistance..but they neglect to mention that there are over 10,000 not for profits in Cleveland and Cleveland Heights alone; let alone the totals for Cuyahoga County!!!! That's so amazing to hear them slam dunk the needy! This is my response to some blogs....related to the story about Continental Airlines...It'll probably get deleted...but that's life in Cuyahoga County and Cleveland, OH!!!! CONTINENTAL WANTS TO SEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IMPROVE IN THE NEXT 2 YEARS LOCALLY....OR THEY ARE PULLING OUT OF CLEVELAND...SO, PLEASE START YOUR BUSINESSES NOW TO MAKE THEM HAPPY AND HELP SAVE THE JOBS OF MANY MORE AIRLINE EMPLOYEES LOCALLY....
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lilys criminal sabotaged car to murder lily will cost about $1000.00 to repair please donateSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 23:24.
lily needs funds to - to help pay for her criminal sabatoged car and as the below posts comment show - lily filed a westlake, ohio police report - lily helps others with her time and money like lily loan me $100.00 dollars friday as yogi and me needed food - lily helped move the belongings of an evicted person by the court baliffs friday per plymonth gangsters criminal eviction and lily helped pay for the truck and storage with the help of the attorney that is helping expose the corrupt plymonth mafia the evicted family would have had al( categories: )
Who will take Responsibility for CMSD "public relations" culture?Submitted by jpelikan on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 19:43.
comment is now publishing and will appear shortly. November 27, 2010
At face value, the PD 11.27.'10 editorial "..Sanders needs to level with residents.." is the kind of community service expected of local media, a call for a public official and the public to be responsible. Responsibility is exactly what we need in Cleveland. Learning responsibility demands from top to bottom in our city to learn something new, something not present from the day a search began for this CEO to today.
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Happy Thanksgiving - Unavoidable Climate Change: We've Passed the Point of No ReturnSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 17:51.
Just in case you are still feeling "Thankful" this Thanksgiving weekend, now that the turkey buzz has worn off... some reality for you and those friends and loved ones you thanked the heavens for, and stuffed yourself with... evidence grows that recent global warming is unprecedented in magnitude and speed ... and a few other climate change links from Thanksgiving week. Can't wait to see what Christmas has in store...
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"Medical Marijuana: Prop 203′s Passage Means a New Billion-Dollar Industry for Arizona."Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 14:31.
The New York Times published more disturbing news for citizens living in states that have political leadership too incompetent, corrupt and/or ignorant to legalize marijuana and other cannabis industries, like HEMP... living in a nation ruled at the federal level by political leadership too incompetent, corrupt and/or ignorant to legalize marijuana and other cannabis industries, like HEMP..."It is being called the green rush. With more states moving to legalize medical marijuana, the business of growing and dispensing it is booming, even as much of the rest of the economy struggles."
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newcomerSubmitted by crimdefensed on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 12:29.
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Standards and Fairness?Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 08:36.
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A Different Legal System for the Rich: Imagine Getting Off Easy for Hit-and-Run Because You Run a Hedge FundSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/26/2010 - 15:36.
The following AlterNet article - A Different Legal System for the Rich: Imagine Getting Off Easy for Hit-and-Run Because You Run a Hedge Fund... It's not just the recession that's killing the middle class -- it's how the legal system is being used to establish a two-tiered society - illustrates shocking developments in our legal system in America. 52-year-old Martin Joel Erzinger, a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney money manager who oversees more than a billion in assets for “ultra high net worth individuals, their families and foundations", hit a surgeon riding his bicycle in Colorado - and ran like a dirty dog - and "District Attorney Mark Hurlbert was apparently concerned with Erzinger’s future -- SEC rules would have required him to disclose the felony within 30 days of being convicted, which might have cost him his job -- and decided to accept a misdemeanor plea, over the objections of Milo and his attorneys. “Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession,” Hurlbert said, “and that entered into [the decision].”
"Clare threw around poverty that irresistible charm which only women can communicate to religious or civic heroism"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/26/2010 - 01:30.
Shortly after my daughter Clara was born, nearly 11 months ago, I shared her birth with the world on YouTube - realNEO homemovie 1 Women in HypnoBirth in Waterbirth Delivering Baby Happy - and on realNEO and it has since been viewed by nearly 110,000 people.... showing 300-400 people a day (and growing) how pure and simple birth and human life may be, to help the modern world rediscover the dignity of the human person. Feedback and inquiries from expectant mothers (and fathers) shows me the modern world heard us, and Clara helped many babies enjoy the best possible starts in life.
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“That’s just where his head is right now,” Ms. Frutchy said.... it's about the pot!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/26/2010 - 00:37.
I missed an important and telling article in the New York Times, September 29, 2010, about Cleveland home-town billionaire Peter B. Lewis, Chairman of Progressive Insurance - Many Big Donors to Democrats Cut Support - which analyzes why "Democratic donors like George Soros, the bête noire of the right, and his fellow billionaire Peter B. Lewis, who each gave more than $20 million to Democratic-oriented groups in the 2004 election, appear to be holding back so far"... showing many of the world's most powerful people think, feel and act the same way I do about our failed leadership in America and their failure to address the failure of their racist, unethical, immoral "War On Drugs".
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Manufacturing Poor People - happy thanks giving - life is good : ) - cataniaism - cataniaologySubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 23:00.
Even as the overall population of the world continues to increase, the increase in the number of poor people outstrips that growth. How is this possible? Are the poor simply fucking like rabbits, increasing their numbers geometrically in a suicidal, lemming-like production line of poverty-stricken people? Or are they getting some outside aid in their catastrophic endeavor? ( categories: )
Pulling Hard on Mother NatureSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 20:46.
When the wind is 50 mph, the waves are 6 feet plus, the air temp is about 35 - it's time to rip! This parasail skier had a very tight act - including hard hat - and went right after all the speed the wind had in it. Zero timidity - 100% go for it. My kind of attitude. Inspiring to watch.
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The Head Shop -- 10% of sales to NORML Sale.Submitted by melvinPrice on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 20:22.
For the next week, Friday to Friday, all sales mentioning this post will earn a 10% of the sale price donation to The Cleveland NORML Chapter. The Head Shop is located on Waterloo, off East 156 and 100 yards from the Beachland.
See ya' on Saturday the 11th at the Garage.
We carry:
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Divine SillySubmitted by lmcshane on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 05:10.
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