
Mall location picked for Med/Con

Submitted by briancummins on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 00:17.

Public Auditorium Rendering

The following (see below) is a PD report of the announcement made at the end of the day today.

Although many of us have our doubts as to the actual benefit or success a Med Mart/Convention Center investment will have, the fact that the damn location decision has been made is a relief...particularly given the fact the Mall site prevailed.

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A tale of two Tremonts - Few things expose longstanding distrust between two sides more than an election.

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 21:16.

A tale of two Tremonts

Thursday, January 22, 2009
By Ken Prendergast kprendergast [at] sunnews [dot] com
West Side Sun News

Few things expose longstanding distrust between two sides more than an election.

That distrust has re-emerged in the weeks leading up to the Jan. 29 election of trustees for the Tremont West Development Corp. which coordinates neighborhood revitalization and improvement programs, including the spending of taxpayer dollars.

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hi jeff - thanks for the insight - i need your help to edit the private info

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 19:06.

hi jeff

<p>thanks for the insight - i need your help to  edit the private info
- i want to my blog and accessed the debrea twdc etc., email and the edit
doesn't appear - although my other posts the edit appears - so does the
great e.t. that run the show don't want any editing or someone else
doesn't or a glichc - i 'll try again and again and i'll log off and
try again- thanks for your kind words - your the messenger and so am i -
so hopefuuly no one will harm or kill the messenger cheers and tears, yogi and guy

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 15:55.

Recently there have been reports/posts on Realneo which contain email addresses of private persons, ie not government/public employee email addresses.   Although it is certainly appropriate to post public employee’s public contact info, or the private email of a person who is on a public board and uses that email for board correspondence,  or a private email, home address, telephone # if the owner has given permission,  please keep in mind that there are valid reasons to not post private email addresses, private home addresses, and telephone #s.

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Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 10:17.

It’s an untidy and greedy free for all. Grab while you can. If you can. So why shouldn’t Scott Wolstein – whose grandiose Flats development has hit a frigid stall despite huge promised public subsidies – enter the messed up deal on the medical mart and convention center issue. Confusion may be the mark of bad planning, poor communications and lack of leadership and, quite frankly, an economy in a seemingly permanent dump. However, chaos seems to suit our so-called Leadership.

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The Mechanical Art of Destroying the Rain Forest

Submitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 21:48.

Invasive Species Of The Rain Forest

Making History

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 18:30.

The first visible change in our nation took place yesterday. Add your pictures to the tableau.

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Support Cleveland artists - Obama Portraits in Gunsmoke on Ebay!!!

Submitted by Tim Russo on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 17:52.

I just listed Loren Naji's Portaits of Barack Obama in Gunsmoke on Ebay, each created on inauguration night, January 20, 2009, on the streets of Cleveland.  Let's see if there is support for Cleveland artists out there. 

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Flag Wars, recent documentary I stumbled upon...

Submitted by Glowbawl on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 12:33.

1st post here...

I got a copy of this documentary and figured I'd let folks know it exists.

Flag Wars
Linda Goode Bryant
Year 2003

Focus is on a Columbus neighborhood, and it's fairly akin to Tremont, East Cleveland, or Ohio City issues. I found this movie to be interesting but I wouldn't go as far as the review below and say it's great. It did have a bunch of neighbors who really grated on one another though, hence there were some lively realizations of homophobia and racism brewing.


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Portraits of Obama in Gunsmoke - unveiled in Tremont and at The Lancer

Submitted by Tim Russo on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 11:09.

A Tremont performance art extravaganza! Cleveland Artist Loren Naji's original portraits of President Barack Obama, created on the spot, in gunsmoke.


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Submitted by Roldo on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 10:41.

I was going through an overstuffed file that had been resting on a shelf in the cellar. The broken fake leather file held old letters, cards, complaints and even some compliments going back to the 1960s.

A note from 1989 that I can barely read said, “I hope you’re still around 20 years from now… Nobody else will monitor to see if the Jacobs brothers keep their promise to help the neighborhoods.”

Well it’s a surprise to even me that I’m still around.

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debra sheperd, Tremont West Development Corporation - reply by guy templeton black and yogi with help

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 01:52.
dear debra, we need you - i beg you don't stop your activisim-
as a twdc board canidate and community activist-
for about 40 years - i promise you a full investigation-
"the glass is half full - not half empty-"
"life is a mystrey to be lived not a problem to be solved&
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Submitted by DesireeSchmitt on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 23:06.

Well, tomorrow morning is the presentation/meeting with the Board of Building & Housing Standards.

City Hall, 9AM, room 516.

This really wasn't enough time to prepare considering the time of the year, weather, holidays, economy... everyone is working overtime.  So, we'll see how it goes...

( categories: )'s back! love, american style

Submitted by bginley on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 23:00.




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Congratulations, President Obama, by Robb Smith

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 18:58.

Congratulations, President Obama
by Robb Smith

On behalf of the entire Integral community, I'd like to extend sincere
congratulations to President Obama on his historic election. Today we
witness not only millennia of human progress symbolized in another
peaceful transfer of political power but also the first black American to
accept service in United States' highest office. I believe it possible that

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TONIGHT - Tremont Pyrotechnic Portait Celebration of Inauguration

Submitted by Tim Russo on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 10:27.

Cleveland Artist Loren Naji will create a pyrotechnic portrait of Barack Obama tonight in celebration of the end of the Bush Era, and the beginning of Barack Obama's presidency.

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Submitted by Roldo on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 07:48.

I’ll have to think of Carl Stokes on a day as this.

The election of Carl Stokes in November, 1967, came as a release in Cleveland much as, I think, Barak Obama’s election, culminating today in his inauguration, does for the nation.

Cleveland had been wracked by racial problems and animosity that kept relations between blacks and whites raw in this town. The 1960s were hell in Cleveland. We see the results of that more vividly today.


Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 02:12.
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cnn video - only aired once about pentagon attack - no plane

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 01/19/2009 - 19:13.
41 seconds - worth less than 60 seconds of your time
no plane
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Submitted by Roldo on Mon, 01/19/2009 - 17:02.

The impoverished City of Cleveland – with all its problems – is giving Howard Hanna (Smyth Cramer) $250,000 to renovate the offices downtown that the realtor bought last October, the Plain Dealer recently reported.

“I want to thank the mayor because this was not a done deal. This was a deal where we had to go on the offense,” said downtown Councilman Joe Cimperman to the Plain Dealer.

Well, it sure is offensive to me.

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Sustainability For Your Investment Portfolio

Submitted by Brian Thomas on Mon, 01/19/2009 - 13:41.

For those of you with an investment portfolio (what a year, huh?), I'd like to suggest Liberty Property Trust as a potential investment (NYSE: LRY). I work in the Infrastructure and Commercial Real Estate investment space and for those interested in aligning your investment portfolio with your environmental passions, this is a company that is on the leading edge of sustainability in commercial real estate.

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Submitted by Roldo on Mon, 01/19/2009 - 13:33.

This is how distortion gets mistaken for reality. This is where propaganda outdoes truth.

The Plain Dealer this a.m. in its crusade for the Medical Mart calls the group that selected the Tower City site a “citizen’s committee.”

That’s really reporting very loosely with the truth - to describe a group that is entirely made up of Corporate/Corporate controlled individuals as representing the vast citizenry, thus the public. There isn’t a normal “citizen” on the committee because they are all related to the corporate community and its self-interests.

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Gravy Train...All Aboard!

Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 01/19/2009 - 11:40.

If you have lived in NEO for any length of time, it becomes apparent that some people have tickets and some do not. How does one get aboard the gravy train??? For more information--see this tip-off from Michael McIntyre at the PD.

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barack obama, great quote - " the slash and burn - take no prisoners - anything goes is so corrosive to our democracy and we've

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 01/18/2009 - 22:54.
" the slash and burn -  take no prisoners - anything goes
is so corrosive to our democracy and we've got to
fight this because it turns people off politics in general
and leaves that space to be occupied by special interests
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