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blogsA dazzling flash and sonic booms spark a flood of 911 calls from Iowa to upper Michigan. 2 videosSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 23:29.
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Opening statement in City Club of Cleveland debate by U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Secretary of State Jennifer BrunnerSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 14:27.
I was pleased to see posted on Secretary of State Brunner's campaign for U.S. Senator blog a video provided by the Cleveland Plain Dealer of her opening remarks at the City Club debate, this week. This was the highlight of the entire debate... watch to the end, as she differentiates herself from Fisher - nice to see the PD make this available, including allowing it to be embedded in other sites.
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Bloggers for Brunner: Richard T. Andrews Writes "Brunner the Best for Ohio Democrats"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 13:14.
Richard T. Andrews writes an insightful blog called "The Real Deal", which he describes as "Periodic reporting and commentary from Cleveland Heights OH. Primary interests: Cleveland/NEOhio regional public affairs; African American politics, commerce, culture and society; public education; national and international affairs; Cavaliers∫Browns∫Indians." I receive it by email and suggest everyone on realNEO check it out. I strongly agree with his most recent posting "Brunner the Best for Ohio Democrats" and suggest all Ohio voters read through to his posting, which I introduce below:
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Rite of SpringSubmitted by lmcshane on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 06:43.
I recently returned from Austin, Texas, with a renewed sense of awe and appreciation for the rich cultural landscape here in Northeast Ohio. The photo I have included here shows a family engaging in a Texas rite of spring--the annual blue bonnet photo. Perhaps, those of us in NEO need to establish our own rite of spring as a reminder that life goes on. Plant a seed.
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AP IMPACT: Predator priests shuffled around globeSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 00:48.
RIO DE JANEIRO – There he was, five decades later, the priest who had raped Joe Callander in Massachusetts.
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Weekend Cooling Trend for the Zoo and My New Best FriendSubmitted by fetus1990 on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 21:49.
Earth day's comin'. It should still be a good day to visit the zoo on Sunday. Weekend forcast: Saturday, 49& rain Sunday, 52&sunny Normal high is 57. I should model the two days of data to show we're into a global cooling period. I was banking on some global warming for a weekend of golf. Doesn't look good. Maybe the UN can model warming for next weekend.
Had to post a picture of my new best friend. RTH
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Question of the Day: Are you "Roundup Ready" or "a modern day hunter gatherer of healthy food"?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 17:58.
In reflecting on the future of the food economy in America, one must understand the role of genetically engineered crops, which have blown-apart food economics and ecology in America and increasingly worldwode since their monopoly-mounted introduction 14 short years ago, driven by Monsanto covering the Earth in Roundup, AKA glyphosate.
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Apocalypse Chow - Can prepackaged rations make surviving the aftermath of a disaster more palatable?Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 15:52.
Storing foods you normally eat and rotating them into your regular meals is truly your best bet. They're more cost effective, you've already given them a "test drive" and know what you like, and you already familiar with their preparation.( categories: )
DSM Pressure From PA PUCO Drives PECO To Hunt Energy Ogres - Should NEO Follow?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 15:16.
I received a press release today for a demand side management program in Philadelphia that has promise here - they are attacking "energy ogres" in a fun and clever way that their research says will have a greater impact with customers than doom-and-gloom environmental scare tactics - a "no finger waving" approach to reducing consumer energy demand and so pollution. I thought I'd share the entire release and their promotional videos here to get feedback from realNEO (it seems the global energy industry watches us, here), and to plant this strategy as a potential best practice for Ohio to explore - below is the contact information if our PUCO wants to learn more... I've asked for updates on the success of this program and will keep this community posted.
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massive CME blows off the SunSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 14:37.
CAPTION: One of the biggest prominences in years erupted from the sun's northwestern limb yesterday.
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Tribute to Ohio Leadership: Must-share Editorial from New York Times' Frank Rich: "No One Is to Blame for Anything"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 14:32.
I've been meaning to post last Sunday's must-share Editorial from the New York Times' Frank Rich: "No One Is to Blame for Anything"... yesterday, seeing the unapologetic, lifelong-politician baby-boomer Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher, who resigned as economic development director of the not-recovering State of Ohio, debate why he should now be promoted to US Senator seems a timely segue... please see linked below an important analysis of the fact "We live in a culture where accountability and responsibility are forgotten values.
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Thought For The DaySubmitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 14:18.
------------------------------------------------------------------- I wonder if our Tea Party friends have ever read that.
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China earthquake kills hundreds in Qinghai - so far More than 400 people were killed and 10,000 injured when a series of strongSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 13:37.
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How to eat well on a food stamp budget: $68.88 a week for a family of fourSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 13:10.
How well can a family of four eat on just $68.88 a week? For more than 38 million Americans, it's more than a matter of conjecture.
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Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.1 percent in MarchSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 11:59.
As the world and America move forward from an age of rampant, generational, systematically-enabled global corporate, government and individual leadership incompetency, corruption, excess, conflict and greed punctuated by widespread warmongering and the rising and bursting of global energy, military, housing and financial markets, and an escalation of climate change, throughout the first decade of the 2000s, some of the great concerns of the world's legitimate economists now center on the transference of wealth and opportunity from excessively greedy individuals and enterprises - which have been riding a wave of imperfect monopoly wealth creation and productivity realignments, only benefiting large corporate executives and stockholders - to now benefit excessively impoverished common workers, who are heavily underemployed and outside the power/elite fountain of trickle-down opportunity proposed to be the benefit of unenlightened contemporary "capitalism", as we have seen over the past several decades.
Where have all the factories gone, long time passing...?Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 09:35.
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Fallen LAPD Officer Robert J. Cottle, killed March 24 in Afghanistan while on Marine Reserve duty. honored in somber memorialSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 00:33.
A somber memorial on Tuesday morning snaked its way through downtown Los Angeles, as thousands honored LAPD Officer Robert J.
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THE BLESSINGS OF CHANGESubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 16:55.
Neuroscientists have turned up evidence that suggests you love this aspect of the universe's behavior. They say that you are literally addicted to learning. At the moment when you grasp a lesson you've been grappling with, your brain experiences a rush of a natural opium-like chemical, boosting your pleasure levels. You crave this experience. You thrive on it. THE BLESSINGS OF CHANGE
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"other species the world exist for their own reasons. they were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 16:45.
"other species the world exist for their own reasons. they were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites, or woman created for men." - alice walker
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Alert--Missing ChildrenSubmitted by lmcshane on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 13:40.
Missing since 4/5/10 Taylor Rothschiller and Alexis Ipavec. If you have any information on the whereabouts of these girls--please call 216-316-3820 and 911 immediately. RELATED Links:
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Amazing headerSubmitted by lmcshane on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 10:38.
I was marvelling over aviation design and birds wings just the other day--thank you for this amazing header! Who gets the credit??
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Dominion East Ohio Gas "Current Plus Plan" Deadline Is End Of Business April 15thSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 09:31.
I just received this email from Anita the Weblady, of Shaw High On Line and many other important social networks in the area, about the "Current Plus Plan." This seems to offer valuable help for area residents struggling with their past heating expenses this time of year... I thought I would pass this on to realNEO members . Note, the compliance deadline is April 15th! While reflecting on paying your Winter 2009/2010 heating bills, now, plan for how you will reduce consumption, conserve energy, and pay less going into 2011!!!!! Read on for your options in paying for your mistakes of the past...
A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 22:30.
The nuclear arms race is like two sworn enemies standing waist deep in gasoline, one with three matches, the other with five. -Carl Sagan, astronomer and writer (1934-1996)
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"TREMONT SOUL'S PROPERTY" PROFESSOR AND COLLEGE - 4/12/10 - APPROX. 7:00PMSubmitted by jerleen1 on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 20:24.
picture of tremont soul's property. Photo taken this evening approx. 7:00 p.m. whick shows vehicles and equipment trespassing.
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Thailand's response to demand for new electionsSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 00:49.
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