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blogsWHAT DOES THE ROYAL SOCIETY & THE VATICAN HAVE IN COMMON? The Search For Extraterrestrial LifeSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 01:29.
By Thomas R. Horn April 22, 2010 ( categories: )
Happy Earth Day - Part 2Submitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 21:28.
Sent to me in an e-mail from a friend... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Happy Earth DaySubmitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 20:56.
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From palette to painting - thousands of color operationsSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 19:23.
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Scientists: Major Earthquake Could Strike Midwest - "It's not a matter of if it will happen, but when,"Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 18:27.
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Indiana's NewsCenter) — Two years after a 5.2 magnitude quake rattled the Hoosier State and much of the Midwest, experts say a stronger quake is likely in the future.
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U.S. Underground Bases - most supposed to be secretSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 17:57.
This is a list of known or suspected U.S. Underground Bases, the purpose of each (hey, I'm just passing on the reports...), how they're set up and any other info known about them. Although most of these are supposed to be a secret, this list is culled from publicly available records (is that good or bad?) and of course people who worked in them, live by them or those who have retired and offer info. Some wish to remain anonymous. Some have written to me with stories that have been terrifying - just to tell me things - not meaning for me to put them up.
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April 26 deadline: Protect net neutrality.Our ability to have a free and open Internet is under attack.Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 17:33.
April 26 deadline: Protect net neutrality. Our ability to have a free and open Internet is under attack.
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SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER PUBLISHES PATRIOT HIT LIST - (41. norm roulet, founder of the blog realneo.usSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 16:32.
In a report on its web site dated April 2010, entitled "Meet The Patriots," the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) profiled "36 individuals at the heart of the resurgent [patriot] movement." (In reading the list, I counted only 35 "patriots" and 5 "enablers" for a total of 40. ( categories: )
How to Spot Counterfeit MoneySubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 14:06.
Submitted by questministries... on June 17, 2009 - 10:20pm.How to Spot Counterfeit Money( categories: )
THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!Submitted by Keith Winston on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 11:29.
Today I'm calling on all Preacher's, Deacons, Teachers, Parents, Reps, Dems, Prostitutes, Pimps, Players, Everyone. Listen!!! we must not let our Schools close. Our children are trying their best right there, you see them with their School clothes on going to School, they're trying. We just have to reach out to the ones that need what they never had, and don't know if anyone will ever give it to them. And that is LOVE, LISTENING, AND LEARNING.
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Obama... did you chew your pencils growing up? George W? Cheney? Probably lead poisoned!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 10:06.
I was doing some research on lead paint on toys - still a huge problem in America and world-wide, as the lead industry keeps expanding - and I thought about all the lead American children were exposed to growing up in my generation, and the generations before me, during the foolish industrial era in America. Consider the harm caused to us - older Gen-X, Baby Boomers, down through "The Greatest Generation" - the greatest price for which is still to be paid in healthcare-costs, pain and suffering for industrially-impaired older adults and senior citizens suffering for such socially-irresponsible behavior as chewing their pencils in school, as kids.
UFO picks up Laconia, NH car with teens and drops 180 feet awaySubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/22/2010 - 02:48.
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The Selfishness of Americans and the Impact it has on Foreign Citizens.Submitted by Grace Roulet on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 23:52.
Today was my mother's birthday and what started out as a normal dinner at a Greek place near our apartments turned into much more. The woman who owns the restaurant has been going through some problems trying to understand how American children are put through what they are put through, and it turns out Greece and France are much better places for children. She grew up the daughter of a French diplomat and sat with presidents and other diplomats at dinner and and flew on planes where children were allowed to run around and be children.
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Cleveland Ward 14 zoning info - 2810-2914 Seymour Ave.Submitted by briancummins on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 23:06.
To clarify and provide info on this case -- the owners of the property that is being re-zoned for resident-industry are Andrew and his son Kevin Dever. Kevin has been running a small business/cement contractor company from the site for 4 to 5 years. Although the property previously was used for a repair shop it apparently was never zoned properly. Kevin uses the property to store his trucks and equipment and wants to invest in the property to make an addition to the existing commercial structure.
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Dance your Soul - All About Dancin' 2115 Freeman Ave Cleveland, Oh 44113 Contact 216-226-5881- friday 7:30pmSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 17:56.
Dance your Soul - All About Dancin' 2115 Freeman Ave Cleveland, Oh 44113 Contact 216-226-5881- april 23, friday 7:30pm - tremont - ohio city - across abby bridge from tremont turn left at the 2nd street traffic light - turn right at freemen the next street - left side - and from west 25th and lorain by the market - go to abby - turn right at the light - turn right at freeman the next street
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Artist of the Day: George Vlosich III Sees Planet Earth Through an Etch-a-SketchSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 15:15.
Etch A Sketch artist, in the beginning: George Vlosich III Throughout my one-year-younger-than-Etch-A-Sketch life, my perceptions of the Earth we live on have changed from a native-born sense of permanence - that my home planet will always be here and the same for all people, forever - to a learned understanding of evolution - recognizing Earth is changing, in natural ways - to a self-taught recognition of ecological devastation - realizing man is harming Earth at an unprecedented pace, beyond all past change-models - to a feared concern Earth is like an Etch-a-Sketch, designed to erase all invasive marks upon it in a sudden cleansing, leaving a fresh canvas, without significant remnants of past artists and their creations.
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Lessons From Eyjafjallajökull: Air Freight Is Going To Kill Us AllSubmitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 12:22.
Lessons From Eyjafjallajökull: Air Freight Is Going To Kill Us Allby Lloyd Alter, Toronto on 04.21.10
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City of Cleveland 2010 Budget ApprovedSubmitted by ANGELnWard14 on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 00:38.
From the CITY RECORD OF THE CITY OF CLEVELAND, OHIO April 07, 2010 Ord. No. 158-10. By Council Member Sweeney (by departmental request). An emergency ordinance to make appropriations and provide current expenses for the daily operation of
Ward 14 & 15 Development along West 25th/Pearl...See the mapsSubmitted by ANGELnWard14 on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 23:06.
While you weren't paying attention....or being publicly notified....things have been transpiring right in front of you... See the City Record for 4/14/2010 regarding the change of use redistricting of the areas near Seymour/W30th/West 25th/Erin and then around State/Pearl. Or maybe we just missed all those public notices/planning meetings about the development...
Black is a DOMINANT gene. - All people are genetically BLACK. Color comes up through black. Black to black can produce any colorSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 22:29.
All people are genetically BLACK. Color comes up through black. Black to black can produce any color. Black is a DOMINANT gene. You can't get black from white, but you can get white from black . How do we know what their skin tone was 5,000 years ago? The science of Genetics shows that Blacks can produce all races but it is impossible for a brown, yellow or white (or ruddy Red) race to produce a black race...Ancient Kemet spoke of a ruddy red race as that of Seth. ( categories: )
Original Biblical Jews were a Black African peopleSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 19:23.
The original Jews in Africa 2000 years ago were a Black African people as an ethnic group. (Massey: Egypt Light of the Word p.501) Many of them still are Black, in northern Africa such as the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia. ( categories: )
Making gum cake flowersSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 18:50.
I learned about gum cake flowers last Saturday when I had dinner at a friend's house. Instead of a "barn raising", we had a cake raising - including making "roses" like the sample in the image. Lots of fun. I will get the info about the gum and post it here soon.
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Real Men have traction...Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 18:23.
This is my friend Dave listening for bearing noise on the front end of a Jeep Grand Cherokee - going about 30MPH on the lift with the wheels off the ground ! This is also a visual of why Chrysler (and GM) went down the tubes - 1944 era drive train on an 2008 era "luxury vehicle".
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Iceland Volcano Ash Coming to America - Millions of tons of ash from a volcano in Iceland that have grounded planes across EuropSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 17:45.
Millions of tons of ash from a volcano in Iceland that have grounded planes across Europe is traveling towards North America, government officials report Updated April 19, 2010 Iceland Volcano Ash Coming to
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