
I've Been Told By A Confidant Of East Cleveland Mayor Brewer To Watch Out For Retaliation

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 11:40.

At around 5 PM, on September 23, 2009, WKYC Channel 3 news reported "shocking and disturbing photos, allegedly of incumbent Mayor Eric Brewer, are being circulated in the community, The Investigator Tom Meyer has learned." Photographs that appear to be East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer in woman's clothes, some that are pornographic, have apparently been circulating in East Cleveland for over a year - reportedly many years - and been broadly published by the mainstream media since the 23rd.

On the 24th, I was called by one of the mayor's confidants and told to watch out for retaliation. It seems that Mayor Brewer told the confidant he thinks I distributed the pictures of the mayor. I am not the only person being targeted by such paranoid delusions.

Jesse Tolkan says clean coal is "an absolute 100% lie"

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 10:45.

The Real News - Paul Jay speaks to Jessy Tolkan at the Tides Foundations' Momentum conference in San Francisco. They speak about Tolkan's coalition on climate change fighting Obama to establish a moratorium on all coal mining.

A Letter from Health Care for America Now on health care reform - your thoughts, RealNEO?

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 10:05.

The Senate Finance Committee is expected to vote on amendments to add a choice of a public health insurance option to Max Baucus's bill on Tuesday. Even though your Senators aren't on the Senate Finance Committee, it's urgent that you call your Senators right now and tell them where you stand on a public health insurance option.

Cleveland + Foundation = CIA + Anthrax: Why Is Northeast Ohio's Economic Future Planned With Bush League Intelligence?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 08:12.

Since June, 2003, bio-defense industry world-leader Ronald B. (Ronn) Richard has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Cleveland Foundation, the nation's oldest community foundation. Since January, 2005, Richard has also served as a Director of Emergent BioSolutions Inc., a leading biopharmaceutical company whose marketed product is BioThrax(R) (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed), the only FDA-licensed vaccine available for pre-exposure protection against anthrax infection -

Rush Limbaugh says "We Need Segregated Buses"

Submitted by Eternity on Sun, 09/27/2009 - 21:02.

Raw Story - In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio heavyweight declared on his program Wednesday that the United States needed to return to racially segregated buses.

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Submitted by Roldo on Sun, 09/27/2009 - 11:37.

As the Pee Dee propagandizes for the Casino industry, the Columbus Dispatch editorially says, “No Thanks!”


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we the pro-se people - ( legal representing ones self without a lawyer in court)

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 09/26/2009 - 23:41.

Welcome. No matter if the issues are a court appointment, filing paperwork for Sovereign issues or credit/banking/tax problems. Or JUST to be FREE! All we want is to be left alone from government! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PRO SE - what does it mean? What other words go along with it? Court, self defense in front of a judge, arrest, jail, bond, bail bond - to name a few. Some people say the Name: Sui Juris ; is a Latin phrase that literally means “of one’s own laws”. - Or use "PRO SE" Sovereign.

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IV Vitamin C Used to Recover Terminal Swine Flu Case and other illnesses - cancer

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 09/26/2009 - 19:57.
IV Vitamin C Used to Recover Terminal Swine Flu Case
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
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What I see from the Linuxville front porch.

Submitted by rnojonson on Sat, 09/26/2009 - 16:39.

Linuxville is a virtual place among Linux users here in NEO and I am a guide (haven't reached guru status!) Get your Linux Live-CD off the net, introduce yourself to and explore the sights and sounds and wonders. When you shut down, Linux is removed without changing your PC, you however are changed for ever. Whither you like it or no, you are changed forever. You might even install it next to MS Windows or instead of MS Windows.


Submitted by Roldo on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 16:28.

If you don’t have enough reasons to vote against gambling casinos, Brian Rothenberg, director of ProgressOHIO, has some gems. As the fact that in the first three years of legalized casino gambling in Atlantic City it went from 50th in crime to NO. 1.

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Nancy Bechtol @ Art Digital Magazine

Submitted by Eternity on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 14:15.

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REALNEO Song Of The Day: "The Dope Show" by real NEO's Marilyn Manson

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 11:54.

A song for the day to our failed and disgraced leadership of Northeast Ohio, and those who want to be... "The Dope Show", by Canton native-son Marilyn Manson:

There's lots of pretty, pretty ones
Who want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty ones
Will leave you low
And blow your mind



Submitted by Roldo on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 08:08.

When the Pee Dee editorial board gets Dan Gilbert, Mayor Frank Jackson, Council President Marty Sweeney, Greater Cleveland Partnership boss Joe Roman and Squire-Sanders managing partner Fred Nance in one room you know the bullshit is knee high or higher.

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We are all witnesses! What are Cleveland Cavalier players' positions on gambling?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 07:50.

LeBron James at get out the vote for Obama rally with Russell Simmons in Cleveland Ohio

Dear Cleveland Cavaliers,

As you well know, 100,000,000s of people look up to you as community leaders and role models - these are responsibilities you accept as sports and public figures who are intentionally "in the news", for profit.

jerleen - - pope john paul never for gave the nazis - twdc others demolshed our home 1970's

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 03:01.

jerleen  - if i had half your gift for words-justice -

pope john paul never for gave the nazis -

pope john said when asked  by  is long time assistant about the nazis days he said he didn't forgive the nazis because he witnessed the horrible things that they did to people and he said that "that gods job to forgive the nazis not mine"

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" low-income people can be corrupted for less money than it would take to corrupt a millionaire." -7 of 15 board should be poor

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 01:50.


Submitted by Claude Cornett on September 24, 2009 - 12:06pm.

While the proposal that 7 out of 15 TWDC Board members be low income has merits, its rationale is weak. Most TWDC services appear to be in support of investors, businesspersons, well healed visitors, etc. In addition, many low-inc

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Submitted by jerleen1 on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 23:30.



Mayor Jackson

Today, I read about the Mayor's plan for sustainability in our fair city. He spoke well about a green city on a blue lake. What I did find interesting was how does he plan on doing this and how does he plan on sustaining our neighborhoods drowning in seas of controling, power hungry, discriminating and secretive community organizations such as CDC's, i.e. Tremont West Development Corp.

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Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:35.

For some of us the recession is nasty but for minorities it’s a devastating Depression.


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Mayor Jackson issues three strokes to ensure Sustainable Cleveland Summit 2019 continuity

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 11:17.
Mayor Jackson makes a historic announcement

Mayor Jackson issued three bold edicts at City Hall on Tuesday, September 22nd at 10:15 AM, to help ensure sustainability of the Sustainable Cleveland 2019 Conference objectives:  First, he designated a cabinet-level position, Chief of Sustainability and promoted Andrew Watterson to that position.  Second, he designated a twenty-five member special advisory council to ensure strategic progress and coordination -

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as we are being murdered jerleen - can we for give them ? "for give them father - for they no not what they do" - jesus (as he

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 04:02.


" the slash and burn -  take no prisoners - anything goes is so corrosive to our democracy and we've got to fight this because it turns people off politics in general and leaves that space to be occupied by special interests that determine how the goodies are to be passed out...." barack obama,  nov. 23, 2004

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above the law - Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue of Cleveland

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 03:27.

Jones Day's Chrysler Bankruptcy Coup

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Submitted by jerleen1 on Wed, 09/23/2009 - 23:59.

After spending a number of hours today reviewing the latest draft of TWDC proposed by-law changes, it is clear and evident that the new changes if passed will add to the already discriminatory tactics by TWDC committee structures, conflicts of interest by way of a city employees holding board seats as well as being appointed by the board to chair and co-chair permanent committees.  City employee (magistrate Lynn Murray) sits on board, appointed by  the board to chair finance committee, city council employee Katherine Bulava - board member, first vice president and co-chair of long

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