
COAD expertise coming to NEO

Submitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 01/14/2010 - 12:36.
Legal Notices
COAD Northern Ohio Training Center ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY - REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development, located in Athens, Ohio is requesting Statements of Qualifications from interested Ohio Firms for an environmental study pursuant to the planned renovation of a hospital wing constructed in 1959 located at
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Flaunting Curves - When is the expression of Sensuality OK?

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 22:21.

peter b lewis building cleveland ohio frank gehry titanium roof shingles image 1.13.10 jeff buster

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A retired Constitutional lawyer has read the entire proposed healthcare bill. Read his conclusions. This is stunning!

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 19:23.

Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.


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Give until it hurts

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 18:44.

How much more of this can we take? 

First of all, why would any one bother to give to United Way after stories like this one?

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When a Judge goes out of bounds....

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 18:21.
cuyahoga county judge daniel gaul image jeff buster 12.14.07
Filing an ethics complaint against a Judge is serious business.  And having such a complaint upheld by The Board of Commissioners on  Grievances and Discipline of the Supreme Court of Ohio means the complaint was found to be meritorious. 
 It would appear that  
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Pat Robertson Blames Haiti Earthquake on Pact with Devil...

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 16:02.

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Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 07:20.

REALNEO is a cooperative, eternal, free, open source social network operating with the Drupal Content Management System (CMS) - it is designed to manage content for individuals, who are registered users, and who own the CMS, as a co-op, and own their individual content, as individuals. Members have traditionally used REALNEO to manage their personal thoughts and ideas, through blog postings and comments, along with events, polls, and links to the content of others. Some users use the CMS capabilities of the site more than others, adding files, photographs and video to their content.

360 NEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 05:03.

As a photojournalist, I recognized the need to capture a 360 degree perspective of the world from on top of the Earth - at the peak of the Great Pyramid, in Egypt. While any view in any direction was spectacular, it was the unobstructed 360 degree panorama that was truly breathtaking. The way I captured that experience then, and have 1,000s of times since, was in a series of snapshots I compose into collages, and have featured extensively as headers on REALNEO. This technique creates stunning photographs that may exceed 20 feet in length, at very high resolutions.

Obviously, a way to capture a similar feel is with high quality film or video, by panning a camera 360 degrees while filming.

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Lost Generation Video

Submitted by Charles Frost on Tue, 01/12/2010 - 21:30.

A very good video on Thou Tube - be sure to watch the whole thing...

monster killer 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti; could be 'catastrophe,' official says - cleveland are you prepared

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 01/12/2010 - 19:07.

 This photo provided by Carel Pedre shows people running past ...(CNN) -- A major earthquake struck southern Haiti on Tuesday, knocking down buildings and inflicting a catastrophe on the impoverished Caribbean nation, its ambassador to the United States said.

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our genious norm & family realneo coop library full stories - posts saved vs quote in part and link = links disapear

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 01/12/2010 - 13:48.

our genious's norm evelyn kids dogs mom dad - realneo coop library full stories-posts  vs  links disapear with partial quotes

i had a dream    that i should have made a main point in my post about the plain dealer that links disapear wittingly or unwittinfly and the only way to combat that is to post whole full post to save the  full story posts

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My "Fair Use" Four-Factor Balancing Test Interpretation of Copying an Entire Plain Dealer Editorial to REALNEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 01/12/2010 - 06:07.

Baby, it's cold outside. Time for Cleveland Plain Dealer Deputy Editorial Page Editor Kevin O'Brien's annual "It's snowing in Cleveland again this winter so Global Warming's a Hoax" editorial...

In compiling my list of "The 17 Worst 'Climate Killers' in Northeast Ohio", I've started with O'Brien, who everyone in real NEO well knows is one of the most outspoken critics of "Global Warming" in the world, reaching millions. As I was trying to determine if O'Brien was The Profiteer, The Disinformer, or The Drudge of Denial, in misinforming our community about the environment, I did not refer to the Cleveland Plain Dealer's portal for source information on Mr. O'Brien's past writing on the environment, as I knew that it would not be at

I turned to REALNEO.

videos - Secret Societies Bilderberg Group Jesse Ventura Tru TV, 2010 - plain dealer media controled all things

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 01/12/2010 - 01:07.

Secret Societies Bilderberg Group Jesse Ventura Tru TV, 2010

Exclusive 2010 Video Documentary here at UFO Blogger

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Cleveland Housing Court Informational Meeting on January 30, 2010 10:00 AM

Submitted by 4HsgCt on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 23:43.

Cleveland Housing Court is offering a informational meeting on

Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 10:00 AM in the Housing Court,
at the Justice Center, 13th floor, courtroom 13-B.
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Rolling Stone Calls Out the 17 Worst 'Climate Killers' in the US

Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 22:28.

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Worth Watching - A Canadian's 3 Minute Commentary on Airport Security (video)

Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 22:15.

This link was sent to me as part of an on-going international conversation on Airline Safety and airport security.

I often find viewpoints from learned people in other countries most interesting

"Tax" Is NOT a Four-letter Word

Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 21:47.

Just an interesting viewpoint, from a friend's website - - worth visiting, IMO


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frozen Britain seen from above

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 21:20.

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"dodged a bullet"

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 20:19.

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Breaking: Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s resignation reportedly imminent

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 19:37.

 Breaking: Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s resignation reportedly imminent

by ModernEsquire on January 11, 2010 · Comments

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Woman single-handedly beats IRS in court - Nurse Outduels IRS Over M.B.A. Tuition

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 19:14.
The Internal Revenue Service.  (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)A Maryland nurse accomplished two rare feats in her battle with the Internal Revenue Service: She defended herself against the agency's lawyers and won, and she got a ruling that could help tens of thousands of students deduct the cost of an M.B.A. degree on their taxes
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sue me plain dealer - expose - "unfair use" many times - black listed many times - politcal corrupt many times -

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 17:35.

sue me plain dealer - expose - "unfair use" many times - black listed many times - politcally corrupt many times -  not freedom of the press many times - etc., many times

there is no way i will quote out of contexts - as the plain dealer does most of the times

elitiisim is when the plain dealer and others steal - copy - makeup - stories many times and  expect to own the lies many times

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