
Keeping up with the Joneses, rather than Tubbs-Jones

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 02:41.

Vote for Obama

When I asked one of the Obama volunteers at my ward campaign headquarters how she thought Obama would do in our poor, urban, distressed part of town, she said she was the first African American to move to East Cleveland, and she knows everyone there, and they will all vote for Obama... and then I realized it was Mrs. Jones.

Connect the Dots for Bill Clinton's Friends, Cashing In, Philanthropic Fundraising and Undermining Freedom

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 23:45.

Sometimes the intersection of politics and policy is comfortable, sometimes uncomfortable, and sometimes you have to "connect the dots." One very uncomfortable "dot connecting" involves President Bill Clinton, philanthropic fundraising, the uranium industry and Clinton's private activity that ran contrary to US foreign policy and reinforced a country, Kazakhstan, with an antipathy to human rights and open media.

Video: Creative Capital Transforms Regions

Submitted by Betsey Merkel on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 13:35.

Creative Capital can transform regions. This story talks about the value of open conversations, building networks, collaborating, and sharing experiences to accelerate innovation in communities and regions...

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Midtown Brews: Creative Capital for a 21st Century Digital Media Marketplace

Submitted by Betsey Merkel on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 12:56.

Coming up this week...

Creative Capital for a 21st Century Digital Media Marketplace @ Insivia

Learn how Creative Capital transforms regions. Get started now by listening to this conversation with guests Geof Pelaia, Virginia Marti College; Eric Purcell & Laura Wright, Insivia; and Experience Artist, Melissa Daubert.

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dance video of the day - talking

Submitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 08:47.

new art club

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 03/02/2008 - 21:08.

Nancy Lesic - who is the PR cheerleader for the Greater Cleveland Partnership, the Port Authority, and other Governmental and Corporate interests in Cleveland,  has become overly familiar with me during the last few weeks.  Where she got my email I don’t know, but she’s been spamming me with the likes of this Israel item for her client Joe Cimperman. 


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 03/02/2008 - 11:33.

Google Street View has recorded much of Boston, much of San Francisco, and other cities around the USA.  
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Cell Phone Numbers Going Public

Submitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 03/02/2008 - 09:47.

REMINDER....all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies tomorrow and you will start to receive sale calls and you will be charged for these calls.

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Thoughts on the GCP strategy

Submitted by Ed Morrison on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 19:14.
About  week ago, Jay Miller from Crain's Cleveland Business sent me an e-mail. He asked three questions about the Greater Cleveland Partnership. In the interests of promoting an open discussion about the activities of Cleveland's chamber of commerce, I reprint my responses to Jay's questions. He started by pointing out the the GCP points to NorTech and BioEnterprise and Team NEO as its economic development strategy.

JM: So I have a three-part question: Do you think those organizations (NorTech and BioEnterprise and Team NEO) are having a reasonable level of success in the areas they focus on?

EM: These organizations are having some success, but their regional impacts are relatively small. These organizations are slowly changing the dynamic of the relatively small footprint around Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.   

Here is the rub. In some sense, you cannot have it both ways. 

The GCP looks at these organizations and says, "Here are Greater Cleveland's economic development organizations". 

The FFEF looks at the same organizations and says "Here are our regional (read 16 county) Northeast Ohio economic development organizations". 

This confusion leads to misunderstanding. By "outsourcing" its economic development responsibilities to these organizations, GCP undercuts the utility of these organizations as neutral regional networks and reinforces the impression (and reality) that these organizations are "Cleveland-centric". 

At the same time, there's good evidence to suggest  that these organizations do not really invest much beyond a relatively narrow footprint around Cleveland. Finally, these organizations are relatively expensive to run, and not very transparent in their operations. No one is quite sure how all this fits together or what success looks like. 
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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 12:05.

I voted absentee – to give me time with my ballot to consider each candidate – and I found that many candidates have no internet record whatsoever.   That’s a bad sign for NEO.


History being written right, today... Tech Czar on Medical Mart

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 17:30.

Tech Czar Logo

I spotted a link on BFD to Tech Czar Michael DeAloia's fascinating write up on the Medical Mart, so much in our pocketbooks and news every day, in real neo. Well, it seems we have one community leader interested to set the records straight today and from now on, in his world, on his blog, about his world, which is fascinating. I'm glad to see Michael more active than ever, leading the community, since leaving City Hall, and I appreciate the honest facts about the Medical Mart that are missing everywhere else. Read this tidbit below and you'll link through for the rest...

Cosgrove took over the meeting and detailed the Clinic’s expansion plan (which were amazing – what the public is seeing in terms of development and real estate purchases are nothing relative to the massive plans the Clinic has for its University Circle campus), and then offered the possibility of a Medical Mart.

Bloggers for Obama?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 15:54.

CoolCleveland Obama Endorsement

During the very cool Meet the Bloggers spin segment I saw televised after the Obama/Clinton Cleveland debate, one of the bloggers said the response in the blogsphere was split on who won - 50% Obama and 50% McCain. Today, a different window into NEOs cyberspace opened for Obama (and McCain), with endorsements on CoolCleveland. If you visit REALNEO often, you know where I stand... I am one REALNEO member strongly supporting Obama. But I am only one small voice in REALNEO, and I'm curious how other "bloggers" and cybercats in NEO stand on the primary... no matter what, this is an historic election, so why not speak up with your vote, voice and support for whomever you like, while you can really make a difference.

So, please, use this posting to add a comment of support for your candidate. If you have a blog or place in cyberspace where you voice your feelings about this, feel free to link that in. Note, to leave a comment you must be a REALNEO member... use the create account link to request an account and we will confirm that for you as quickly as possible.


Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 02/28/2008 - 20:06.

It's always good to return home with fresh eyes.  There are so many positives to our city.  It all depends on your view.

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Obama Grass Roots Organizing in Action, at The Inner Circle Through March 4!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/28/2008 - 17:54.

I've had the pleasure to spend lots of time around the Obama 2008 campaign in East Cleveland, which has been operating out of the Hough Bakeries Complex, on the Cleveland border, at 1519 Lakeview Road - one block north of Euclid... a few blocks east of University Circle Center. I've posted some photos from there to REALNEO, since the office opened, last week, and will add more here.

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'Fritz Haeg: Attack on the Front Lawn': Activism disguised as art

Submitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 21:40.

Edible Estates

'Fritz Haeg: Attack on the Front Lawn': Activism disguised as art

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Welcome to Snags

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 18:39.

At Snag's Inner Circle

The Mayor of 10-5 is now in the office, as Snag now hosts the Inner Circle. I help make coffee and keep the WiFi live. We're going to feature Gypsy Beans baked goods and items from Hot Sauce, and surprises from all around the REALNEO... feel free to stop by any time from 10 AM to 10 PM and say hi.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 17:42.

The Cleveland City Council Chamber is a grand room, with wood paneling, curved seating and a colorful mural above President Sweeney’s high backed seat. 


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 23:09.

Right now you could be in the water in the photo above, or in the snow in the Realneo header – you have the choice. 

Liveblogging the debate....

Submitted by DerekArnold on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 21:11.

I am one of the livebloggers representing Meet The Bloggers at Channel 3 Studios in Cleveland, not too far from the Democratic primary debate.  I am liveblogging the debate via my Blogger blog, subset of derek and via twitter.

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If the dead could vote...

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 02/26/2008 - 20:15.

Obama Angel in Lakeview Cemetery

This pan was taken during a stunning East Cleveland snowfall, in Lakeview Cemetery. I was drawn to the cemetery to take these photos of a remarkable sculpture and the winter beauty, and came away realizing the dead would vote for Obama, knowing what they know now.

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 02/25/2008 - 21:08.

It was just like sitting at a slick casino table in Vegas - faster than the eye can see,  Mr. Sweeny and Mr. Zone had AMP in the bank. 

More on this tommorrow...

Anyone want to finance an interesting suit  alleging improper bidding process for the procurement of 50 years of coal power  from one non-competitive vendor?

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Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 02/25/2008 - 14:30.
Dear Cleveland City Council Members:
This is an urgent plea to exercise your right to cancel the 50 YEAR obligation by Cleveland Public Power to purchase 100MW of electricity from American Municipal Power’s proposed $3.4 billion power plant in Meigs County, OH.

Obama Obama Obama

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 02/25/2008 - 00:38.

John Conyers cheering Obama

There is no hiding the pride felt by Michigan Representative to Congress John Conyers, Jr., as he speaks of Barack Obama. A 21 term US Senator, Chair of the House Committee on the Judiciary, and leading Obama supporter, Conyers traveled to East Cleveland, Saturday, February 23, 2008, to share his pride with over 100 volunteer organizers assembled at The Inner Circle to canvas area neighborhoods for “our next President of the United States”.

Change may be the theme of this campaign, but pride is the operative word.

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The AMP Contract is The Wrong Deal for Cleveland

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 20:07.

Cleveland City Council should rescind its involvement in AMP-Ohio's proposed coal-fired utility in southern Ohio. A fifty year commitment to coal is the wrong direction, for Cleveland Public Power (CPP), its customers and the environment. Instead, CPP should develop a comprehensive plan for energy need and energy sources, that includes efforts to reduce demand through conservation, insulation, wind, solar and other alternative sources.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 16:24.

Committing to American Municipal Power's proposed Meigs County pulverized coal generator for 50 years is a death trap for the City of Cleveland - and AMP knows it. 

Attending the Cleveland City Council subcommittee on CPP all day yesterday brought things to my mind that wouldn’t have aligned in my head if I hadn’t sat and listened to the back and forth for hours.       AMP OHIO is negotiating with Cleveland in BAD FAITH.