

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 01/03/2009 - 14:08.
image of chris kennedy on realneo returned by google image search
Recently I have taken a keener interest in how Google web searches are engineered, and in particular how Google searches for images on the internet.
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REAL.COOP Media Open House Roundtable Planning

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 01/03/2009 - 12:44.

When Doug Clifton became editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, I was in frequent communication with Columnist Tom Brazaitis. I shared with Tom information technology advice to improve the newspaper - like adding email addresses to the articles in the paper (which they didn't do at the time), and completely transforming how they used the Internet. Tom suggested I contact Clifton directly, which I did, and Doug was very receptive to feedback and we ended up corresponding regularly.

A gym powered by sweat and tears (with videos) - From Oregon, via the BBC

Submitted by Charles Frost on Sat, 01/03/2009 - 09:50.

BBC News, Portland, Oregon


A US gym has installed specially-adapted exercise bikes that recycle energy generated by people as they work out.


Submitted by Roldo on Fri, 01/02/2009 - 20:19.

What page are we on? What year is this? And where did Fred Nance go?

The latest muddle on the med mart suggests that the big boys can’t get the ducks in a row again.

Backroom dealing and pressure are being exerted. By someone upon someone. Messages are being sent.

MMPI (Merchandise Merchandise Properties Inc.) maybe wants a smaller convention center and apparently a different site than the Downtown Gang (Greater (or Lesser) Cleveland Partnership & Forest City Enterprise) desires.

That would benefit MMPI.

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 01/01/2009 - 18:43.


Among animals, making light (outside their body) seems to be an occupation engaged in only by man.  The photo above is of a thorium mantle incandescing  white hot. Wikipedia has more info.

Atom bomb, anyone?  (about a million mantles and you could make one)

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Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 01/01/2009 - 15:59.

Just as a reminder that there is plenty of room for meetings without a new convention center. Why doesn’t Cleveland Positively sell out of these venues? Quoting from a Cleveland Crain’s Business listings here are convention and meeting spaces available in Cleveland and its near suburbs. Lest we forget in order to build another structure for the Forest City Gang: - Cleveland Convention Center – 124,067 square feet of meeting space. - I-X Center – 101,045 square feet. - Playhouse Square Center – 90,000 square feet.

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Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 01/01/2009 - 13:13.

What have you done lately for Randy Lerner, Sam Miller, Albert Ratner, Tim Hagan, the Cleveland Orchestra or the Playhouse Square Foundation?


You may not know it but as a resident of Cuyahoga County you have been extremely generous to these richest of our rich.
The figures are in through December for a number of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County taxes.

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A bug for the New Year

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Thu, 01/01/2009 - 11:05.

Best wishes for an improved 2009. Happy New Year, all!

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 12/31/2008 - 20:47.

In the Late Fall of 2003 Norm Roulet, at the invitation of Ed Morrison, introduced the REALNEO social media concept using the open source Drupal platform to a crowd at REI in the Peter B Lewis building at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio. Until Norm’s introduction of Realneo, the REI forum had been (trying) to use wikis for their internet communication.

I happened to be in that audience, and I logged onto Realneo as user No. 53 - four years and four weeks ago.

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comments on dance made elsewhere

Submitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 12/31/2008 - 12:18.

I made a comment at the end of a long discussion on the role of critic to choreographer and audience at Downtown Dancer, a blog in the holler of Manhattan's dance mecca. I add it here as a way to keep track (personally) and to share my thoughts on dance with the NEO dance interested community.

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Joe Goode Performance Group

Submitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 12/31/2008 - 12:08.

Joe Goode PG Stay Together

I wrote this review of Joe Goode Performance Group when they visited Cleveland in 2007. It was published in Coolcleveland. Here it is gathered with my other dance musings to add to the file.

More great dance like this in NEO, please.

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Question of the Day: What Are The Odds That The MedCon Is A Con Now?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 12/31/2008 - 05:06.

Jeff Buster's poll on REALNEO asking "If Peter Lawson Jones immediately withdrew his support for the Medical Mart Convention Center would his public career benefit?" motivated me to spend the time to explore the probability the MedCon is already dead, and our leaders will let us know that when they return from their vacations... and get the nerve. What do you think?

Homeless man cuddling dog

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 12/31/2008 - 05:00.
homeless_man_ cuddling_dog.jpg

How do you choose between shelter and a best friend?
This is the impossible decision pet-lovers face when
losing their homes. Since most shelters don't allow
animals, homeless people with pets often elect to stay

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Hauser Issue 1: CONVENTION CENTER / MEDICAL MART: Follow up with the pubic input process and location selection

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 12/31/2008 - 03:08.

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Councilman Santiago (ward 14) - Poster Child for Council Reduction

Submitted by Henry Senyak on Tue, 12/30/2008 - 15:07.

Piece of Political Art my Neighbor Georgiann Franko picked up during Tremont Art Walk in October.

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the end of an era

Submitted by Susan Miller on Tue, 12/30/2008 - 09:18.

In today's news we learn of the end of an era - Jim Mazurkeiwicz retires and Potter Mellen closes its doors.

Here's a sample of Jim's work from the still live Potter Mellen website:

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The Cleveland Social Media Experiment

Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 12/29/2008 - 22:31.

The Cleveland Social Media Experiment

As the days wane on 2008, it is becoming ever more evident that Cleveland and its civic leadership must work with fervor to develop new business and industry. I am constantly reminded of Cleveland’s strong lineage of disregarded life altering opportunities to; instead, stay on the tried and true. Have you ever heard the stories of Cleveland donning serious consideration for NASA’s Mission Control headquarters? Can you imagine the radical change to the NASA campus and its influence on Cleveland if it were to have a mission control here? This could have happened. I suspect you are all aware of Progressive Insurance wanting to build an “eye-opening” corporate headquarters in Downtown Cleveland, only to have the civic leaders in Cleveland politely say, “No thank you.” Shameful.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 12/29/2008 - 22:12.
cleveland vacant building ripped curtains blowing out window
 In November 2003 the first 2 Vestus wind turbines went up in Bowling Green, Ohio. 
More than 5 years later Cuyahoga has nothing to show for itself - except "study" and DELAY.
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Bail Outs, Fiscal Crisis -- How Strong Are Our Cities?

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 12/29/2008 - 16:08.

While on the subject of cities, some analysts look to the nation's economic woes, it's impact on tax receipts for cities and foresee municipal bankruptcies growing at alarming rates.  Cities may need to look to municipal bankruptcy, chapter 9 of the bankruptcy code, to protect themselves and taxpayers. We haven't seen this since the Orange County bankruptcy in 1994, which lost over $1.5 billion.

Councilman Polensek Should Resign

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 12/29/2008 - 16:03.

I never thought Councilman Mike Polensek was a bad guy, maybe a frustrated, burned out, partially-jaded reformer facing difficult tasks in Cleveland, but not a bad guy. However, in my mind, you can't justify the latest problem involving his asking a local development nonprofit organization to buy a house for him while he secured financing.  He can say he gave the nonprofit a modest profit for helping he can say it was only a short-term thing and he can say he only did it for his mom, but....

May I have your chicken's ID number, please?

Submitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 12/29/2008 - 02:08.

Black shiny shoes... laced up FBI shoes - the ones that got Ken Kesey... remember? in Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test?

Black shiny INS shoes are now rounding up immigrants (like all of us Americans who are not native to the US lands) and putting them in jails - rounding them up for deportation. It’s big business and it’s a growth industry in a failing economy.

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Possible Crematory in Ohio City

Submitted by jenita on Mon, 12/29/2008 - 00:08.

This is a re-post from my blog: Ohio City's Bodnar Funeral Home applied for a zoning variance on December 22nd to build a crematory at 3929 Lorain Avenue. Ward 14 Councilman Joe Santiago is in support of the building addition and expansion of the funeral home’s on-site services.

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adam harvey - rip tremonter

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 12/28/2008 - 16:49.

adam you were called a racist because you deleted my barack obama, for president posts - and than you banned me- you stated you were only going to suspend me my posting for a week- to punish me - you never let post after the week. anger comes from guilt and fear- so don't let your guilt and fear rationalize censorship and your political favoritism for the status qua- i don't judge you for getting a county job from polical favors- but dont't belive you own lies - because its called psychotic behavior- self desception leads to destruction because you think or one thinks that the ones above them with money and contactions know more then you do- as we can see with the world conditions - this isn't the fact - truth- eternal thanks for the most of posts that you posted that helped the community- all the luck in the world for you and the misses and new born-

eternal thanks, yogi and guy

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