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blogsapproximately two and one half (2 1/2) blocks of Professor was grated up and re-paved.- This favoritismSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 04/01/2010 - 01:52.
(jerleen helps tremont residents again)
Honorable Frank Jackson, Mayor
Cleveland City Hall
601 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
In Re: Street Conditions in Tremont
Mayor Jackson,
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Why ICEarth Bigbang, And Why Millions Need This TodaySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 03/31/2010 - 02:22.
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Vatican offers 3 reasons it's not liable for clerical sex abuse of children adults and nunsSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 23:38.
Court documents obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press show that Vatican lawyers plan to argue that the pope has immunity as head of state, that American bishops who oversaw abusive priests weren't employees of the
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Dominion East Ohio raises charges to cover the poorSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 23:08.
The reason is that one of every 10 Dominion customers is now so poor that they have enrolled in a program that allows them to pay 10 percent of their monthly income rather than the actual bill.
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Please follow these directions… there are two pictures, but you must read the caption right after the first picture before you sSubmitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 19:56.
Sent to me in an e-mail by a friend...
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Backyard Bunnies Are the New Urban ChickensSubmitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 19:49.
Backyard Bunnies Are the New Urban Chickens
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Made By Hand: Searching for Meaning in a Throw Away World (Book Review)Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 19:37.
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James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate changeSubmitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 19:33.
In his first in-depth interview since the theft of UEA emails, the scientist blames inertia and democracy for lack of action • Read the full transcript of James Lovelock's G2 interview with Leo Hickman
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Cleveland Magazine - foreclosure crisis articleSubmitted by briancummins on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 19:08.
Issue Date: March 2010
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City of Cleveland's talks with Chinese LED lighting company continuingSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 17:47.
Cleveland has been replaced 600 of its 1,100 traffic signals with LEDs since 2003 and is considering a plan to replace its 67,000 streetlights with LEDs as well.
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Translucent SailsSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 12:54.
Self imposed Preamble - Why I think this post may benefit all Realneo viewers: People enjoy color and color can have a beneficial effect on mood, sailing is an activity which does not increase atmospheric carbon and should be encouraged.
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Census Data and Cleveland GrowthSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 12:28.
A quick note about the census -- By now, we've all seen the cute advertising to encourage censis's about accuracy, it's about getting our fair share of federal money, it's about maintaining appropriate representation in Congress. Here's an online tool to see how we're doing. With nation-wide and state-wide compliance in the 34-35% rate, Cleveland response rates average in the 10-20% category. Well, to be fair, Cleveland, like many other areas, has a lot of factors that suggest low compliance r
Majora CarterSubmitted by ElenaLDN on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 09:44.
is the City Club's guest speaker tomorrow.... St James AME Church, 8401 Cedar Road
Greening the Ghetto and how much it WONT cost...
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Classical Relief for haiti - "the prayer" - (Faces of Haiti (unofficial)Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 09:11.
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tim russo stating "has me laughing so hard, my sides hurt.- It’s all so great, I’ve been laughing myself into a coma all day."Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 06:52.
please read tim russos bolg post below - lilly and some legal and media folks pointed this out to me and i sent it to the cleveland police that is investigating tim russo's claim that he was harressed- tim russo is laughing and doing a parody satire etc. on evelyns socalled death threat (which was a parody satire) and other posts and norm on realneo coop blog- on on july 20, 2009- ( categories: )
When It Comes To Pollution, The Plain Dealer Editorial Board Shows How Low You May GoSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 06:03.
I include below in its' entirety the most irresponsible words ever published by a newspaper, and I include the profiles of the Editorial Board of the Cleveland Plain Dealer that published these words, on this day, for the permanent record, for all history. I include this editorial here because the Plain Dealer has a history of hiding their online content, and this content is terrorism that may not leave the free public view and record ever... this Plain Dealer editorial is the equivalent of bio-terrorism and should be prosecuted by the Federal Department of Homeland Security. The line: "Many youngsters and some adults suffer from respiratory problems, particularly in the summer, when smoggy days can be pure misery" is especially harmful and insulting to the citizens of Northeast Ohio, who live under health-crisis conditions here. The Plain Dealer is highly responsible for the poor health of our citizens, and the poor state of the regional and global environment, even as their editors deny the reality of climate change. They are hereby disgraced forever.
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evelyn thanks - Start Your Gardening with Cool-Season CropsSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 04:38.
HOLLY NOTE: This is a great time to get your garden started if you haven't already begun. Because we grow our veggies using non-hybrids, plants that self-seeded like lettuce and spinach grew right through the snow and have a big head start. ( categories: )
I.F. Stone's Weekly Was a Journalistic Triumph of the 20th Century - realneo coop is the i.f.stone daily of today - we miss izzySubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 03:38.
In a journalistic poll to determine the “Top 100 Works of Journalism in the United States in the 20th Century.” I.F. Stone's Weekly was rated 16th. And this was the second highest rating accorded any sustained print journalism in the entire century (i.e., fourteen of the fifteen higher-ranked works of journalism were books or related to radio or TV journalism).
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realneo Seed and Plant SwapSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 02:19.
Would any Realneo members like to participate in a seed and plant swap? I would be happy to host. Please post your thoughts on possible dates and times. We could also include garden tools and other gardeing related items if people are interested.
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Printmaking and Social CommentarySubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 14:08.
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Song of the Day: "Straight to Hell" - The ClashSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 10:36.
Growing up on punk, in the 1970s and 1980s, I like a direct, open, honest approach to decry injustice... and the Clash offer some of the best expressions of that ever. Enjoy.
I do not recommend anyone do anything they believe may be remotely illegal on realNEO, Ever!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 02:44.
There has been a great deal of anti-community if not illegal Troll activity on realNEO, since it's beginning. What Internet activity is "illegal" and what are the consequences are increasingly being defined by new terms in society and the courts, like cyber-sex crimes, cyber-harassment, cyber-terrorism, and cyber-stalking, as early cases of attacks over the Internet against individuals and society are working their ways up the legal systems in America, and around the world, to supreme levels.
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Norman Mailer High School and College Writing Awards for Creative NonfictionSubmitted by lmcshane on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 13:51.
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A Nice Two Part Interview With Van Jones - From GristSubmitted by Charles Frost on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 21:11.
Part one Van Jones: “I feel like I’m just getting started”
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E-mail from a friend - for a good causeSubmitted by Charles Frost on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 20:41.
Subject: Fwd: Bring $10,000 to Cleveland This only takes a few minutes. Thanks in advance for your support of this important work.
Please forward! m
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