Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 01/29/2009 - 17:44.
A number of times in my newsletter Point of View I published more extensive reviews of Cleveland politics and the local news media.
I hate to see them simply sit on the shelf. Therefore, I’m offering some copies free. I’d like to send 10 copies of a couple of the issues, one on a 16-page review 25 years of Cleveland mayors – “Who Really Governs” - and another a 16-page review of some 25 years of local media coverage – “Don’t read all about it.”
The first five respondents will also get a booklet of 30,000 words on “The Cleveland News Media Bosses and Misdeeds” taken from the first five years of POV.
So, if you have an interest tell me where to send them: Roldo [at] Roadrunner [dot] com