
Saving draft blog posts on Realneo for publishing later

Submitted by Jeff Buster@rea... on Thu, 06/09/2011 - 11:18.

 A user recently asked how to save drafts on the realneo server.   I found this question was answered by Jeff Schuler in 2008 here on Realneo.  


Be sure to bookmark the page before you close the draft!  - See warning in last paragraph of link above.

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Time is the most precious commodity we have today.

Submitted by sean.mathews on Thu, 06/09/2011 - 08:07.

With hour upon hour wasted by managers interviewing inappropriate candidates, a new 3-dimensional recruitment tool has been developed to screen local, national and international applicants effectively.

TalkingCV is an easy-to-use, low-cost and effective way to undertake the first round interview process.

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Asteroid aims for Earth, swings and misses june 5-6 - "We Came Awfully Close to Getting Hit by an Asteroid" news video

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 06/09/2011 - 04:36.

as i called a number of folks to tell em that "yoga honey" was looking up a number of times at home and outside the last few days  as clearly he was attempting to tell me something was coming from the sky above - outer space -  lily said yoga honey was looking at yogi yoga bear

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Submitted by Oldroser on Thu, 06/09/2011 - 03:45.




   W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.

Post 5 of a series.

Florida Homeowner Forecloses on Bank of America (Video) - (bank officials should go to prison for fraud)

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 22:04.

Instead of Bank of America foreclosing on some Florida homeowner, the homeowners had sheriff's deputies foreclose on the bank. It started five months ago when Bank of America filed foreclosure papers on the home of a couple, who didn't owe a dime on their home. The couple said they paid cash for the house.

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ripper solar flare hurled from Sun on june 7, 2011 never seen material released like this before - cleveland-world being cooked

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 19:00.

ORIGINAL CAPTION: The sun unleashed a massive solar storm today (June 7) in a dazzling eruption that kicked up a vast cloud of magnetic plasma that appeared to rain back down over half of the sun's entire surface, NASA scientists say.

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Welcome back RealNEO!

Submitted by Phillip Williams on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 18:44.

I am happy to see RealNEO back in action.  I was surprised when I checked on the site to see it was down.  After a couple days of downtime I feared the site was gone.

Let's hope this time around we see more positive news, and better judgement on the use of RealNEO.  My name is neoPhillip and I owe the pride of my nickname to the origins of this site and the efforts and vision this site had back in 2005.

Looking forward to putting RealNEO back on my daily web site checklist!

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Banner images are challenging to create and fill important real estate on the Realneo homepage

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 18:23.

The first thing anyone sees when they click on Realneo is the banner image.

Over the last few years the administrators of realneo spent many hours developing what they hoped would be catchy and meaningful images for the banner.   It does take some time to produce a banner image - at the fastest probably 15 minutes to 1/2 hour - at least for me.

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Realneo - after our 2 week "time out" - is emphasizing CIVIL discourse

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 06/05/2011 - 20:23.

Today, 10.18.11, a bit of earnest and important Realneo went off into the ditch.   Would it be possible that certain recent comment dialogue be self-moderated and self-removed by the authors?  just askin....


Recently Realneo lost all civility and substantially abandoned any focus on facilitating intelligent community dialogue.For example, instead of advocating citizen journalism and respectful discourse, a great deal of time and effort was spent on ad hominem attacks between users of the site.

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Kickstarter: Valarie Mayen Cleveland's Own Fashionista

Submitted by ClevelandCreatives on Tue, 05/24/2011 - 20:39.

Valerie MayenI happened on this online service called Kickstarter when my friend, Valerie Mayen, used it to fund her local fashion incubator start up "Buzz and Growl". Here's what Kickstarter has to say about their service:

realNEO Props to Max Eternity - What Is Art? The Good Life Made Simple

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 05/24/2011 - 01:06.

I'm always happy to hear from eternal real NEO activist Max Eternity and see his fascinating work - whether his art or his commentary on the art or others, Max Eternity is unique... and is always exploring "What is Art"?

What Is Art is a new podcast series that I'm making available on Youtube.  In this first installment, I critique a rather peculiar doll I stumbled across on the sidewalk, while on a trip back from a nearby grocery store.

No basement in a Tornado zone - Good for the subdivision developer

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 22:06.

While we fight amoungst ourselves here on Realneo, our neighbors face a hell imposed by? Global Warming?

The trees in Joplin gave up their bark.  Very serious forces.

Check the other images here on KOMO

Image, AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

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The Most Rewarding Credit Card? It Depends

Submitted by zbylove on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 20:08.

The Most Rewarding Credit Card? It Depends By TIM WINSHIP, Smarter Travel May 12, 2011— In Capital One's seemingly omnipresent ad campaign, viewers are asked, What's in your wallet? A better question for consumers, however, would be, What do you want from what's in your wallet? Because while there are cards catering to every need, if not every want, there's no single card that delivers it all.

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Importance of video resumes in the present day

Submitted by sean.mathews on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 12:47.

Most of the people just start looking out for the job and start applying for it. But in order to achieve the desired job, one is required to work on their CV. If they desire rapid results then they require looking intimately interested in Video CV which is now day’s talk of the town. Video CV is a newest advancement in the field of employment, even though it’s been around for quite a few years currently but it is steadily making its place in the part of recruitment. One should always make as Video CV in a very impressive way.

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The Other Night I Remembered A Dream - And I Never Remember Dreams. This Was Serious... I was stabbed in the back!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 06:00.

Clara Roulet at 1 minute old

The Other Night I Remembered A Dream - And I Never Remember Dreams. This Was Serious.

Evelyn and I were sitting in the foyer of our home talking, at night, when gunmen in black masks suddenly rushed through our front door. We dove to the ground and lay there wondering what would happen. Suddenly there was a nine millimeter pushing forcefully against my forehead.

Then, I felt a numbing pain in my back and I could feel something was sucking the life out of my spine - and thank God I awoke.

Now I have been stabbed in the back so many times by so many people in Cleveland it is made of steel. I'm in the middle of showdowns with liars and cheaters all over town and the country - no big deal. No - this was near and dear. Big surprise to find out the chairman of realNEO Jeff Buster has been in hyper-back-stab mode and trying to destroy My realNEO. Your realNEO!

I'm Proud of My Wife and My realNEO for Educating Over 200,000 People About Healthier, Happier Childbirth... to-date

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 03:34.

I'm Proud of My Wife and My realNEO for Educating Over 200,000 People About Healthier, Happier Childbirth, to-date... and the traffic is increasing with time. While most of the traffic has been direct to YouTube, I never would have bothered to save a clip or post it if I wasn't active with realNEO. realNEO equipped and incented me to share this moment, like I have shared so much in life here.

And Clara's birth will be here, on realNEO, forever.... and has been viewed 1,000s of times here, alone, in a year.

Most interesting, if you view the charts below, from YouTube Insight, this video is especially popular in the Middle-East and Asia (outside the USA) - its relative popularity by top country is in the following order:

A Message From The Campaign

Submitted by OhioMedicalCann... on Sun, 05/22/2011 - 02:28.

An Initiative Review & Comment Period

The Ohio Medical Cannabis Act of 2012

During this review and comment period, before we file it with the state, we ask you all to please read our initiative and Contact Us with your thoughts and suggestions.

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Under the World's Greatest Cities, Deadly earthquake Plates, recent earthquakes buildings acted as weapons of mass destruction

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 05/22/2011 - 02:23.

In many vulnerable cities, people are effectively stacked on top of one another in buildings designed as if earthquakes don't happen. It is not the tremor that kills people in an earthquake but the buildings, routinely constructed on the cheap, using faulty designs and, in some cities, overseen by corrupt inspectors. The difference between life and death is often a matter of how much sand went into the cement or how much steel into a supporting column. Earthquakes might be viewed as acts of God, but their lethality is often a function of masonry.

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Beautiful Day

Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 18:55.

It's been a glorious day for NEO.  I was only able to hit Pop UP Pearl, Pedal for Prizes and the Asian Festival. 

I know so many other things were happening today.  I look forward to some photos from other folks.  Meanwhile, here are my images of a beautiful day in NEO.


Submitted by Oldroser on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 13:16.



W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.

Post 4 of a series.

IntraCom/UCANX Update: GROHIO Sprouting - States of Emergencies - On the road again - BTWs

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 04:22.

IntraCom/UCANX Update: GROHIO Sprouting - States of Emergencies - On the road again - BTWs

  1. Ohio-based Board members have spent lots of time this week meeting and discussing options for development of the cannabis industries in Ohio - dozens of emails a day - and we have made various outreaches in our own ways. We'll compile a report for the board.

    In brief, while we agree Ohio is a perfect place to base the hemp industries, and it looks the same for MMJ, assuming Lewis' campaign is successful, the politics of Northeast Ohio have been and still are so corrupt, corrupting so much here, we are not confident leaders here will make good decisions. We have certainly not thrown in the towel - we have been focused on Cuyahoga County, VC-types, and the broader community... which is very receptive. Next week, we will expand our focus away from Northeast Ohio, to a broader state-wide exploration.

    Feel free to start reaching out in your states as well, as I can't guarantee Ohio leadership will make the right decisions, and we need to be prepared for serious action ahead.

Dear President Obama, I Don't Know Where You Are From, But In America The Earth Is Round, And Hemp Grows Here by God!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 04:21.

The field of ESTA-1 variety hemp, showing the relatively weed free ground below the plants.
The field of ESTA-1 variety hemp, showing the relatively weed free ground below the plants.
Ontario, CANADA's Renfrew County - the farm of John and Rae Ann Briscoe - Harvest 2006

Dear President Obama,

I'll be brief, here. The Environmental Protection Agency has further correspondence from me regarding government incompetency in Northeast Ohio, you may want to investigate.

Today, I am writing out of concern for your apparent lack of familiarity with basic science and technology. I don't know where you are from, but in America the Earth is round, and hemp grows here by God! You have scientists in your employ who will confirm that, and that hemp may easily be grown by American farmers without setting off a wave of reefer madness.

Your Chief Technology Officer, Aneesh Chopra, may confirm modern information technology enables monitoring of just about anything and everything on Earth, down to the nanoscale, including big fat hemp plants, so there is adequate technology in existence today to guard hemp crops against drug dealers more incompetent than DEA agents, who may mistake hemp for marijuana, or who are moronic enough to commingle the two.

Captain Frank's Restaurant on Lake Erie Shoreline, Cleveland, Ohio

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 00:54.

Eating in Cleveland has transformed over the generations. Family restaurants bringing great cultural diversity to our city have been a great asset in our town for generations. Many places have come and gone through the years. Some have survived for generations while others have drown for whatever reasons. I do not recall ever eating at this location, yet I believe it has significant history in our City of Cleveland life. If you have any information about it, please share.

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Son Lux - Making of: "We Are Rising" Album Artwork by The Made Shop

Submitted by ClevelandCreatives on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:58.
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