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blogsANYONE CONSIDER THEMSELVES CITIZENS OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY?Submitted by Roldo on Wed, 12/10/2008 - 21:40.
Are there any citizens left in Cuyahoga County. I mean real CITIZENS. If there are, please show some civic responsibility. Please raise your voices.
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Cuyahoga County residents encouraged to take environmental awareness surveySubmitted by abroskilly on Wed, 12/10/2008 - 15:39.
The Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District is encouraging residents of Cuyahoga County to participate in a survey to assess the level of awareness residents have regarding common household activities and their potential impact on the quality of our local water resources.
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dante's restaurantSubmitted by jerleen1 on Wed, 12/10/2008 - 09:24.
I do believe Mr. Dante skipped a step or two - nobody at the Central Block Club - the area in which his establishment is possibly going to reside - has heard from anyone representing this business. No proposals have been submitted. Who's he stroking? Where's he going to park his cars - everybody else has dibs on the spaces already? Why did his fine dining joint not make in the previous place? Inquiring minds want to know?
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COLOR OTHER THAN CLEVELAND - PINKSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 12/09/2008 - 19:44.
Let's not forget that what we see here in NEO isn't what most people see - these flamingos have their heads under water pecking for brine shrimp - to keep their feathers pink. There is a world much sunnier, much bigger than Cleveland out there! This positive, upbeat viewpoint is dedicated to Frank Giglio who lost his house today.
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Auto Bailout -- Sell More Cars More InexpensivelySubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Tue, 12/09/2008 - 15:37.
Perhaps it’s heresy here in NE Ohio, but I'm wondering how the auto industry bail out will succeed. Ultimately, the car companies need to sell more cars, but no one is forecasting American consumers are going to be in a better position to buy a year or more from now. If so, why aren't the big three going to be just as vulnerable next year as they are now, with the US squandering what few resources we have in the interim?
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WHAT TO DO ABOUT NEWSPAPERS BEFORE THEY DIESubmitted by Roldo on Tue, 12/09/2008 - 13:42.
In a discussion on Friday’s Dick Feagler TV show, Plain Dealer editor Susan Goldberg mentioned the possibility that newspapers might drop Monday and Tuesday editions, starting the week with Wednesday when they have ads, usually from the supermarkets. I’ve thought of that too.
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ISN'T IT TIME FOR A TEA PARTYSubmitted by Roldo on Mon, 12/08/2008 - 15:48.
IT IS TIME TO REDUCE REGRESSIVE TAXATION IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY; IT IS TIME TO STOP TAXING LOW INCOME PEOPLE FOR HIGHER INCOME DESIRES. We are too busy to remember that the taxes discussed below are relentlessly collected every day, hour and minute on required purchases by all of us.
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TREMONT SOCIAL CAPITALSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 12/07/2008 - 16:54.
This morning two of my friends and I bumped into Frank Giglio in front of his home on West 14th Street, in Tremont (Cleveland), Ohio. Mr. Giglio pulled up along the sidewalk in his car while we were walking by (with Tucker, the dog). Mr. Giglio had a cup of hot coffee balanced in his lap below the steering wheel, and through the open car window I could see the steam rising up out of the half consumed coffee cup as we spoke. I felt kind of bad realizing that any conversation we had was going to result in that second half of the Sunday morning coffee being cold.
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THERE WERE BETTER WAYS THAN THE PD WAYSubmitted by Roldo on Sun, 12/07/2008 - 10:03.
They didn’t have to do it that way, did they? Editorial people from two newspapers sent e-mails to me about how layoffs were handled at their newspapers. In both case layoffs, they said, it was done by seniority. (Somehow the newspaper guild at the Plain Dealer gave away its seniority rights.)
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COLD REALITYSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 21:50.
Ed Hauser chose this plot (for his mom and his brother Tom) in the All Saints Cemetery, Northfield, Ohio. This afternoon at 2:00 in a cold wind blown December snow, Ed joined them.
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Hannah Arendt, 1:9:90 rule and greening the citySubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 10:37.
"Revolutionaries do not make revolutions. The revolutionaries are those who know when power is lying in the street and then they can pick it up." - Hannah Arendt
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ART QUARTER HOLIDAY SALE - THIS WEEKEND ONLY!Submitted by bginley on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 09:00.
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TWO PATHETIC MEN TELL US MUCH ABOUT AMERICASubmitted by Roldo on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 18:47.
You could watch two of the most pathetic Americans of our time on television tonight trying to evade responsibility. President George W. Bush tell us, “We are in a recession…This is in large part because of severe problems in our housing, credit and financial markets, which have resulted in significant job losses.”
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MICHENER'S WARM & FUZZY "NEW" CLEVELANDSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 16:24.
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World versus FrankSubmitted by lmcshane on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 23:06.
Apparently, Frank Giglio's house in Tremont was demolished today. So much for sharing and caring and community and holiday spirit in NEO.
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LET'S DO WHAT EVERYONE ELSE DOES - GIVE AWAY MONEY!Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 18:37.
Can you say, “Let’s give some money away?!” Apparently, the Ohio House of Representatives, particularly Republican members, love to say it. Now they want to give “film makers” tax credits, capped out at $100-million. Hey, what’s $100-million anymore when we taxpayers are giving away tens of billions of dollars to thieves on Wall Street?
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THE DAY AFTER BADLY HANDLED PD FIRINGSSubmitted by Roldo on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 17:32.
How badly handled was the layoff plan at the Plain Dealer? It seemed designed by lawyers to set tensions at the high level.
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dance video of the day - igniteSubmitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 11:44.
If you're feeling cold, here's a little video from Irven Lewis to start your blood flowing: click here to Ignite
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PD STAFF MEMBERS DRESS IN BLACK TODAYSubmitted by Roldo on Tue, 12/02/2008 - 13:29.
See addition below article (also note that Damian Guevara took the buyout and wasn't relieved of his job, as also taking buyouts were April McClellan-Copeland and Jesse Tinsley). Plain Dealer editorial staff dressed in black today, according to staff members, as the news dribbled in that colleagues had gotten the dreaded call that they were no longer needed.
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NEWS OUTLET CUTBACKS NOT ONLY AT PD - ALSO TVSubmitted by Roldo on Tue, 12/02/2008 - 11:52.
It may seem odd that there’s so much attention paid to those being laid off at the Plain Dealer when so many others are losing their jobs by the hundreds and by the thousands. However, there is something different about the news media because of the importance of news to a democracy. We are dependent upon these sources for the information as citizens.
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Boundless Flight Blog : Invest in Local Companies Close to Home for the HolidaysSubmitted by bginley on Tue, 12/02/2008 - 10:19.
the real opportunity corridorSubmitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 12/01/2008 - 14:20.
GOLDBERG'S MESSAGE TO PD STAFFSubmitted by Roldo on Mon, 12/01/2008 - 13:49.
The following is the message to Plain Dealer reporters from Editor Susan Goldberg that will mean 27 people will find out with a phone call that their services are no longer required. It gives privacy, says Goldberg, not to mention a cold message of job loss. Couldn't it have been handled more humanly? Here's the message: Colleagues:
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Black Friday Turns Red!Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Sun, 11/30/2008 - 10:23.
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Appreciate the MagicSubmitted by lmcshane on Sat, 11/29/2008 - 20:24.
Cranbrook is a magical place.* For the privileged, it is childhood suspended in time with whimsical design and enchanted sculptural gardens and everywhere flowing water.
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