
sammy catania court docket sentencing and other information

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 04:04.

See more of catania assaulting menacing guy and yogi -  video here

Docket Search

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Food prices rise sharply - and there's more to come

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 03:37.
"I noticed just this month that my grocery bill for the same old stuff - cereal, eggs, milk, orange juice, peanut butter, bread - spiked $25," said Sue Perry, deputy editor of ShopSmart magazine, a nonprofit publication from Consumer Reports. "It was a bit of sticker shock."
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Welcome to realNEO Washington Bureau - Backstage at the White House

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 12/17/2010 - 04:51.

White House viewed from the entrance to the Media Briefing room and press facilities
Entrance to Press Briefing Room and media facilities at the White House (seen in the distance)

On December 15, 2010, Obama administration officials convened the first-ever White House Forum on Environmental Justice, and I felt it was important to attend. As an environmental injustice victim, and activist for environmental justice, I wanted my voice to be heard... and as a media representative of real NEO, where the mainstream media does not cover environmental injustice, I wanted to listen, learn, and help other citizens here and worldwide understand what is being planned in Washington to combat environmental injustice in Cleveland, America, and globally.

While I was covering what was happening inside the White House, I thought I'd share a few snapshots of the backstage workings of the "White House" itself, which is certainly one of the best known and most important places in world history... and a spectacular architectural masterpiece.

Environmental Leaders, Cabinet Secretaries to Participate in First White House Environmental Justice Forum - December 15, 2010

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 12/14/2010 - 18:15.

White House at Christmas

Tomorrow, I'll be in DC to cover the following important environmental developments for Northeast Ohio...Environmental Leaders, Cabinet Secretaries to Participate in First White House Environmental Justice Forum.

Please see the agenda below and let me know if there are any specific concerns you would like addressed - you know I'll be focused on lead poisoning, source point industrial emissions in general, and especially industrial pollution from coal and steel-making, so serious in Northeast Ohio. I do not know the format of the forum but there will be some question and answer opportunities. I encourage you to tune in and watch it live at (link below). For Clevelanders, this is one of the most exciting developments yet from the Obama Administration. With all the right players at the table at the White House - and these are some very right players - I expect good outcomes for environmental justice in America to come of this. I look forward to covering and learning from it first hand.

Environmental Leaders, Cabinet Secretaries to Participate in First White House Environmental Justice Forum 

WASHINGTON – On December 15, Obama administration officials will convene the first-ever White House Forum on Environmental Justice. Environmental leaders from across the country will attend the day-long forum featuring White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. 

A Case (MODEL) Study about the Cleveland Land Bank & Property

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Tue, 12/14/2010 - 18:01.

I am extraordinarily amazed at the highly educated folks who can make the laws, litigate the laws, and benefit from the laws---but who absolutely refuse to protect the little people under the law...

Where were the protective measures, grants, subsidies, and assistance for the low income homeowners along the way? This article is from 1999... It is a system designed to benefit the administrators not the residents.


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Please support Freddie with a donation

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 12/14/2010 - 17:11.

I just noticed the following at the end of Lily Miller's foreclosure article re Black Friday.

"If you would like to donate funds to assist the now homeless victim, please send checks/money orders to :  Lily Miller, 2220 West 20th Street, Cleveland, OH  44113.  Checks can be made out to : "Freddie" and I will fill in his last name."

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The departure of the CMSD CEO should be a time for real Civic Responsibility

Submitted by jpelikan on Tue, 12/14/2010 - 13:26.

On December 13th and 14th the PD story "what kind of leader do we need" and editorial "..disappointing departure" already prime Cleveland to a march down the so old path looking for our next Moses to pick up a nicely polished but incomplete plan to transform education in Cleveland.

Attention first needs to focus on the incompleteness of the plan. 

One good aspect of what proceeded the roll out of the transformation plan was an objective look at schools and teachers.

Missing was the same objective look at administration and governance.

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False Attorney Signatures Cast New Doubts on Foreclosures

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 21:49.

Many foreclosures have been thrown into question [1] because of flawed documentation such as inaccurate affidavits describing a mortgage's history. But three recent court cases point to another type of flaw in foreclosure filings that could place thousands more cases in doubt: false attorney signatures on court documents.

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If Vertical Farms Were The Gold Standard For Producing Food - One Minute Old Meals... From The Economist

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 20:06.

Vertical farm design by Oliver Foster, O Design

I have no doubt everyone interested in public health, planning, engineering, architecture, real estate development, cool stuff and local foods will find absolutely fascinating the feature and the following three videos from The Economist on vertical farming...

Three views of the vertical farm

GROWING crops in vertical farms in the heart of cities is said to be a greener way to produce food. The idea is that skyscrapers filled with floor upon floor of orchards and fields, producing crops all year round, will sprout in cities across the world. As well as creating more farmable land out of thin air, this would slash the transport costs and carbon-dioxide emissions associated with moving food over long distances. But the concept is still unproven. Does it really stack up? To accompany our article on vertical farming in this week's issue, here are three videos offering different perspectives on the subject.

Looks like Ohio will be Birthplace to yet another President - no matter what your beliefs, that will pay off for Ohio's Economy

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 15:44.

An original John F. Kennedy Democrat - paid-his-way through college - self-made-rich made Reagan Republican - this interview on 60 Minutes shows Boehner is highly emotional, very proud, business-like, with firm middle-American (Ohio) roots, firmly planted in his world... which is most of Ohio and middle America's dream-world, which has included achieving the American Dream... going en mass to mass EVERY MORNING... growing up one of 12 children in a modest, small house near Cincinnati... nice siblings... nice wife... what's not to like?

I'll find out for myself.

I intend to challenge Boehner on my core objectives for transforming the economy of Ohio and America, and will see where we find common ground.

My #1 priority is reducing harm from pollution here and worldwide. We need impartial science driving effective climate change legislation and environmental justice regulation - world-wide - to address our global environmental crises during our time together on common ground Earth.

guy templeton black - cleveland school board canidate - video - ( forward to 5:10 minutes)

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 13:35.

"society sets up the crime and the citizen commits it" china proverb


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jerleen justus plain press reporter notes sammy catania court sentencing still blaming guy templeton black

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 12:33.

Another point of concern is that even after learing his fate, Sammy continued to place the blame on Guy and others.  He even stated that Guy was disruptive at a the meeting when he submitted a letter calling for the TWDC Development Director's dismissal.  Myself and others were present at that meeting and no such conduct was displayed by Guy.  He read the letter aloud to the TWDC Board members.  Also, he attended a board meeting after being given the Restraining Order and provided the TWDC staff and board members with a copy of the TRO.

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Treasurer makes win win laws for Tax Certificate Sales money under ORC

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 11:03.

Help me to understand this....

A) The County Commissioners paid GLS/PPTS $50k to research TAX POLICY in Ohio...then  

B) Treasurer Jim Rokakis LOBBIED to establish the ORC chapters like ORC 5721 that would support his Land Bank and Property Tax Certificate Sales to third parties....

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Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 09:05.

A snow storm won't discourage the families of Northeast Ohio from protesting the closure of Huron Hospital by Cleveland Clinic. They will unite today from 12-2pm to show their voice to KEEP HURON OPEN! Activists, Artists, Clergy, Citizens, and Elected Officials are expected to arrive at this rally to SAVE HURON ROAD! 

Participants will meet across from Chicago Deli on Euclid! 

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#1 Criteria for Choosing the Next CEO of CMSD: He/She MUST Make Cleveland #1 in the World in Educating Lead Poisoned Children

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 05:00.

The new science about lead's effect on the brain may force policymakers to re-examine some social issues through a new prism. For example, if lead can cause aggressive behavior, learning disabilities and hyperactivity, might it not also be a contributing factor in poor educational performance among low-income blacks, who suffer the most lead poisoning? - Newsweek, 1991

Where Cleveland Metropolitan School District CEO Eugene Sanders, and CMSD overall, have been completely ineffective, and so failed, is in their Strange Ignorance of The Role of Lead Poisoning in Failing Schools. Sanders is not alone in responsibility for this tragedy, as leadership of Northeast Ohio in general has been so incompetent as to make Cleveland the lead poisoning capital of America and the developed world.

Perhaps our politicians even hired Sanders with the specific direction to ignore the realities of lead poisoning here, as "there exists a body of medical research which demonstrates that politicians themselves are responsible for a conveyor-belt of tragedy that produces precisely those symptoms attributed to "failing schools.""

The good news for the future of Cleveland and education and students here is Eugene Sanders has announced he shall resign, as of February 01, 2011, meaning we may now select a CEO who may lift CMSD students off the "conveyor-belt of tragedy" caused by lead poisoning that literally guarantees the direct hardship of around 30% of CMSD students, guaranteeing the failure of CMSD and Cleveland.... greatly harming the economic competitiveness and sustainability of the state of Ohio.


Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 12/12/2010 - 08:00.

With the deceptive headline "68% in poll say parents, not teachers, are to blame for students' poor performance" the Cleveland Plain Dealer published today results of a "poll", paid for by eugenics champions and world's richest "humans" Bill and Melinda Gates, which misrepresents poorly-surveyed, poorly-reported opinions of 1,001 Americans about public education in America as significant indicators regarding the failure of the American public schools system, and reports "68 percent of adults believe parents deserve heavy blame for what's wrong with the U.S. education system -- more than teachers, school administrators, the government or teachers unions."

In fact, "government" was not a category in this poll... and, statistically, these Americans placed the same level of blame on State Education Officials (65%, with +/-3.9% sampling errors) as on parents... and all these answers are irrelevant.

Science proves a primary cause of failure in education in America is lead poisoning and other toxins put in the environment by the industrialists partnered with the Gates to control the world.

Did You Pay Homage and Taxes To One Of The Most Heinous Humans Ever To Walk The Earth, Today? Did You Turn on Microsoft today!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 12/11/2010 - 14:24.

Did You Pay Homage and Taxes To One Of The Most Heinous Humans Ever To Walk The Earth, Today? Did You Turn on Microsoft today! If you use Microsoft, you turned on the Bill Gates fortune and all the harm that causes the world, today and forever hereafter. If you use a computer running any Microsoft products, you must know how your Microsoft addiction and dollars work for the world today, via perversely enriched micro-psychopath Bill Gates... from AlterNet's "5 Awards For the World's Most Heinous Climate Villains":

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet

Misdeeds: Pretend to be friends while engaged in a vicious competition to see who ends up with the most expensive coffin. Flew together to inspect the Alberta Tar Sands and ponder investments, looking to add to Buffet's $34 billion Burlington Northern Santa Fe coal-hauling railroad purchase and the Gates Foundation Nigerian oil portfolio. Gates is dumping cash into geo-engineering as a way to "hack" the climate, instead of getting off oil and coal. The duo insist that the government should be responsible for clean energy development, but that we need to tax our citizens to pay for it. They can't be bothered, since they're too busy banking on sure things like fossil fuels.

Corporate Teat: They're the tits, not the pups. Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway, much of it tax sheltered by the Gates Foundation.

Greetings on Cleveland

Submitted by ElenaLDN on Sat, 12/11/2010 - 11:56.

 Hello all,

For the past 4 months, I have been working on a photo project about Cleveland. Here is a link to the online version.


thanks :)

Nixon's White House on Blacks... "What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 12/11/2010 - 11:44.

Dr. Strangelove

Americans certainly don't waste much of our limited TV-time and mutated brain-power seeking insight from our past failures, as our global industrial complex has so screwed-up humanity itself that the work-a-day citizen must stay focused on basic survival on Earth today. So, as a quick review of the distinctly American political views and interests of yesterday, as they shaped the world today, scan some highlights from the 1973 Presidential tapes of great visionary Republican leader Richard Nixon, among his White House staff, and know these people and their followers have shaped our national interests, civil rights, and international and humanitarian policies ever since - this is the legacy and culture influencing our post-Nixonian Industrially Complex President Obama, who is shaping our national interests, civil rights, and international and humanitarian policies today...

 Nixon offered sharp skepticism at the views of William P. Rogers, his secretary of state, about the future of black Africans.

“Bill Rogers has got — to his credit it’s a decent feeling — but somewhat sort of a blind spot on the black thing because he’s been in New York,” Nixon said. “He says well, ‘They are coming along, and that after all they are going to strengthen our country in the end because they are strong physically and some of them are smart.’ So forth and so on.

“My own view is I think he’s right if you’re talking in terms of 500 years,” he said. “I think it’s wrong if you’re talking in terms of 50 years. What has to happen is they have be, frankly, inbred. And, you just, that’s the only thing that’s going to do it, Rose.”

Humor on the West Side....The Almost $2 Billion Dollar Industry!

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sat, 12/11/2010 - 07:28.

The Not For Profit Industry of the West Side of Cleveland has annual earnings of almost $2 Billion Dollars....

All of which appear to be codependent on NEEDY PERSON QUOTAS that drive thier system! Wow, with 2 Billion dollars a year being invested into the West side, can someone please explain to me where it's all at??? I mean, even if we divided that number by 500,000 people-every person in the entire city could get about $3,597.18 per year or $299.77/month! 

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Christmas Memories

Submitted by mytown55 on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 09:58.

When I was six years old...I was a ward of the State of Ohio.  I lived in a house, where I-480 is right now. All the children at school was talking about this TALKING CHRISTMAS TREE...I didn't believe them...I believed they were all pulling my leg.  They said "this tree" was across the street from my house at a O'Niels store ...which, is now a Macy's store at Great Northern Mall.  Somehow, I can't remember how it was, that, I snuck away from my house ...

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Demographic Overlays of NEO Development Dollars

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 01:56.

The City of Cleveland & Cuyahoga County Receive tons of Federal Tax Dollars annually that are supposed to drive initiatives to revitalize our community. Have you heard of any productive measures associated with our community using these funds which have actually helped the people directly who actually live in these areas??? Or, are all the funds going to pay for the ADMINISTRATION of these agencies and the people who live outside the area? 

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