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blogsI'M JEALOUS!Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 18:02.
I'm jealous! This wisteria is very elegant - a spectacular statement of stable care and stable occupation - matched subtly by the front door of this residence. You can't buy this look - it has to be grown - with a lot of planning and patience. So actually I am jealous of all the years of planning, the years of civility, which were necessary to allow this beauty to mature.
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Brownhoist Gallery Celebrates Art, Culture and History of Industrial Archaeology in St. Clair-Superior NeighborhoodSubmitted by JerMann on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 17:51.
Brownhoist Gallery will open with its inaugural exhibition, "The Form of Cleveland," on Friday evening, June 3rd, at the historic Brownhoist Building in the St. Clair-Superior neighborhood. Sculptor Timothy Riffle and photographer Jerry Mann will exhibit artifacts, carvings and photographs that celebrate the industrial archaeology of Cleveland.
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The Ohio Medical Cannabis Act of 2012Submitted by OhioMedicalCann... on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 14:13.
A Unique Initiative: Real Progress for Patients
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INNERBELT SAGA Post 1 of a seriesSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 07:19.
INNERBELT SAGA Post No. 1 of a series I had a vision for vegetative screening for the short stretch along W. 14th, from Fairfield down to Abbey, Only eight residences are there, and there are none on the other side of the bridge. I wrote the North of Literary block club, which is supposed to represent residents of this area, I thought. No answer. I wrote Chris Garland of the TWDC. Same stoney silence. I then wrote Mr. Mark Carpenter of ODOT and got a reply!
My Garden....Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 05:33.
While I watch others plant seeds in the groud, nourish their gardens, and watch the seeds they sow turn into blossoming plants....I enjoy watching the child I brought into our world grow up and blossom with amazement.
Parenthood is a lifelong gardening endeavor!
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Police Officer Juan L. Aviles & sister murdered was witness in Wackenhut Security faked billing for millions of dollarsSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 01:56.
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New York Man Spends Life Savings Ahead of May 21- 6pm Doomsday - "A giant earthquake will render the earth uninhabitable."Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 18:53.
A New York man spent his entire $140,000 life savings advertising his prediction that the world will end May 21, the New York Post reported Friday.Robert Fitzpatrick, a 60-year-old Staten Island resident, said he spent at least that sum on 1,000 subway cars placards and ads on bus kiosks and subway cars."They say, "Global Earthquake: The Greatest Ever! Judgment Day May 21, 2011."In a self-published book, "The Doomsday Code," Fitzpatrick said the Bible offers "proof that cannot be dismissed. ( categories: )
Dead Fish In Lake Erie: Thousands Of Walleye Mysteriously DieSubmitted by savcash on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 15:38.
TOLEDO, Ohio -- Wildlife researchers want to know what's killing thousands of walleye in Lake Erie that have been washing up on beaches along its western shore. It's a big concern for anglers who come from across the Midwest and beyond to catch the lake's most popular sport fish. more at link below (and videos too)
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GOOD EarthSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 15:06.
These photos were taken in Frostburg and Cumberland, Maryland. See:
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Cleveland "dialogue" about demolishing our community house by houseSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 14:03.
This is a video of the Cleveland Community Dev power point
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June is busting out all over, and it's still May!Submitted by Oldroser on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 00:09.
Historically, my roses have bloomed the first two weeks in June or the last week in May and the first week of June. Last year, however, they were finished with the first flush of bloom on May 31. It looks like this year will be the same. All the roses have big buds, pink is starting to show on one. Global warming?
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Spain's Surprisingly Deadly Earthquakes Were Small But Shallow - when the earthquakes hit cleveland - bye bye clevelandSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 05/14/2011 - 20:20.
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This picture was taken on the banks of Sumatra Island (the height of waves was of approx. 32 m = 105 ft). ( categories: )
Secret Map Massive Radiation Cloud Heading Toward U.S Canada next few days TREMONT CLEVELAND NEEDS MORE MUTATIONSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 05/14/2011 - 17:20.
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GO TO "COUNCILMAN CALLS FOR VALET INVESTIGATION." He has even sat in on meetings and out right said it was "illegal" for valets to charge and park on public streets. Why does ne not call for "monitoring" and an investigation when Tremont residents {including elderly and handicapped} complain about having to drive around for up to three hours before they could park close enough to their house to be able to walk there?
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Impersonating Judge Grace Trimboli Quits Berea Malicious Prosecution Case Of Activist And Journalist ColemanSubmitted by JournalistKathy... on Sat, 05/14/2011 - 01:03.
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Press Release As To Press Conference On The Imperial Ave. MurdersSubmitted by JournalistKathy... on Fri, 05/13/2011 - 16:54.
Press Release To All Media As To Imperial Ave Murders Press Conference May 14, 2011 AT 4:30 PM, 40 Severance Circle, In Front Of Cleveland Hts. Police Station
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Ward 14 News May 2011....Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 05/13/2011 - 12:13.
Cleveland's Ward 14 community is making great strides in reacting to years of Community Development and Neighborhood Stabilization deprivation... Grassroots efforts, citizen participation, and proactive people are uniting to revitalize our community spirit.
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sammy catania tremont west development corporation sentencing court video for assault-menacing guy templeton black - yogiSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 05/13/2011 - 03:19.
this is the court judge stokes, video of sammy catania being sentenced to 180 days plus $1,000 fine on the Aggravated Disorderly Conduct: The 180 days in jail and $500 of the $1,000 was suspended. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and $250 on the Menacing charge. The 30 days were suspended along with $200 of the $250.00 fine. ( categories: )
I MEANT to post a recipe to make your own laundry soap powder very cheaplySubmitted by Oldroser on Fri, 05/13/2011 - 01:10.
I MEANT to post a recipe to make your own laundry soap powder very cheaply using a fantastic Mexican laundry soap bar so gentle it can be used on baby clothing and you can use it to bathe with yourself. My sister saw a glowing writeup in the LOUISVILLE COURIER, bought an extra bar for me at Big Lots for all of 88 cents and mailed it to me.
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UCANX: "Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011... amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude hemp from definition of marijuana"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 16:21.
realNEO readers are among the first to see "The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011, To amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude hemp from the definition of marijuana, and for other purposes", signed by its sponsor, US House Representative of the 14th District of Texas Ron Paul, around 1 PM today, May 11, 2011, and introduced to the US House of Representatives to be enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 112th US Congress. As Paul previously concluded, in a a statement for Hemp History Week: "The federal government should change the law to allow American farmers to grow this profitable crop as American farmers have through most of our nation's history. I plan to reintroduce the Industrial Hemp Farming Act next week." Paul clearly is a man of his word. Above is "The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011"... on hemp paper, and below is Ron Paul signing the bill.
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Mother Of Collinwood High School Student Prosecuted For Peaceful Student Protest In Case Before McLauglin Murray Fires AttorneySubmitted by JournalistKathy... on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 09:47.
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Open SeasonSummer brings the crowds back to Tremont... and the noise, and the puke, and the turf war that never ends
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angel cuevas - angels auto repair - cleveland housing court trial - self representation - not guilty & nolled - court videoSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 04:38.
video by quest news service - guy templeton black and yogi by permission of the good judge raymond pianka the camera slipped a lot and i didn't notice and showed the ceiling a lot - but the video shows enough of the folks in court and the sound is good ( categories: )
Vote Hemp got the word yesterday that the Industrial Hemp Farming Act will be introduced in the U.S. House today, 5/11Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 05/10/2011 - 23:05.
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