
How to wiretap or identify a GSM phone - and enable the masses

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 06/20/2009 - 02:05.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

How to wiretap or identify a GSM phone - and enable the masses


David Burgess, a software/radio engineer formerly employed in building
GSM-tapping equipment, has turned his efforts to publicly implementing
the GSM standards in free software under GPLv3. He hopes to provide

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How to Teach a Child to Argue - Why would any sane parent teach his kids to talk back?

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 06/20/2009 - 01:18.

How to Teach a Child to Argue

Why would any sane parent teach his kids to talk back? Because, this father found, it actually increased family harmony.
By Jay Heinrichs
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Court OKs Rob Frost's request for citizen review panel to check Cuyahoga County contracts

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 06/20/2009 - 00:07.

Court OKs Rob Frost's request for citizen review panel to check Cuyahoga County contracts

Posted by jcaniglia [at] plaind [dot] com June 19, 2009 20:42PM

Marvin Fong/The Plain DealerRob Frost filed the request after Thursday's meeting. Frost hopes a three-person panel will ensure the proper use of public tax dollars.
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REALNEO: What Is and What Should Be?

Submitted by Jeff Schuler on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 14:15.
lmcshane suggested a possible funding opportunity for REALNEO: a New Voices Grant through J-Lab. (Referred through The Appalachian Independent: Our Grant.)

I wonder what our ask would be?

If we're going to ask for money, we need a focused proposal.
To make such a proposal, we need some agreement on what our goals are.
To establish goals, we need some agreement on What is and What should be REALNEO.

Welcome to Real NEO; Open Source Capital of the Brightest Greenest State of Earth

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 13:00.

Smartest Greenest Breuer

Over the past 20 years, I've spent most of my "professional" time as an entrepreneur, with world-class expertise conducting multi-dimensional, multi-client relational comparative data and best practice analyses of any aspects of the world's largest and best global enterprises, environments and systems, and developing and consulting on innovations and total quality improvement. This work has generated a wealth of knowledge on large general systems, with a unique expertise in information systems and telecommunications. REALNEO is a product of this highest level expertise, drawn from the best practices of the best organizations on Earth. What REALNEO has developed for Cuyahoga County - what has been generated out of the REALNEO-generated Real Cooperative - takes general systems innovation to a whole new level of making us the brightest greenest place on Earth. So, we really do have a purpose to Cuyahoga County owning the Breuer, and the vision is beautifully expressed in this great rendering above, to be REAL COOP citizen headquarters of the open source capital of this brightest greenest state of Earth.

U.S. has planned since 2007 to destabilize Iran

Submitted by Eternity on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 06:58.

Max Eternity - Two years ago Brian Ross of ABC broke a story about the U.S. Government's C.I.A. plan to destabilize the soveriegn nation of Iran.  It was a plan designed to take a propagandist approach to flooding the media with mis-information, while also attacking the country's currency.

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Let Us Awake Now -

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 02:25.

Let Us Awake Now

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Tellitec Tellinet Sat Spy manual

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 01:53.

Tellitec Tellinet Sat Spy manual, 6 Mar 2006


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BAR CODES first 3 digits of the barcode are 690, 691 or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA. 471 is Made in Taiwan - usa "0"

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 00:41.

This may be useful to know when grocery shopping or any shopping, if it's a concern to you. 

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Charivari Founder Selma Weiser Dies at 84

Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 20:29.

wonky carrots to be for sale in Europe

Submitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 18:05.

We think of a carrot as a sort of straight orange root vegetable, but that's just one such carrot.

As of July 2009, European farmers will be able to market wonky carrots in the European marketplace.

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I submit that there is no government. 'The government' is an illusion, sometimes consensual. In fact, there are only individuals

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 23:54.
I submit that there is no government. 'The government' is an illusion, sometimes consensual. In fact, there are only individuals.
Individuals in 'the government' get away with murder, theft, lies, deceit, fraud, violence, viciousness, and betrayal. Were those individuals without governmental sanction, they would be merely bullies, killers, and thieves. They would deserve no greater respect and no swifter punishment.
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How to Spot Counterfeit Money

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 22:20.

Bill Image

How to Spot Counterfeit Money

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Rain barrel workshop

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 20:26.

I recently attended this workshop and found it very worthwhile.  It's on my to-do list to install at my house. 

If it is on yours, too, please check this out--

Rain Barrel Workshop at Henninger House 5757 Broadview Rd. in Parma on Wednesday, June 24th at 6:30 p.m. 

See for more information. 

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Thank you for your responses to our research inquiry: What does I-Open mean to you?

Submitted by Betsey Merkel on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 19:24.


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Backstage at the Ohio Theatre with Cleveland Opera for Verdi's Falstaff

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 18:20.
Falstaff (Gaetan Laperriere) talks with Dr. Caius (Timothy Culver).    photo by: Eric Mull

It's an interesting experiment, live blogging from the final dress rehearsal of Verdi's opera "Fallstaff.  We've been promised full access - backstage, the house, conversations with staff and actors (as long as they are willing), but for now, The stage manager’s called “places, five minutes”, so I’m going off to the seats. I don’t want to miss anything. 


McFaul, Turner & FBI's catches are not the problem in NEO - IT'S THE SYSTEM - STUPID!

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 16:41.

The decline of NEO over the last 40 years has much more to do with the lack of adequate checks and balances and lack of sunlight - all leading to corruption and theft in our government - than the region's decline has to do with "rust belt" issues.

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 14:49.
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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 13:15.

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Follow-up to I-Open's recent research inquiry: What does I-Open mean to you?

Submitted by Betsey Merkel on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 12:00.

Thank you for your responses to our recent research inquiry, “What does I-Open mean to you?” We asked you for your feedback in the form of a bit of prose, a fictitious eulogy. We want to make sure what's important to you is what we're focusing on.

Thanks to everyone who contributed – each story guides us in serving community better and to be clear about I-Open touch points that matter to you. We’ve posted a few of the responses below:

Ensign Cowell, Tower Wealth

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Submitted by nsarnelle on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 08:07.
Selvation Postcard.jpg

to close fire house 21 for of lack of money is criminal - evidently money that goes to self serving officials-projects-pockets

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 01:36.

because fire house 21 is closed which is located at the end of scranton ave. at the cuyahoga river and has clevelands only fire boat and is only  about 5 minutes from tremont how long did it take our other fire fighter heros from other stations to reach the tremont fire on june 16, 09, - 10 - 15 - 20 minutes because they are  farther away from tremont -

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Tremont: House Fire Injures Several, Damages Neighboring Buildings and Homes

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 00:05.

Witness: Woman Says She Lit Cigarette, Home Exploded

2 Adults, 2 Kids Injured In Tremont Fire


POSTED: 6:12 am EDT June 16, 2009
UPDATED: 5:13 pm EDT June 16, 2009


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